When The Night Calls
 by Romyra ([email protected])

A Gundam Wing crossover with Anita Blake Vampire Hunter.


Part Eleven

2.00am The Winner Bedrooms.

The telling of everyone's story's had taken whole night and Duo was not about to let Anita leave to return home at this hour. With a little persuasion and a lot of nagging he had succeeded in getting Anita up into Wufei's bedroom. Wufei would be sleeping with Quatre and Trowa as he needed the comfort and Heero and himself always shared a room. Anita hadn't put up too much of a fight although she had said that Richard and Jean-Claude would pissed, but that really couldn't be helped. No-One was in the mood to drive and Duo really just wanted to go and hold Heero in his arms and kiss all of his fears away.

** Yeah I'd just bet that you do**

**Now, now Anita, no peeking, go to sleep you don't have to go to work tomorrow and you know it. You can always just call your two beaux and explain it to them later.**

**Hmmph…yeah yeah..*yawn* see you in the morning or rather in the next few hours**

**Sleep well sistermine**

**Sleep well brothermine**

**Nataku I am so sorry that I was weak, and Draakel how could you forgive me for living why didn't you condemn me like I did myself. I should have died all those years ago, instead I am still alive and more people are dying because of me, because of what I am.**

Wufei couldn't help it and fresh tears began to run down his face. Quatre and Trowa both ached for him, Wufei needed someone to make him forget that past and help him to live again. There were only a few things a healer could do before he had to give up, Wufei would have been healed so long ago if he could only forgive himself for something that he had no control over. But then if he did he wouldn't be Wufei, the man that Quatre loved and whom he was drawn to.

Through unspoken words Quatre and Trowa moved to comfort the only way they knew how. Quatre began kiss away the tears that still trailed down Wufei's face and Trowa began to move his hands in slow circles around Wufei's back. With Wufei between the two of them, they would be able to make the hurt go away at least for another day. Quatre licked a path along the contours of Wufei's face, he blew into Wufei's ears until a soft moan was elicited from his charge and then he smiled. Wufei stiffened when Trowa licked a path down his spine and began to lightly lick across his buttocks. At Wufei's murmur of protest, Quatre took the opportunity to slip his tongue into Wufei's open mouth and softly caressed his tongue with his own until Wufei responded to the kiss with a passion so uniquely his own. Wufei's hands moved down Quatre's spine until they came the curve of his nicely rounded ass, using his tongue with the same rhythm as his hands, Wufei kneaded the soft globes, pressing their erections together until Quatre moaned his impatience.

Reaching over to the night table he opened the tube of lube and coated a finger. Trowa took the lube and did the same to his fingers, all the while pressing his firm erection against Wufei's ass. At the same unspoken signal, they both slowly eased their fingers into their respective partners. Wufei and Quatre gasped into each other's mouths as the fingers slowly stroked a path inside of them, stretching them for the intruders that would soon follow.

Quatre moaned deeply and reached around to stroke Trowa's cock . As they reached the high point Quatre moved Wufei's hands away from his ass and said breathlessly", Inside Wufei, I want you inside me, please, I want to come with you in me, making me scream." Wufei smiled at Quatre's insistence, he was always making demands but so subtly that you didn't know that they were demands. He turned his head to Trowa and kissed him as he positioned himself to penetrate and be penetrated. Reaching over, he turned Quatre onto his back and moved his hand off of Trowa's cock, and placed the well-lubed head of his cock against the tiny pucker in front of him. He gently began his entry into the willing body underneath him and as Quatre encouraged him with soft murmurs and insistent whispers he suddenly found himself sheathed in his hot passage.

