HISTORY OF S.M.A.S.H. Continues

Three years after the battle with the alien a new threat arose. With the Grand Canyon as its nexus, a mysterious technology-plague swept through the country making all technology useless. Dr. X was known to have a lab close to the nexus and became a suspect. The Liberator and other former members of S.M.A.S.H. were asked to investigate. At the same time in Las Vegas, the Magnet (Grant Halford) was searching for the murderer of his partner Lance Lewis. Grant�s search led to a meeting with the Green Ghost. The Green Ghost hinted that Lance�s death maybe connected to a bigger threat. He then asked Grant to take his widowed wife, Betty, to safety and that they would meet again.

Grant received a tip that pointed the Grim Reaper as the murderer of Lewis. However, He learned the Grim Reaper was killed by the updated Terror 2003. Earlier, the Clock had hired the Grim Reaper to deactivate the Terror program. Grant and Betty headed to Invertica City to investigate further. Joined by two former members of S.M.A.S.H. Ms. Masque and the powerless Carol Carter (who kept seeing visions of her father), Grant was asked by the Green Ghost to locate Tom Strange Their first stop was Strange�s secret hideout in New Lancaster. Using a vial of Alosun (the source of Strange�s powers) as a compass and Strange�s hypersaucer, Grant�s team headed south in search of the missing Tom Strange.

Meanwhile, The Liberator and his team had arrived at the Grand Canyon. Right away the former S.M.A.S.H. members with science based powers became immobilized. The Liberator and The Scarab (magically based heroes) continued the search for Dr. X� s lab. Upon finding Dr. X they discovered he was not responsible for the mysterious technology-plague. However they did learn Dr. X killed American Eagle and his partner Eaglet. Both had been searching for Andrew Byrant (Captain Future) who had supposable been killed by Dr. X as well. Dr. X departed to �Dimension X� before the Liberator and the Scarab could stop him. Unable to do anything about his escape the two heroes continued their search for the technology threat.

In the search for Tom Strange, Grant and his team landed in Antarctica. There they learned Strange had been exploring the remains of the alien spacecraft. At the burial site of Bruce Carter III, Carol, with a hint from the Green Ghost, placed her father�s hat on. That physical act connected Carol to the spirit of her father and his cloak granted her the powers of the original Fighting Yank. With Grant and Betty remaining behind, Strange and the others next head out to the Grand Canyon.

While making their way to a strange light source in the Grand Canyon, the Liberator and the Scarab meet the Lone Eagle and learn that the local Indian tribes have all vanished. Arriving at the light source they encounter Strange and his team. They soon discover the light source is a hidden temple with the missing Indian tribes under a mysterious trance. In the midst of it all they learn that their old colleague Mystico is at the center of it all.

The former members of S.M. A.S. H. split into two teams to find Mystico. The Liberator, Tom Strange, Green Ghost and Lone Eagle find Mystico and confront him. Mystico turns the serums of Strange and the Liberator to poison in their systems and places Lone Eagle in a catatonic state. Helpless, they learn Mystico was the older brother of Tutankhamun, Smenkhkare, possessed by the Eygptian god Seth. Mystico planned to stop the megalomaniac actions of the Terror 2003 and take over the world.

The other team of Ms. Masque, Fighting Yank II, and The Scarab locate a time energy anomaly at the bottom of the temple. Informed by the spirit of her father, Carol tells the others its powered by the physical heart and spirit of the deceased Lance Lewis. With magic unable to touch it, Ms. Masque was thrown up by her teammates and grabbed the heart. This cut Mystico�s power source off. The Scarab offers the heart up to the goddess Maat for judgement. He also asks for their help in defeating Seth. The Scarab allowed himself to be bonded to Seth�s brother, Thoth. Together with the former members of S.M.A.S.H., The Scarab ended Mystico�s god-like plans. A compromise was made between the U.S. government and Seth. The Grand Canyon and fifty square miles around it now belonged to Seth with his brother Thoth keeping an ever vigil eye on him. The Terror 2003 program was limited to Invertica City only.

Grant, Betty and Adam reunite with the others for the burial ceremony of Lance Lewis, American Eagle, Eaglet and the Grim Reaper. With a convincing speech by Tom Strange, S.M.A.S.H. is reassembled once more.

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