When The Night Calls
 by Romyra ([email protected])

A Gundam Wing crossover with Anita Blake Vampire Hunter.

Part Thirteen

" Wufei?"

" Draakel?"

" But it isn't poss…"

" What are the odds?"

The two men looked at each other with similar expressions of awe on their faces, it could not be possible, that they would find each other after almost 6 centuries was just improbable. It, of course had happened and both of them were stunned. "I thought I had lost you forever, when you died my world broke apart and you told me to live. How could you do that?, how could you forgive me for not saving you? why did you forgive me?"

Wufei was crying now as he held onto the one man whom he had loved with every breath in his body for every single moment of every day. Jason was still in shock, he hadn't known that finding the one person whom he had never forgotten and thought gone forever could feel so good and yet hurt so much. He had been reincarnated for over 5 centuries trying to find the one person that could take away the pain of loss and now after so many years of searching he had found him.

" I couldn't let you die, it wasn't your fault, it never was and I wanted you to know that. I told you to live so that you could find it in your heart to forgive yourself. I've been reincarnated for over 500 years trying to find you but I never could and now after so long I have, and it feels so good and it hurts so bad. I'm sorry, so very sorry." Jason held onto Wufei and cried his eyes out, it hurt to know that Wufei still blamed himself after all this time, but it also felt so good to finally find him. There was just so much to talk about and he hoped that he could tell his entire story. For now there was all the time in the world.

After what seemed like an eternity both men were able to calm down and look at each other. Jason broke the silence first," Hello beloved."

Wufei stared at him before crossing the distance and soundly kissing him. "I've been wanting to do that for so very long." He rasped, and tightened his arms around the man known as Jason but also known as his life-mate Draakel.

" I could imagine that you have, so have I."

" What happened?, how did this come about?"

" Well I didn't want to leave you alone so I used all the power that I had to contact the powers that be to give me another chance. I was reincarnated after 100 years and began my search, but I've never had a clear picture to find you, my memory was so sketchy. I've lived over a score of lifetimes and after so long I was sure I would never find you, I tried everything to get you to come out of hiding but you hid yourself so well that I failed every-time. I'm not sure what happened but looking into your eyes while you were in my arms brought everything back to me and I remembered."

" I thought there was something about you, when I opened the door and looked up I was struck by your eyes, they seemed so familiar to me and yet I couldn't place where."

" I'm sorry that this a shock for you."

" A shock? You could say that again, the last time I saw you, you had brown hair and it wasn't this long but I would also know those eyes anywhere, I just had to get up close and personal."

" Are you all right with this? With me being back?"

" How could you even ask that?, of course…, I have dreamed of this moment for so long. Seeing you, touching you, having you near me. Oh beloved I missed you so much."

These last words were said in the barest of whispers and Jason and Wufei held onto each other both afraid that this was all a dream and that they would wake up at any time. They both were still a little amazed at the turn of events, but grateful to whatever force that had brought them together again. They lay there against each other on the couch until their limbs fell asleep and yet they didn't move. After a while Wufei began to speak and told Jason of all that had happened to him since they last saw each other.

" Someone is doing the calling ritual, innocent people are dying and I don't know what to do." He closed his eyes and placed his head on Jason's chest.

" Wufei you really shouldn't take all the blame on yourself, you have no control over what causes the deaths of others and its time you learned that."

This was said with the same reprimanding voice that he remembered, it still felt too good to be true, finding his life-mate after so long, but here he was and he really hadn't changed that much. His flirty manner was still the same, he got angry the same way and he still used that tone of voice when he really wanted to get his point across. Lost in his memories, Wufei failed to notice when Jason stopped talking and began to just look down at him. Wufei was brought back to his senses by the feel of a warm mouth on his, he moaned and wrapped his arms around the body in front of him. Jason slowly deepened the kiss and was rewarded by the rise of Wufei's erection against his thigh. He broke away and looked down once again into the face of his newfound lover. " Are you sure about this, we have nothing and I don't want to hurt you."

Wufei kissed his protests away," You could never hurt me, I have you back now and there's nothing else I'll ever need." He smiled then and brought Jason's mouth back to his own. They kissed for a few moments and soon Jason lowered Wufei onto the couch underneath him. Clothes seemed to fall away of their own volition and Wufei soon found himself almost painfully aroused. Hands caressed him and lightly played with his nipples, tweaking them and then softly massaging the hurt away. Jason looked down into the flushed face beneath him and smiled." Tell me what you need Wufei, tell me." Wufei heard the soft whispers and raised dazed eyes up to the now familiar face before him." You," he breathed," I want you, all of you……please."

