BookBear's Den

Welcome to my autobiography! First off Rick and I are a happy, loving, gay, bear couple living in Houston Texas. We've been together since September 14th, 1996. I'm sure to some of you this seems like no time at all to others it propably seems like a long time. To us it seems like only days instead of months.

I was born and raised in Pueblo Colorado, and if there is anything thing I can say about Pueblo is that it is a good place to be from. Although Colorado is a great place to be a kid. With so many outdoor activites and great places like The Great Sand Dunes National Monument, Mesa Verde and Pikes Peak there is so much to see and do.

Growing up music was always a big part of my life. From my first record of Peter, Paul and Mary to hearing every country act perform at the Colorado State Fair music was around me. In my twenties I discovered the Opera at the Santa Fe Opera and became immediately hooked on the art. It was no wonder that I would run a record store for a while or end up married to a DJ.

After High school at Pueblo East High School I attended the Universtiy of Southern Colorado in Pueblo and Majored in Anthropology and History. With a fine liberal arts background I then began looking for an entry level position at homesteadonald's.

I eventually ended up in Retail were I've stayed for most of My adult life. I found my way to BookSelling about four years ago which is where I wished I had started. It is a very fullfiling occupation. I now manage a book store, one of the "chains", but the one with personality. I have never been happier with my career. When you get to my links pages you'll see lots of book, music, magazine, and comic links. I love these kinds of sites the best on the web and have spent hours surfing for them.

In the middle of all the retail work that I have done I went to graduate school a year at the University of Northern Colorado in Greeley where I was studying History. My time in the Northern part of Colorado was fairly fun for me. I enjoyed getting to live on my own for the first time and started branching out into my own personality. I wish that I had known about "Bears" back then since Greeley and Denver both have active Bear groups. But, I truely wasn't ready for the whole Gay experience then. I decided to try a new locale for my life and moved to Houston.

My "Coming Out" story is a little different than most. I was raised by very religous parents. One was Baptist the other Penecostal so they took the most conservative aspects of both and formed a hybrid. I delayed coming out until I was 30. I fought the demons of being raised in such a convservative background. Once I kicked the closet doors open there was no stoppng me! While I was dealing with these issues I found great comfort in the Metropolitain Community Church of the Resurrection here in Houston.

As I was turning Twenty-nine I decided to had head back to Colorado for a short time to help my family run their business. I had been running a record store in Houston and had decided to move back to Colorado feeling pretty beaten up by the Music industry. Before I coud get home my father had a massive heart attack. I rushed home to be by his side and to help my mother and sister cope with the situatuion. He had open heart surgery that was followed by another massive heart attack in the the recovery room. We watched six weeks as his life slowly ended. I had planned his funeral and as the last part according to his wishes we played The Dance by Garth Brooks. Then and even before that Garth Brooks would always be an important artist for me.

I stayed and helped my mother for a while with the family business. When we all saw the coming end of the business too I headed back to Texas to my old record store job but with a new outlook on life. You see, shortly after my fathers death I saw the movie Defending Your Life with Albert Brooks. The movie talks about being judged in the afterlife by the fears you have overcome. I knew that my biggest fear was facing my sexuality in an open and positive way. It also meant finding peace with God. I knew it was time for me to take a big step forward and face my destiny.

I found that I was most comfortable in the company of Bears and other big guys. Here in Houston most of these guys can be found in the Leather community. I spent a lot of time in the Houston Area Bears and the Bars looking for Mr. Right. I found several Mr. Right Nows but finally met my life partner through my friend Wes. Rick and I have been together spiritually since we first met and moved in together a month later. I don't know what it was that attracted me to Rick, call it Kismet.

Rick and I are forming a life for ourselves which includes an open spiritual path. One of the best parts of my relationship with Rick is that he was born and raised Jewish, and with my Christian background coupled a new found interest some of the New Age topics I am happily forced to look at my beliefs and seek understanding in new and interesting ways.

When I began my quest to seek meaning in the world I had to shake loose of the traditions that had been ingrained in me from years of conservative Christian thinking. Over the years I have met Gay men and women who have followed all kids of spititual paths. Pagans, polithesists, agnostics, Christians, and Jews to name a few. I found that the search for meaning and purpose was not just happening in my head but in others too. I started to seek out books and people who could help.

I started to read as many things as I could get my hands on about Gay sprituality. My book shelf is littered with titles like Jesus Acted Up by Robert Goss,by Mark Thompson, and The Lord is My Shepard and he knows I'm Gay by Troy Perry. From these books and others I learned to accept myself for who I was and to take my sexuality as a gift from God. I became fascinated by Shamanism, Tarot, Astrology and Native American religous practices as ways of understanding the universe around us. As I talk to other people I find this same sense of wonder and longing that keeps me looking for answers and keeps me very much alive!

Rick and I are planning a commitment ceremony for some time in the near future. We want to incorporate both of our traditions into this. We have talked about having my former pastor from MCCR and his sisters Rabbi both officiate at the Union. We both feel that it is very important for us to connect to our traditions as we connect with each other. When we have our ceremony we will be sure to post some photos here on our page so that our Web family can see how this all turned out!

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