Being Gay

A life can be wasted, the years will fly by... And you’ll wonder where all the time went; Living in fear of being yourself... And not even being able to vent. Emotions of rage as you don’t understand , Why people keep saying it’s wrong... To live in a life that comforts your soul; To feel like you finally belong. You’re shoved in a group of minority size... You’re hasseled and chastized each day, You are forced in a closet to hide all your pain... And hated because you are Gay! You’re taught as a child that it is a sin; You’re taught God hates what you are... That if you are gay, you’ll suffer for life, Yet it wasn't a choice by far. If people would open their hearts up to you, Instead of looking with only their eyes... They’d see that we all are different inside, They’d see that they’ve learned only lies. We do not choose to live as a ‘Gay’... What a mistake that would be; To choose to be hated is an ignorant thought, I am sure if you think hard you’d see. So we live a bit different than hetero’s do... Please tell me what is the Sin? To live in peace and choose not to hate; Why is it wrong, please tell me again?

Shar 7/07/98

Lesbian Love

There’s a moment of passion when tender lips touch, And electricity climbs up to your soul... A sensual feeling that breaks through all walls; As her feminine touch makes you whole. The warmth from her body as you lay side by side, Heats up like the rays from the sun... The power of love when two hearts beat in sync; And you unite as not two souls, but one. When her fingers glide down your own silhoutte, Tracing each curve as she goes... You dream of this moment not having an end; Like a river, eternally flows. Soft skin against skin is like freshly spun silk... Her kiss lights a fire deep inside, There’s no turning back and you become more aware; You’ve felt every tear she has cried. You know all her pain, and happiness too, You’ll share it from this moment on... In love you’re united, You now share one heart; If hers stops, your’s too will be gone. You cherish each touch as if it were the last, Now love is the path you two share... You dream of sweet bliss as you sleep side by side; And bask in this love true and rare.

Shar 7/07/98