Trowa placed a hand onto Wufei's back as he lubed himself and began his entry into Wufei's body. Within moments he was in as Wufei relaxed to allow easier access into the deep recesses of his passage. Every-time he did this it hurt, but it felt so good that a little hurt was nothing to him. They began to move together picking up the pace as they thrusted against each other, with Trowa in Wufei and Quatre being penetrated by Wufei, the world slowly dwindled down into the fulfillment that they were all seeking. Bodies slipped and slided against bodies, and hands caressed and stroked and pulled, all seeking comfort in the intimate act they were performing.

Completion was near as Quatre gasped and arched up against Wufei as he started to come, Wufei kissed Quatre deeply as Trowa thrust into him, stifling his moans in the warm cavern of Quatre's mouth. It was too much and with a stifled scream he came spilling his seed into the clenched interior of Quatre's body. Quatre followed, his scream muffled by the mouth covering his own, and spilled himself against the planes of Wufei's stomach. Seeing his two lovers complete their orgasm, Trowa moved inside Wufei's body twice more before clamping down on a roar that would have awakened the entire household as he came. The three lovers barely had time to softly kiss one another as the world dimmed and sleep overtook them.

In the room next to them Heero and Duo both smiled at each other as they snuggled under the covers. "You know Heero that could have been us in there, at least then I would have gotten some."

" Hmmph, little baka, you know quite well that I don't share and you know that unlike the three of them you can't keep your mouth shut. Your screams of completion would have brought Anita here so fast your head would spin. I really wouldn't want to explain why you couldn't keep it down."

" But Heero you know you're the only one who can make me scream. I do it for you, only for you."

Duo then reached over and planted a very wet and sloppy kiss on Heero as he wound himself around his lover and life-mate and went to sleep. Heero stayed awake long enough to smile gently down at the upturned face plastered against his chest as he wrapped his arms securely around Duo and followed him into the world of dreams.

In the room down the hall, Anita resignedly grinned to herself.

**Is everyone getting but me??**

**Yup and unless you make up with you know who and the other significant other you won't get at all.**

** Duo..**


**Shut up**

*** heh heh***

8.00am The Winner House.

The entire household was quiet as the sun rose and its rays struck the occupants of the three rooms. Duo grumbled and turned over yanking the covers away from Heero and kicking him off the bed." Damnit DUO!!"

Trowa awoke first followed by Wufei and together they woke Quatre with soft kisses and proceeded to engage in mutual morning snuggling.

Anita woke up slowly and stretched luxuriously, she had never slept so well. There were no bad guys to come breaking down the door and of course Richard was probably up in arms over her whereabouts. Through the marks she could feel his anxiety but at this moment she really didn't care. She supposed that she should get up but she felt remarkably lazy and had no desire to get out of bed this morning.

Heero wasn't so lucky, after being kicked out of bed by Duo he made his way downstairs to make breakfast and was nearly knocked over by an overly enthusiastic Rashid as he made his morning rounds. Heero caught the railing in time to catch his fall and decided to go back to bed after all payback was a bitch and he really wanted to drop cold water on Duo. He eased into the room and held the wet sponge over Duo's head. Just as he was about to drop it, Duo twisted in his sleep and moaned," Oh, Heero, do that again."

Needless to say, all thoughts of mischief fled as Heero watched Duo make his way up into consciousness. Duo awoke to the sight of Heero standing over him with what looked to be a wet sponge in his hand and a dopey smile on his face. Reacting with instinct honed and handed down through centuries Duo attacked the hand holding the sponge. With a yell reminiscent of a battle honed Tarzan, Duo grabbed the hand with the sponge and swept his leg under Heero, throwing him on the ground. Duo then proceeded to mash the sponge down the t-shirt Heero was wearing all the while cackling madly. Heero had no defense and was soundly defeated.

Duo took one look at the chagrined Heero and broke out into fresh laughter, which soon brought racing footsteps to the door of their room. Trowa, Wufei and Quatre took one look at the sight before them and began to laugh themselves silly. Their laughter brought Anita down to the room and as she looked in she saw Duo raise one shoulder in an unapologetic shrug. She didn't bother to hide the wild smile that planted itself on her face. Rashid chose this moment to enter the doorway and announce that breakfast was served, everyone including Heero cracked up.

