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Shaolin Kungfu

  • Combat Application of Shaolin Kung Fu

  • Various Styles of Kung Fu

  • Why Shaolin Kung Fu is the Greatest Martial Art

    What is Shaolin Kung Fu?

    Shaolin Kung Fu is the style of Kung Fu (or martial art) originally developed in the Shaolin Monastery in China. It has a history of about 1500 years and has since derived into various schools such as Lohan, Praying Mantis, Chaquan, Hoong Ka, Wing Choon, Choy-Li-Fatt and many others.

    What benefits can one get from practising Shaolin Kung Fu?

    There are many benefits, and they may be generalized into five categories self-defence, health, vitality, mind expansion and spiritual development.

    In what ways can practising Shaolin Kung Fu lead to mind expansion and spiritual development?

    Mind expansion and spiritual cultivation were actually the original aim of Bodhidharma when he first taught the Eighteen Lohan Hands and the Sinew Metamorphosis at the Shaolin Monastery. Later these two sets of exercises developed into Shaolin Kung Fu and Shaolin Qigong..

    Practising Shaolin Kung Fu can lead to mind expansion and spiritual development because the training of mind and spirit is an integral part of its practice. This is attained through meditation or Zen. When you practise genuine Shaolin Kung Fu, you also practise Qigong and Zen. In Chinese culture, "mind" and "spirit" are similar, although there may be differences in emphasis and connotation.

    Is Bodhidharma the founder of Shaolin Kung Fu and Shaolin Qigong?

    No, but Shaolin disciples gratefully honoured him as the First Patriarch because it was through his initiative in teaching the Eighteen Lohan Hands and the Sinew Metamorphosis that Shaolin Kung Fu and Shaolin Qigong eveloped. Before him there was no Kung Fu or Qigong training at the Shaolin Monastery.

    But Kung Fu and Qigong were already highly developed in China. Generals of the Zhou and Han Dynasties, and Taoist masters before the arrival of Bodhidharma in China in 527 BCE were respectively great Kung Fu and Qigong masters.

    There was no founder for Shaolin Kung Fu -- in the sense that Wang Lang was the founder of Shaolin Praying Mantis Kung Fu, and Yim Wing Choon the founder of Wing Choon Kung Fu; the very rich and extensive Shaolin Kung Fu and Qigong repertoire was the collective contribution of many, many masters through the ages.

    Bodhidharma the great is also the First Patriarch of Zen Buddhism Is Shaolin Kung Fu religious?

    No, Shaolin Kung Fu is non-religious. Throughout history, Shaolin masters have come from various religious background, including Buddhist, Taoist, Confucian, Christian and Muslim. There also have been masters who have claimed to profess no religion.

    What advice would you give so that I can get the most from my Shaolin Kung Fu training?

    The following five-step approach is very helpful for those who wish to get the most from their training: <

    1. Have a sound understanding of the scope and depth of Shaolin Kung Fu.
    2. Define your aims and objectives for your training.
    3. Seek a good master or at least a competent instructor.
    4. Practise consistently and conscientiously.
    5. Regularly assess your progress, or otherwise, against your set aims and objectives.

    Very briefly how would you define the scope of Shaolin Kung Fu?

    For convenience, Shaolin Kung Fu may be divided into four dimensions:

    1. Form.
    2. Force
    3. Application
    4. Philosophy

    Hence, to get the best benefits you should know at least something of every dimension. If you know only Kung Fu form, for example, at the best you can derive only a portion of the potential benefits Shaolin Kung Fu can offer.

    Can give an idea of the depth of Shaolin Kung Fu?

    It is no exaggeration to say that its depth is unfathomable. We may examine its depth from various angles. One way is to consider each of its four dimensions. Regarding form, all the techniques found in other martial arts like Taijiquan, Karate, Taekwondo, Jujitsu, Judo, Aikido, Western Boxing and Siamese Boxing can be found in Shaolin Kung Fu.

    Shaolin Kung Fu force is incredible -- a Shaolin master can hurt or heal from a distance! Its Kung Fu application is not just for combat but also to enrich our daily living. Shaolin philosophy opens up vistas of wisdom ranging from the smallest sub-atomic particles to the infinite galaxies.

    Another way to examine its depth is from the perspective of personal development. Shaolin Kung Fu offers a comprehensive programme to develop a person in all his/her physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects.

    At the physical level, Shaolin Kung Fu enables the exponent to have radiant health and vitality; at the spiritual level, it leads him to the greatest attainment anyone can ever achieved, i.e. spiritual fulfillment.

    For someone used to only a partial knowledge of Shaolin Kung Fu, such as some Kung Fu patterns and sets, he or she may find it hard to believe its depth as mentioned above. A basic tenet of the Shaolin teaching, which is an echo of the Buddha's teaching, is as follows: do not accept any teaching based on faith alone, nor on the reputation of the master, but assess the teaching to the best of your understanding and experience.

    The aim of this webpage is to disseminate genuine Shaolin teaching as taught by traditional Shaolin masters. More information will be supplied in subsequent webpages.

    Many people have asked about the possibility of training with Sifu Wong Kiew Kit. For details, please refer to:

  • Intensive Shaolin Kungfu Course
  • Intensive Chi Kung (Qigong) Course
  • Intensive Taijiquan Course

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