S.M.A.S.H. first stood for The Society of "Major" American Science Heroes and was founded back in the 1940's. During WWII, Mystery men and woman banded together to fight the common enemies of freedom and justice which a lone hero could not endure. S.M.A.S.H. became a fighting force against the Nazis and criminal threats plaguing the country. Based in Washington D.C., the organization comprised itself with most existing science heroes of the period. It has been stated that Captain Future was credited for ending the life of Hitler. WWII soon ended, but the need for S.M.A.S.H. continued. With new advancements in technology and science came new threats from ordinary criminals to super-villains to even outer space.

In 1968 the members of S.M.A.S.H. were visited by a duplicate version of Tom Strange named Tom Strong. From Strong they learned of another inhabited world on the other side of the Milky Way � an almost identical duplicate of their Earth with a history that closely mirrored their own. Strong even dubbed their Earth �Terra Obscura�. Shortly after Tom Strong left in 1969, the U.S. space mission �Helios� awakened an alien creature that laid dormant below the surface of the moon. The creature, probably following radio communication lines, headed to Earth.

An emergency meeting of S.M.A.S.H. was held. The science heroes traveled to Antarctica where the alien invader seemed to be in the midst of a mining operation. In reality, it began construction to return home by converting the entire Earth into a spaceship. With the presence of S.M.A.S.H., the alien dispatched, what seemed like, robotic �antibody� creatures to deal with the heroes as it continued its work. In the course of battle The Terror, The Ghost and Tom Strange�s young partner, Mike were killed. The other members of S.M.A.S.H. were frozen in suspended animation.

Only Tom Strange escaped, spending 30 years running across the galaxy to enlist the aid of Tom Strong. Returning to the Earth that he dubbed Terra Obscura, Tom Strong helped his counter-part to free the other science heroes from their imprisonment high above the Earth. Returning to the planet, S.M.A.S.H. learned that the Terror had transferred his personality into a computer program called Terror 2000. Together with Terror 2000 and Tom Strong, the members of S.M.A.S.H. were able to defeat the alien menace. However, the final battle cost yet another life...that of Bruce Carter III, the Fighting Yank.

After thirty years of captivity at the hands of this alien menace, the members of S.M.A.S.H. had difficulty adjusting to the world around them. They were socially, culturally and technologically outdated. A whole generation grew up without the benefit of a world with science heroes. In their absence the mob and super-villains flourished with power and control everywhere. The strain took its toll on the group and S.M.A.S.H. disbanded.

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