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Here are some books on bisexuality and coming out that I recommend, most ranging in price from $10-20 (US). Click on the book's picture to read more reviews or to purchase it from is a reliable Internet bookstore with over 3 million titles. I've purchased books from them and their service is excellent. 

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Information and Purchases
 Book's Web Page
Bi Any Other Name : Bisexual People Speak Out   
by Loraine Hutchins, Lani Kaahumanu (Editor)  

A collection of personal stories by 75 bisexuals from all walks of life on a variety of topics.  The stories are grouped into three sections:  Facing Ourselves, Spirituality, and The Bisexual Community.  It has something for everyone and I highly recommend it.  
     [email protected] 

Information and Purchases
Book's Web Page
The Bisexual Option (Haworth Gay and Lesbian Studies), by Fred, MD Klein, Fritz Klein  

A psychiatrist and expert in bisexuality explains the concept and variables of sexual orientation, shows where bisexuality fits, and helps readers understand where they fit on the sexual orientation continuum.  
     back of bookcover 

Information and Purchases
Vice Versa : Bisexuality and the Eroticism of Everyday Life  by Marjorie B. Garber  

Garber's pathbreaking study of bisexuality as an erotic, social, and cultural phenomenon explores such topics as schoolgirl (and boy) crushes, sexual threesomes, the possibility of a "bisexual gene," the compatibility of bisexuality with marriage, and bisexuality in film, psychoanalysis, biology, and classical myth.  

Information and Purchases
Book's Web Page 
Free Your Mind : The Book for Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Youth--And Their Allies by Ellen Bass, Kate Kaufman  
Free Your Mind speaks to the basic aspects of the lives of gay, lesbian, and bisexual youth:  Self-Discovery * Friends and Lovers * Family * School * Spirituality * Community. Alive with the voices of more than fifty young people, rich in accurate information and positive practical advice Free Your Mind talks about how to come out, deal with problems, make healthy choices about relationships and sex, connect  with other gay youth and supportive adults, and take pride and participate in the gay and lesbian community. Free Your Mind also presents detailed guidance for adults who want to make the world safer for lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth. 
     From the Free Your Mind Web Page ( 

Information and Purchases
The Shared Heart : Portraits and Stories Celebrating Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Young People  
by Adam Mastoon (Photographer)   

A collection of hand written stories by gay/lesbian/bi young people and accompaning photos of each writer.  
     [email protected] 

Information and Purchases
The Journey Out : A Guide for and About Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Teens by Rachel Pollack, Cheryl Schwartz  

A calm and practical exploration of teen sexuality and the special concerns of lesbian, gay, and bisexual teens offers clear advice on such issues as homophobia and harassment, provides information on gay health and political issues, and much more.  

Information and Purchases
Now That You Know : What Parents Should Know About Their Gay and Lesbian Children  
by Betty Fairchild, Nancy Hayward  
If the coming out process is difficult for gay people, it is often equally difficult for their parents. Confusion, anger, and fear frequently cause fathers and mothers of gay men and lesbians to disavow, strike out against, and even resent their children. For many parents, a child's coming out feels like the ultimate rejection--not only of their dreams and hopes but of their own heterosexuality. In Now That You Know: A Parent's Guide to Understanding Their Gay and Lesbian Children, Betty Fairchild and Nancy Hayward--the mothers of, respectively, a gay man and a lesbian--have charted the rough seas that almost every parent of a gay person travels.  
   Synopsis by Books  

Information and Purchases
Outing Yourself : How to Come Out As Lesbian or Gay to Your Family, Friends, and Coworkers  
by Michelangelo Signorile  


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Coming Out to Parents : A Two-Way Survival Guide for Lesbians and Gay Men and Their Parents  
by Mary V. Borhek  

 More Non-Fiction Titles:



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Boy Culture by Matthew Rettenmund 

A wickedly funny gay bestseller about a wise-cracking, postmodern callboy trapped in an old-fashioned love triangle. In the tradition of The Story of O comes this story of X, a wily hustler who cheerfully relates all the juicy details of his escapades.  


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Dream Boy by Jim Grimsley 

In a corner of the rural South seething with hatred and petty meanness, Nathan and Roy must keep their love hidden from their friends, church, and families. That comes easily to Nathan, who is used to keeping secrets. But he is afraid of the secret he has always kept, even from Roy--the terrible truth about his father that makes his life impossible. 

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