Jason didn't have to be asked twice and he lowered his head onto Wufei's chest and licked across his nipples. Wufei gasped and arched into the warm touch of Jason's mouth. A hand lifted and began to caress Jason's cock, another hand did the same for Wufei. They were both so close to fulfillment when Jason pulled away, Wufei moaned at the loss but was softly reassured by a gentle kiss as his legs were pulled up and placed around Jason's hips. There was a gentle nudge at his pucker but he didn't want to go slowly, and holding onto Jason's shoulders, he pushed himself up onto the cock poised to enter him.

They both stopped, Wufei at the slight pain, he was still a little sore after last night but it soon went away and Jason at the sensation of once again being inside his beloved. Wufei was still so very tight, it was just as he remembered and looking down he captured those soft lips with his own as he withdrew and thrust in again. They both gasped at the sensation and reaching down Jason began to pump Wufei in time with his thrusts. A few moments of all the sensations around him were too much and Wufei came, reaching up and biting down on Jason's shoulder to muffle his screams. Jason came soon after and he also bit down on Wufei's shoulder, both men marking each other as mates once more. As Jason slipped out of Wufei's body, he promised him that he would never again leave him.

The whispered words brought a smile to Wufei's face and reaching up he licked at the blood welling up out of the small wound he had made. Raising his bloody lips to his beloved, he returned the words and bound them both with the blood in his kiss. They would be together now and forever, they were re-bonded and as sleep stole over them they kissed one another and wrapped themselves around each other before dropping off. Seconds turned to minutes and then to hours and the reunited lovers slept in each other's arms exhausted by the day's events. Never had they felt so safe and secure, a new beginning had started and they each had to stop and think of what would happen next. For now there was only the togetherness that their love represented.

The door opened, and Duo bounced into the foyer followed by Heero who was holding at least 6 grocery bags. They went into the kitchen, and while Heero 'struggled' with the bags, Duo began to point out why he should be the only one to carry them.

" I still don't see why I have to hold all of these bags, I won the toss and this really isn't fair Duo."

" Life isn't fair Heero, besides you look so cute with those bags in your hands, so homely and domestic." Duo broke out into giggles, until he saw Heero's black look. He eeped and ran for the living room, what he saw there stopped him cold in his tracks. This was a little soon, not unexpected but really very soon. Wufei and Jason lay in each other's arms, Wufei's head was nestled on Jason's chest and they both had looks of extreme contentment on their faces.

** Yessss, mission accomplished.** Heero was puzzled, when Duo had run out of the room he had expected to hear footsteps up to their room where Duo would go to hide but instead he didn't hear a thing except a slight intake of breath before all went quiet. He put down the rest of the bags and went into the living room, he stopped and stared, Wufei and Jason? Isn't this a little soon?

Duo couldn't believe it, but he was very happy, Wufei needed someone and the fact that this bodyguard had been accepted by Wufei, meant that things would be allright. On the couch Wufei mumbled something unintelligible and tightened his hold on Jason, they were both sound asleep although not for very long. With his trademark impish grin, Duo tiptoed over to the lovers and lightly trailed a finger up Wufei's exposed backside. He stepped back to watch the reaction, Wufei came awake with a slow and cat-like stretch, he looked over and saw Duo and then he saw Heero to the side of Duo. He smiled and seemed to drop back asleep.

Duo grinned and waited, Wufei came awake with a jerk and sat straight up, keeping his hold on Jason he grabbed at the discarded blanket and threw it around their laps. Duo watched with interest as a slow blush began to rise up Wufei's body. At his sudden displacement Jason came awake also, he was met by a wide grin, a glare, and a slightly embarrassed look . Wufei was not sure how he was going to explain this but he had no regrets. He had waited too long to be ashamed now, he glanced over at Jason whom he still held in his arms, and then back at Duo and Heero, smirking at all of them he let the blanket drop to the ground as he planted a wet and very dirty kiss on the stunned Jason. The kiss went on for an eternity and then Wufei got up, took a hold of Jason's hand and went up the stairs into his room where he then slammed the door.

The silence held for a few moments while Duo and Heero digested what had just happened and then it was broken by Duo's ecstatic shout.

