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I was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota as Richard Jeremy Fine on May 5,1956. All my family and friends call me Rick and it is the name I am most comfortable with. Richard is too formal and Ricky was too young. The first six years of my life were in Richfield Minnesota near the old home of the Minnesota Twins.

In 1963, we moved to a Western suburb of Minneapolis called St. Louis park. While there I attended Cedar Manor Elementary School (Movie Trivia Hint: This was the name of the school that all the children ran out of in the Coen Brothers' movie The Hudsucker Proxy). Ethan Coen was in school with me there. Then I attended Westwood Junior High School, now St. Louis park Junior High School.

In my eighth grade year my parents thought that smaller classes would help me find myself, so I attended St. James School for Boys, in Fairbault MN. This was where I had my first Gay experience setting a tone for the rest of my life. I guess they were right I did find myself.

Upon return from exile, I attended St. Louis park Senior High School and graduated with the class of 1974. In 1994 I attended my 20th class reunion and I don't care what people say they do change in twenty years. I never realized I went to school with so many fat bald old men, myself included.

After graduation, skipping college I spent the next 17 years driving buses of all shapes and sizes. The open road beckoned to me. Several of my favorite experiences during this time include, my time as a city bus driver in St. Cloud MN, the Summer of 1979 that I spent as a driver/guide in the wilds of Yellowstone National park (I never once saw a live bear in five months time), and working for a local sightseeing company out of Orange County CA. I'm proud to say I used to give one of the best Los Angeles, Hollywood and Beverly Hills Stars' Homes tours ever. My parents visited me in LA once and took the tour, they said I didn't shut my mouth for more then 30 seconds from the time we left Orange County until we made our lunch stop almost three hours later.

I spent many years touring the United States with groups from all over the world. During this time, I traveled in 46 of the 48 of the contiguous states missing only, Vermont and North Dakota. The highlight for me will always be The Corn Palace in Mitchell SD. (If Disneyland is "The Happiest Place on Earth", then the Corn Palace is the Tackiest, that's why I love it so much! Where else could you find a leather tooled key fob with a picture of the Corn Palace and the name Hiram on it?)

In 1990, Having grown weary of my life on the road I decided to anchor myself in one place, Los Angeles, and took a job dispatching trucks. This change allowed me to search out what I really wanted to do. In mid 1992, I pursued a total career change by following my other love, Radio. I attended The Academy of Radio Broadcasting, in Huntington Beach CA. My mentor and teacher there was Bill Hergonson, the former Hergon in the morning on KGB Radio in San Diego. Of all the things I took away from radio school my friendship with Bill is the most valuable.

Upon graduation, I spent the next year and half as the Wacky sidekick of The Wake-up Crew on KLPZ Radio, "The All New 1380 AM Country", in the Colorado River Resort community of parker AZ. (Just south of Lake Havasu City, AZ). I really got hooked on country music while there. I had been a fan of country music ever since I heard Reba McEntire sing Little Rock several years earlier. It was in parker that I got turned on to the movie "Pure Country" and the music of George Strait.

In 1993, I got a call from Hergon, or Hergie as I fondly call him, that he had a job for me as his news director at KMET Radio in Banning CA. The format for this station and programming was going to be an information Talk format. I moved to Banning to pursue this new dream. The station never ended up following the orginal plan and after nine months both Bill and I left to pursue other dreams. After a short stay in Banning looking for work I headed back to LA and back to dispatching.

While working in Dispatching and just going with the flow of life, I suddenly realized I was nearing Forty. I met a friend from Houston, Barry, who knew I wasn't entirely happy with LA and enticed me to investigate Houston as a new place to live. Prior to meeting Barry, Texas wouldn't have been even considered.

As I turned Forty, I bought myself Red High Tops, a pet snake named Orson, a Sonoran Desert King and a plane ticket to Houston to see what the city was about. I found several interesting leads on jobs and spent time with some friends I had met through Barry. While visiting at my friend Wes's Apartment I saw a photo of this cute redhead I knew I had to meet. Later that weekend Wes found a way to get John and I together. When I first saw John I felt like Davey Jones of the Monkees every time he fell in love little stars appeared in his eyes. I was sure little stars were twinkling in my eyes. After talking to John for what seemed like hours I asked him if I could give him a kiss. It felt like a bolt of electricity shot through our bodies. I'd always told myself that when "Mr. Right" came along, I would just know it! I knew at that moment that John was the man I had been looking for for more than twenty years. Good thing he felt the same way. It was "Kiss-met". This was proven to me again upon my return to California. I went to spend a couple of days with Hergie and his wife in San Diego where they read my Tarot. The cards all pointed to the fact that a move to Houston (and John) was the right thing to do! Including the card of TRUE LOVE.