9.30 am The Kitchen

Breakfast was a revelation to Anita who watched Duo consume what appeared to be mass amounts of sugar. Anita made a mental note to keep an eye on Duo. Heero only watched Duo and mentally tallied all the ways he would get back at Duo. Duo ate on, oblivious to his surroundings as he concentrated on the plate of food in front of him. Trowa and Quatre were wrapped in each other as usual and Wufei read the morning paper and smirked at everyone all the while keeping a serene look of contentment on his face.

" Anita don't you have a phone call to make?"

" What Duo?, oh yeah, to Jason."

They both looked at Wufei expecting a fuss but he merely raised an eyebrow and continued to read his paper. Anita made the call.

" Hello Jason?, no.. I'm fine, yes I'm alright, no I'm not just saying that, what do you mean Richard came after you?, Are you alright, damnit who does he think he is, what do you mean Jean-Claude came after you also? Are you hurt? No? Good, I would like you to come to this address and come alone, make sure that you are not followed. Can you do that now please? Yes I'll be here. Good-bye Jason." " Damnit!!"

" What? Are you alright?, what happened Anita?"

" Oh nothing Duo, just that Richard and Jean-Claude tried to find out my whereabouts by shaking down my friends. Hmmph,.. At least he didn't sound hurt, they have a tendency to get a little overly enthusiastic when they want information. "

" Is he coming?"

" Yes, he should be here in 15 minutes."

Breakfast was continued in silence. 15 minutes later the doorbell rang. Duo made as if to open the door but Wufei got up instead." Let me, after all he better meet his charge first."

Wufei made his way over to the door, secretly wishing that the man would be easily persuaded to leave him alone. He opened the door…….

……and found himself looking up into the bluest pair of eyes he had ever seen.

" Hey I'm Jason, Anita called?"

Wufei was shocked.

End part 11


Finally Wufei's surprise is unveiled, future developments are top secret.

I hope everyone is willing to agree that those in the age range of 25-30 can 
behave like children when they want to.

Part Twelve

** By the Gods he's gorgeous! Those eyes, that long blond hair, he's taller than me, and my God, what a body.**

Wufei knew that a silly grin was making its way across his face, but he couldn't help it. The guy was beautiful.

" Uhh….Wufei? Earth to Wufei..Hellooo, Wufei are you in there?"

" What Duo? Oh I'm sorry,… won't you come in?"

" Ummm thanks, Hey Anita, looking good as usual. Long time no see, how have you been?"

" Fine, are you really okay?"

" Yeah, when our mutual friends realized that I didn't know anything they left me alone."

Throughout the conversation Wufei's gaze didn't waver from the sight before him. Briefly he noted Duo's self-satisfied grin but at the moment he really didn't care, in fact he was actually grateful. Anita was telling the young man called Jason what her purpose for calling him was and remarkably enough he was agreeing. Well if that didn't beat all but Wufei was strangely relieved, at least now he could get to know the Adonis before him a little better.

Jason was a little overwhelmed, he gets a call out of the blue and it turns out to be Anita, and he is ordered to come to a mansion in the middle of no-where, and he's not to be followed and then the door is opened by one of the most exotic Chinese men he has ever seen, who then smiles at him making his brain drop to his shoes. He barely has enough time to pull himself together when he is invited in. It only gets stranger when he is informed that he has to be the exotic man's bodyguard. This was certainly turning out to be a very interesting day. He wondered what the night would bring,** Loud moans, skin scraping against skin, sweat pooling in unmentionable places, even louder moans…..**

***Geez man you just met the guy, get your mind out of the gutter***

Jason had to force himself back to the situation at hand.

" Okay, so what you're saying is that this is your brother, his friend needs protection because something is after him, you can't say what as yet but I have to trust you and, I have to stay here for the entire day while the rest of you go off to work?"