" GO WUFEI!!!"

End part 13.


I bet you thought that Jason was Zechs in character, hmmmm. **Giggle** It started out that way but my muse thought differently and changed it. Jason has Zechs's physical description but that's about it. Draakel is an original character and will remain that way. I have a feeling that Zechs will push in from time to time however. Stay tuned.

Part Fourteen

The door slammed and Anita was quickly greeted by a pair of worried and more than a little angry eyes. " Where have you been?"

" Out with Duo, why? are you going to get jealous again Richard?"

" No…. but you could have called, you stayed out the entire night, even Jean-Claude was worried."

" Really? Well then, how nice. I'm glad that the two of you are becoming so close. Have you decided to cement your relationship as yet? You know that is what he is waiting for don't you?"

" Anita what's the matter? You seem very angry and you have no right to be, you stayed out while the rest of us worried and you didn't bother to call."

" Oh I'm sorry Richard, I didn't know that my whole life revolved around you. You will inform me the next time won't you?"

" Anita stop it there's no need to be sarcastic. I was just worried, I don't want anything to happen to you. Since you've met Duo, you have been distant."

" Richard, its' only been one day and one night, you're being paranoid."

"Anita…..if something was wrong you would tell me about it wouldn't you? You promised that there would be no secrets between us again. I can only help if you tell me."

Anita really didn't know what to say, the minute that she had walked in she had grown angry at Richard's barrage of questions. She had just spent a great night with her new family and now she had to face her own confused life. It really was frustrating, and Richard wasn't making it any easier.

" I would if I had to, but there is nothing wrong. I'm fine, never better."

Richard knew she wasn't lying but he couldn't be certain that she was telling the entire truth. The events of the months past had proven that Anita was anything but the best at what she did. Sometimes she even scared him, the power she welded was at times more than he could understand. She did things that weren't possible but she did them anyway. If Jean-Claude could ever really subdue her then he would be invincible as he himself would be through the power of the triumvirate.

" You're sure?"

" Yes, now would you please stop asking all these questions. I'm going to visit the were-leopards. I have to see Nathaniel and see how he's doing."

" Fine then, I just came to see if you were okay. I'm going back to work now."

" Good, I'll see you later. Bye"

" Good-bye Anita."

Anita went to take a bath and to prepare for her visit to see her other family. Moments later she was on her way to Lakeview, the home of the were-leopards. They all seemed to want to live together and even after getting real jobs that's where they all stayed. Nathaniel had been doing well the last time she had checked but she felt it necessary to keep an update on his well-being. She pulled up in front of the house and went up to the door. Before she could open it, the door was pulled open and she was greeted by an enthusiastic hug from Nathaniel.

" Hello Anita, its nice to see you."

Anita returned the hug as best as she could, she had been getting better at the amount of contact she had to maintain with the pard<1> and for some strange reason seeing how Duo's family touched made her feel comfortable doing it. It also was really good to see that Nathaniel was well."

" Hello Nathaniel, its good to see you also. You look well."

" I've never been better, I have a job with Cherry and everything has been going great."

I didn't ask what he was doing, but what ever it was if it made him this animated and didn't pose a threat then I could live with it. I stayed for a few hours and talked to him, he seemed very happy and then he told me about someone he had met. The man sounded acceptable enough but I made a note to check him out at the earliest opportunity. I got Nathaniel to tell me all he knew and I soon had all the information that I needed. After all Nathaniel was mine to protect and I wasn't about to let anyone hurt him again.<2>

There was a sudden noise in the comfortable silence and looking down I saw that it was my beeper. I dreaded what I would hear but I knew that it was inevitable. However it wasn't about the case at all, it was Duo calling to see if I could come to the house immediately, they had news. I said my good-byes and left at once, whatever it was I had to be there and soon. The drive wasn't very long but the sight that greeted me as I walked into the living room was anything but what I had imagined. Everyone was paired off with their respective partners but what surprised me was the fact that Wufei and Jason seemed rather close together. They had just met and I didn't think that Wufei was the type to hand his affections out lightly. He wasn't as I soon found out, the news was anything but expected and naturally I was shocked.

" Sooo, what you're telling me is that Jason is the reincarnation of Wufei's long lost life-mate……,he's been looking for Wufei for the longest while and they've consummated their relationship so that they will now be together forever?"