I found a job in Houston, and knew that John would be an important part of my life there. In the month that passed between my first visit to Houston and my moving there, John and I talked everyday at least once. He knew it too. It was "The Real Deal". He offered to come to LA to help me move and we have been together ever since.

It has taken almost four years and some bitter career disappointments to finally get back to radio. But wouldn't you figure that in Houston Country Radio is King and I landed another job as an over-night DJ for one of the stations here. How it happened was really funny, and almost never happens in real life. It was strictly a matter of being in the right place at the right time.

I had been downsized (God I hate that word) from the job I had moved to Houston for. I was heading home from a job interview listening to my favorite Country station when I decided to try to get sympathy Reba tickets for an upcomng concert from the afternoon DJ. I told him my sad downsizing story but he said I would have to win the tickets like everyone else. Undaunted, I asked him what does a fellow have to do to get a job at that station. He asked if I had any radio experience thinking back four years I said: "Yes, I do". He told me that the station was looking for help and gave me the name of the Program Director. I drove directly there and dropped off my tape and resume. Three days later I was on the air. I spent two wonderful, exciting years as Jake Roberts working part-time for KILT 100.3 FM. Houston's number one Country Music radio station. My first shift was week-end overnights and then I moved up to primetime (sort of)Saturday nights 7pm to midnight. The station had a very successful Solid Gold Country show on Sunday nights from 7pm to midnight and decided to do it on Saturdays as well, I was told I could stay and run the voice track of one of their big time DJ's if I wanted, but I told them that I got into radio so I could talk on the air not play someone else's voice, so we came to a parting of the ways. If anyone out there reading this has any connections in Houston, Texas broadcasting or voice-over work PLEASE e-mail me!!

My day job for the past 3+ years has been as a Travel Consultant first in Leisure Travel and for the past 2 years in Corporate Travel. Being a travel agent does have its benefits like cheap or free airline tickets, cheap rental cars and free upgrades to 1st class when flying, but you have to put up with a lot also. People who just don't grasp the meaning of Non-refundable airplane tickets or 7, 14, 21 day advance purchase.

About 2 1/2 years ago John and I bought a house in the western suburb of Houston called Katy. I love being a homeowner but after so many years of apartment dwelling I really miss being able to call an apartment manager to say the roof leaks or the air conditioner doesn't work, come and fix it.

Shortly after buying the house we bought our boxer puppies. You saw them pictured with us on the front page. Bay Rum (the boy) and his sister Roxie Hart are the joy of our lives, besides each other. We both had boxers growing up and just knew that once we got a house we would get a boxer. John shocked me when we were originally looking at the puppies and trying to decide which one to get and he asked the owner "How much for both of them??!!" You can really tell we're gay, hell we named one of our dogs after a Broadway show character. (Roxie Hart- in Bob Fosse's Chicago)

I was born and raised Jewish, but as I grew older I realized it just didn't fulfill me spiritually. About 2 years ago John and I started regularly attending Resurrection Metropolitian Community Church (yes the gay church)and I found something I'd been missing from my life a belief and relationship in/with God. John had been a member of the church for years and last April (2001) I was baptized and also became a member. I never knew what a love for Gospel music I had. We are both very active in church ministries. We facilitate a home bible study/social group twice a month and spearheaded a Christmas food basket drive in December. RMCC was able to give 64 baskets of food to the needy this past holiday season.

In December 2000, I fell off a step ladder while fixing a string of Christmas lights on the house. I pinched a nerve in my back which almost totally incapacitated me. I could get around but other then going to work, I just vegged out in my easy chair. Needless to say I started to pack on the pounds. Finally last summer I couldn't stand it any more and underwent a surgical procedure called a Rouen Y. The surgeon basically stapled my stomach and re-routed my digestive system. On the day of surgery I weighed 407 pounds, as of this writing I'm down to 271, a weight loss of 156 pounds. I'll keep you all posted as I lose the final 71 pounds and reach my goal of 200. Since my surgey I haven't had a backache!

After 5 1/2 years John is finally going to make an honest man of me. We are planning a Holy Union ceremony at RMCC in November, the Saturday after Thanksgiving.

It is because of John's encouragement, support and love that puts me where I am today. He's my Babycakes and I'm his Hunkmiester.

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