Gallery Two

Computer Generated Art

Prints of these works are FOR SALE - email me for details

Bare Limbs ©1990 Randy Cahoon This is my very first Christmas card design for my salon. It was actually created outside of a computer, but got the full treatment after being scanned. I dropped india ink onto 90 lb. cold-press paper, used a drinking straw to blow the ink into the shapes of limbs, then had it professionally scanned. Once my scan was imported into Aldus Freehand®, shadows were added to give the appearance of freshly fallen snow.

 Sardine Garland ©1994 Randy Cahoon

The cover illustration of my business Christmas card, this was my first real effort at creating computer generated illustrations. This picture was drawn in SuperPaint®, using mostly the spraycan tool, on my first Macintosh, a Classic with a 40 mg hard drive and 4 mgs of RAM.

Dutch Iris ©1996 Randy Cahoon This drawing, created in ClarisWorks, was used as a wedding invitation by one of my hair clients. I drew it for note cards, but Diane wanted to use it for her wedding. I felt very honored.

Dazzling Tree ©1996 Randy Cahoon I designed about four alternatives for our home Christmas card in 1996. This particular drawing ended up on the largest card I printed that year, but only about two dozen actually got mailed out.

Cordelia at the Window ©1999 Randy Cahoon Painted in ClarisWorks®, our Deedle was the model for my '99 Holiday cards, both business and personal. For the "net version", I used Adobe Photoshop® to create the 'frost'. Again, note the realism of the eyes.

Elliot ©1995 Randy Cahoon Created in ClarisWorks® , the fifth Christmas card I designed for home use--the original black & white version was "colorized" in the same program.

First Quarter in color ©1996 Randy Cahoon

A variation of the Woodcut Moon below, this drawing emphasized a stylized crescent moon and the starry sky. It was used for note cards.

Sunset ©1996 Randy Cahoon

This doodle was intended to be used as a card of some sort. I never ended up using it, but I love the vivid color.

  Craven County AIDS Task Force

Christmas Card design ©1995 Randy Cahoon I designed this card as a fund-raiser for the local AIDS task force.  The actual cards were created in Claris Works®  and printed in B&W.  The red portions were hand tinted by anonymous HIV+ individuals with red felt-tipped marker.  The cards were numbered and sold in sets of five; the limited edition and hand-tinting process made each one a one-of-a-kind piece of original art. For more info on this project, click here.

Christmas Cat ©1998 Randy Cahoon Painted in ClarisWorks®, this cat originally was drawn to resemble Merle (our pet for 15 years), but I decided at the last minute to make him white. It was finished the day Merle died (December 3, 1998), and was both the design used for our business and personal cards. (I usually design two different cards.) The "net version" appears when you click the cat icon. I used Adobe Photoshop® to create the text and shadows, a trick I mastered this past year. I am especially proud of the realism of the eyes--they have a photographic quality.

 Season's Greetings ©1996 Randy Cahoon A color version of my 96 Holiday Greeting Card for my salon. Originally painted in black and white in ClarisWorks®, and printed as the front side of a postcard, I "colorized" the PICT image one pixel at the time, working at 800 dpi and using the pencil tool. I added the starry sky (spraycan) and the Season's Greetings heading in red as an afterthought. This was my favorite of three designs I created.


Woodcut Moon ©1996 Randy Cahoon Designed as a sympathy card cover, this "woodcut" is actually the result of using ClarisWorks® spraycan tool to create the sky (the stars are negative space), then drawing two simple circles--one black, one white--and painting different textures on the dark side to imitate the craters on the surface. I was hoping to achieve that wood block print look. This piece of work was created on a MacIntosh Classic computer; my first, which I bought in 1990 and kept at my salon until I sold it to my father.

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