I had a rather eventful 2 years at Craven Community College...

In fact, I'm one of the two people featured on this billboard on Highway 70 East, between New Bern and Havelock. I'm the balding white guy with his back to the camera, helping Joya Barnett off of the stage May 2003 at graduation.

These are a few of the highlights of my time at CCC:

I was a MARSHAL AT CCC's 2003 Commencement Exercises!!

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May 9, 2003, I was one of SEVEN students selected to serve as a Graduation Marshal; this honor is bestowed on students who maintain the top GPA on campus for a period of at least a year. My GPA was 4.0 for over two years!! And, for the seventh straight semester, I made the Dean's List!!
Marshals escort guest speakers in, and are on hand to make sure no one falls off of the stage.

I was inducted into the
Alpha Phi Nu Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa Honors Fraternity, on April 10, 2002! Spring Semester 2003, I served as the local chapter Secretary.

Jeffrey Lee French Award!! On May 3, 2002, I participated in the third annual Student Film & Speech Festival at CCC. I read an original poem I wrote for my Intro to Literature course. I was honored to be presented the Jeffrey Lee French Award for Excellence in Communication.

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This site ©2009 Randy Cahoon--the text, design, all original photographs, and artwork are copyright protected; unauthorized use is prohibited by law