" In a nutshell…..yes that's it exactly. Except they didn't just consummate it, they really consummated it." This was said with glowing admiration and not a little pride as Duo watched the lovers in question. Anita of course was simply stunned, this was unexpected but a bonus in itself. If there was anyone who could hold their own in a fight it was Jason or Draakel as she was told his other name was.

" A lycanthrope and a dragon, what next? Is there anything else I can expect to be hit with? A pregnancy perhaps?"

" Well Anita……Heero and I have been talking about it and we'd like to say that………."

Anita waited with an anticipative expression on her face," What? That what? Tell me"

"………..That……you have the most ridiculous expression on your face."

Anita's face fell as she realized that she had just been had again by Duo. His laughter filled the room as did everyone else's as they realized that Duo had once again eased a possibly tense situation.

" Jason? Are you okay with this? Jean-Claude and Richard are not going to be happy that you've suddenly chosen to remain with Wufei."

" That's alright, I've finally found what I was looking<3> for and now that I have it I'm never letting go. Besides Wufei will attempt to kick the ass of anyone who tries to hurt me now."

Anita looked at Wufei and saw a small nod confirming what Jason had just said. They were good for each other, Anita did not miss the hot stares they both had for each other but under that there was love, simple and pure but love all the same. It was a beautiful sight.

This moment of bliss was not to last however, the only indication that something was going to happen was an uneasy feeling that everyone got at the same moment. Looking around to confirm what they had all felt they waited anxiously. They didn't have to wait long, with a gasp Wufei doubled over in pain and something else. Shudders ran through his form as he sought to battle the invisible foe that attacked him. The attack was over in minutes and everyone rushed to his side as he fell to the ground and curled up in pain.

" Wufei are you……"

"Wufei what was……"

"Can you stand………"

" Let me help ………….."

" Wufei please be all alright."

This last statement was said by Jason who watched anxiously as Wufei seemed to get his bearings and turned to face Anita. Keeping a tight rein on his emotions Wufei sought to say what he had to without screaming in defiance.

" Anita you'd better call the police, the last murder was just carried out and I'm afraid that the effects are going to be felt by me. We only have a few moments, I need everyone to listen to me. The ritual is complete and …." A shudder ran through Wufei and he fell to his knees.

…….and there's only one way we can get to the scene first before the police get word of it." Words were becoming increasingly difficult for Wufei to pronounce, his every being was concerned with remaining sane enough to give the final instructions.

" I am going to be overcome by the mating lust in a few moments and please you must heed my warning,…….don't try to stop me, follow me to the scene and from there you must attempt to kill whomever carried out the ritual it's the only way you can stop the lust and save me. I won't recognize you and anyone who attempts to stop me from leaving will be hurt. Beloved……… you must listen to me I don't want to be the cause of your death again. Follow me and attempt to destroy the one who performed the ritual, keep…… me away…… long enough to do it…….. and………..please……… don't……. let ……..anyone……… die."

Wufei had to pant these last few words as he simply couldn't find the strength to resist the call. He fought it as hard as he could but he soon realized that he would have to go to the caller. He screamed as the pain of his refusal washed through him and then he felt nothing. The body was there but the mind turned inward. Dimly he felt himself move and burst through those in the room, he began to run his instincts taking him where the call was located. The trees whipped past him as he took to the air, long unused wings sprouted from his back and the wind whistled through them and the dragon rejoiced. Nothing mattered except getting to the caller, the dragon would reach his destination, nothing could stop him, he was invincible.

The minute Wufei ran out the door, everyone sprang into motion, Duo and Heero followed him as they could both run<4> and Trowa and Quatre took their car. Jason stayed behind with Anita, his every instinct telling him to run after his beloved and hold him down until this danger was past. He couldn't do that now however, he had a duty to his Lupa<5> and he had to carry out that duty first.

Anita turned to Jason, now she would find out if he remembered anything of his past life. Anticipating what she would ask, Jason had the answer waiting.

" He isn't there anymore, his mind has turned inward while the body rushes toward the caller to satisfy the physical demand. If we can get to him before this demand can be satisfied we have a chance to stop it. Wufei's will is very powerful and this is where the danger presents itself, he is mine and he has no wish to be this caller's mate. He will fight the call and the backlash may drive him insane. If there were other dragons present he may have been subdued but he is the last and there is no-one powerful enough to subdue his rage. He has been in human form for so long it may take awhile before he can summon his dragon form. If we cannot stop him he will go on a rampage. There will be mass destruction until the body wears out and he falls unconscious. You know what will happen to him if this occurs. There will be calls for his death and the people will rise against all those of the supernatural. Anita this cannot happen. I cannot allow it ……..I cannot lose him again."