" Exactly, any questions?"

" Yeah can I at least know everyone's names, just to be polite you understand." Jason flashed his most disarming grin and was answered by another grin like his own, a glare, an unconcerned look, a soft smile and last but not least by a smirk and raised eyebrows from the exotic beauty that he now had to protect.

Anita made the introductions," the one grinning is my brother Duo, the one glaring is his lover Heero, the one who doesn't look concerned is Trowa, the one with the soft smile is his lover Quatre and of course you've met Wufei."

**Wufei…….hmmm what a lovely name.** Again Jason was forced to drag his mind out of the gutter, there hadn't been mention of a lover for him, that meant he probably was available, if God forbid, he wasn't straight. Jason didn't usually swing that way but being Jean-Claude's pet had certainly broadened his horizons, he was up for anything. This was turning out to be a very good day, the fact that his charge was looking interested really held prospects for him and he just knew that he would enjoy this job.

Duo couldn't be happier, he couldn't have planned this better if he had tried. As everyone said their good-byes and left for their various jobs and Anita went home, Jason and Wufei hadn't taken their eyes off of each other. This small tidbit did not go unnoticed between the other members of the family. Quatre and Trowa were pleasantly surprised and very relieved, at least Wufei was showing some interest in someone else considering that he kept to himself, and the young bodyguard certainly looked interested. Yes it was turning out to be very good for all those concerned. Heero knew something was up when Duo began to smile the devilish smile that he got when he was plotting something and somehow Anita had known from the beginning. **Poor Jason** Heero then turned his thoughts to the day ahead after all he had things to do.

The door slammed shut and the two men were left alone. Wufei went upstairs while Jason made himself comfortable in the living room. When Wufei didn't show signs of coming back down, Jason went in search of him. Opening the door that Wufei had disappeared into, he was greeted by an empty room and an open window. **** OH SHIT!****

He ran to the window and looked down, it had to have been at least a 40 ft drop, but there was no time to wonder about that, Anita would have his hide if anything happened to Wufei. He jumped out the window and landed on his feet, being a lycanthrope could do wonders for a bodyguard, you didn't have to use normal exits. He quickly picked up the scent that had become firmly ingrained in his senses and took off at a run. He couldn't have gotten far, he was on foot, and he was supposed to be a normal human even though, the fact that he had apparently jumped out of a window 40ft up was really stretching the statement.

He reached a small clearing and glanced at his watch, ** Damnit I've searching for 20 minutes already where could he be?**

He didn't have to look around any longer, with a strangled gasp Wufei dropped out of a tree and fell at Jason's feet. " Hey man are you alright, geez you look like shit, what the hell happened to you?" Jason knelt down and turned Wufei over.

Wufei couldn't answer, in fact he could barely walk and Jason had to carry him back to the house. Laying him on the couch he went in search of a wet cloth to place on Wufei's brow and a blanket to wrap around him. Returning to the living room, he found Wufei curled up into a small ball shivering. " Hey, it's all right, everything is fine man." Jason took him into his arms, he had no idea what was going on, one minute the guy was fine and the next he was shivering and looking all the while like something had been chasing him.

Wufei was really glad that Duo had had the foresight to get a guardian for him, it had happened out of the blue, a sudden flash of panic and then nothing. He remembered jumping out of the window and running, from there everything was a blur. What he had seen had been terrible, images of the 4 dead men all in poses of agony and he could do nothing to save them. Someone was really out to hurt him. He felt safe now though, he looked up into the blue eyes that had captured him since the first moment he had opened the front door. There was a gasp from both men, Wufei couldn't believe it, it wasn't possible and yet the evidence was right before him. Jason was similarly affected, it couldn't be, it just wasn't possible. Both men looked into each other's eyes and spoke at the same time, "Draakel?" "Wufei?"

Time stood still.

End part 12

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