Sick-jokes, Animal-jokes, Adult-jokes, Vulgar Humour. You're Momma won't like this 'cos she's probably in some of these jokes.

False Teeth

This Is The Entry Point
To The Jokes Page

False Teeth

This page is for grown ups. If you are a minor or if you live in a foreign country under some oppressive regime that would not like you to enjoy this page you may read the joke below and then please leave at the exit button.
However if you are a consenting adult, follow the link on the Fire Engine.

If someone who is rich and who owns a lot of property is a Property Magnate... and someone who is very rich and who owns a lot of oil-wells is an oil Magnate...

...the head of Zanussi, right? Is he a Fridge Magnet...?

Right that's your lot, you're outta here!

exit button

Of course you could go back to the map and continue looking around.....

Go To Map

Assuming we're all consenting adults now let's get on with the gags....

Is this is a German joke.....

Bubble Car

....or an ingenious device for extinguishing cigarettes...?

Intel Link
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