<BGSOUND SRC="CrossingBell.wav">
N-Scale Model Railroading
Santa Fe & San Antonio
The SF&SA RR is a modular layout with areas  based on module size and type.  Currently eight such modules make up the SF&SA RR.  Throughout this Web-Site one can track where they are at on the layout at any time by noting which module is being looked at.  The various modules have been constructed over time since 1999 and the addition of each can be followed on the Construction Page.  It must be noted that although a module was originally completed say in 2000, that does not mean additional scenes or changes have not been made since then to update and/or add to the overall scenes.  Certain scenes on some modules can be changed to accomidate various periods -  Early 1860-1890; Steam 1880-1950; Transition 1940-1960; Diesel 1950-1990 and Modern 1990 to present day.  Since the SF&SA RR is a fictional railraod, sometimes mixtures of all periods can be found running together just for the fun of Model Railroading.  Isn't that what it's all about?
! Information
! Construction
! Areas
! Action
! Special Scenes
! Operations
! Diagram !
NOTE:  click on any picture at any time to see an enlarged view.
!!  Engines !
Rolling Stock !!
Last Updated  02/21/2009
SFSARR - WGH 2009 San Antonio SHOW Tour
Please also visit the wife's hand-made Jewelry web-site and BLOG at:    www.jewelrybycnc.com       www.jewelrybycncsa.blogspot.com
Worlds Greatest Hobby Train Show
Feb 21-22, 2009

Great Show, Great Home Tour and Great to meet such Interested People from All Over.
Hosted by www.Geocities.ws