Jason did not know what to do, to find his love and have him threatened so soon made him so angry. He had to protect Wufei, there was no way he was going to let this caller have him. Anita listened in horror to what would happen if Wufei wasn't stopped, there was no time she needed back-up and not the kind of backup the police would provide. She took out her phone and called Richard, the sun had just gone down and she knew that Jean-Claude would be awake. It rang once, twice and three times, she anxiously waited for someone to pick up. After the sixth ring Richard's voice came over the line.

" Richard……., who's calling?"

" Richard it's me Anita, listen I need all of the strongest pack members you can find. Its an emergency, something bad is going to happen and its going to happen now. Put Jean-Claude on the line,……" There was a brief silence and then the phone was handed over.

" Ma petite….?"

" Jean-Claude, I don't have time to talk, I need you, Asher, Damian and any other strong Vampire to come to me immediately. I'll contact you through the marks, but you must gather them now. Let Richard explain, I have to go now."

Anita hung up, she felt the urgency that her calls had created and she knew that they would do her bidding. Now they just had to find Wufei and stop anything from happening. She ran to her car, thank God she kept herself armed at all times, she definitely would need the extra ammunition.

Duo ran behind Heero, his body twisting to avoid the trees as they sailed past him. They ran in perfect synchronization, their bodies flowed into the wind and they moved quickly and soundlessly behind Wufei. Seeing him with wings had been a shock but they had no time to marvel at the sight, his life was at stake. He hadn't recognized their presence but they kept out of sight, it was important that they save him. An enraged dragon wasn't easily controlled and Duo wasn't sure if they could handle him turning into a full dragon, the wings alone had astonished them, but none of them had ever seen Wufei's true form.

Quatre was worried, Trowa could see it in his eyes. He kept up a brave front but he knew that Quatre felt a lot more than the rest of them did. He was in love with Wufei and even though Trowa was his life-mate, he knew that Quatre held a special place in his heart for the man he had seen in Wufei. Nothing could break Quatre's heart, Trowa wouldn't allow it. He reached over and took Quatre's hand in his own, it was cold to the touch, icy and limp. Trowa caught Quatre's eyes and pledged that they would save Wufei whatever the cost, he was rewarded with the barest shadow of a smile as Quatre turned his thoughts inward and waited for what the night would bring.

The night called. Wufei answered, he had waited so long to be free, the call could wait, he wanted to experience the night. The trees beckoned to him, their branches lowering to touch him as though they were glad to see him. They probably were, it had been so long since he had communed with nature. Before, he talked to the plants all the time but taking human form had weakened him and he had stopped, but the real fear came from the fear at being caught and destroyed. Pain rushed through him, the call came again more insistent than the last time, he roared in defiance, but took off once more, he would deal with this annoyance and then he would return to the trees.

He came into a clearing, this is where the call came from. Wings retracted into his back and he waited and shifted around, the silence was broken only by the sound of his harsh breathing. Something moved and Wufei turned his head to follow the motion. Seeing the figure of the caller he moved in closer, he would deal with this nuisance quickly……….

He wasn't prepared for what he saw, he rocked back in amazement as the moon shone down into the clearing illuminating the person's face.


End part 14


<1> The pard is the collective name given to the were-leopards.

<2> Nathaniel is one of the first were-leopards she ever saved. He had been raped and physically assaulted. His attackers had tied him up and then raped him while they cut him open. He is a pet and cannot take care of himself, he is accustomed to being dominated. He thought Anita would be his new mistress but she only wanted to protect him. Anita is the Nimin-Ra or the leopard queen of the pard. At the end of the eighth book, Anita and Verne, another alpha werewolf, try to help forge the were-leopards into a functional unit. This how I perceive Nathaniel to be after their help.

<3> This line came from a very wonderful song and it was perfect for here.

<4> Run in this context mean the ability to keep up with the speed of the lycanthrope. Anita was able to do it without knowing that she could do it, Duo however knows what he is doing.

<5> Anita is the Lupa, the ruling female of the wolf pack and as such Jason has a duty to her before all else.

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