When The Night Calls
 by Romyra ([email protected])

A Gundam Wing crossover with Anita Blake Vampire Hunter.

Part seven

11.30 am West end

"Duo, what exactly is your power?"

" Well if I tell you, do you promise not to freak out or anything, I mean I know that you've seen and heard some pretty wild things but not like what I'm about to tell you."

" Well you've got me, now spill. What is it?"

" Ummm, Well you can raise the dead and since I'm your twin I can do that also only not the same way."

" What do you mean?"

" *sigh* Anita, I'm a resurrector, I can bring the dead back to life and not just like a zombie but back to life, real life."

This stopped Anita, never in all her wildest dreams would she have thought that Duo would be a resurrector. Such a person wasn't supposed to exist and even though those who did voodoo could do resurrection it wasn't the same as a true resurrector. This was to say the least, a shock and Anita was speechless.

" Umm….. Anita?, Anita??, Anita can you hear me? Damn it!, I knew I shouldn't have said anything."

" No… wait, I'm okay, you just stunned me for a second there, So you're a….., you're a….."

" A Resurrector?, yes I am."

" Okay, I can deal with that. I guess that answers my next question as to why we were split up at birth."

" Yup, mom knew that we were different and I suppose that she had an inkling of how much different, I mean can you imagine what would have happened if someone was able to catch the two of us and harness our powers for their own gain?"

" They could use us, they could be killed and they would come back, they would use our powers to control….. anything!"

" Exactly, so it was thought best that we be separated until we were needed I suppose, for what ever great purpose we were put here for."

" Well that certainly puts a new spin on things, I am definitely not telling Jean-Claude about this. I can just see what he would do, he would be overjoyed at having not only a necromancer but a resurrector on his hands."

" I guess that's best, I mean the two of us are a very powerful weapon should anyone decide to try and harness our powers. It's a good thing that we are protected, I mean you have Richard and Jean-Claude and I have Heero, Quatre, Trowa and Wufei."

" You certainly have a lot of protection."

" Well I have a knack for getting into trouble, not very serious trouble but just enough to be a nuisance."

" Tell me about your friends, I would really like to know more about them."

" Well…, okay I guess I'll start with Quatre, he's the owner of a small shipping company and he is one of Heero's closest friends, I met him while Heero was trying to help me with my link to you. I guess I could be a bit of a pain because Heero's help often lead to a fight while I tried to provoke 
him into leaving me alone, I mean I really got angry with him, he was so demanding , he always wanted results and when I was exhausted he would be on my case again."

" Sounds as if you really had it rough."

" Yeah, well it did help eventually, but in the mean time I was a pain in the butt. The only problem was that I couldn't be left alone, every so often something would happen and I'd find myself in the weirdest places and with the strangest people and I couldn't remember how I got there. When Heero had to leave, he left me with Quatre and Trowa who took care of me. Trowa is Quatre's lover and their relationship is any thing but normal, I mean Trowa is this very serious guy and Q is this outgoing fella and they were so different and yet they made it work between them and they are very much in love. In fact their love scares me sometimes, they can get really intense but in a good way."

" You really care for them don't you?, I guess in that respect we are very much alike. I would do anything for my friends and I think I'm right when I say that you would to."

" Darn right, these guys are my family and I love them all dearly, in fact it was Q that helped me to face Heero and tell him my true feelings for him. I was so scared, but I was stunned to realize that he cared for me as deeply as I cared for him. Since then no one has been able to separate us. Wufei on the other hand is an enigma to me, he is passionate about the things that he believes in and he doesn't tolerate those who use others for their own selfish means. He has this whole justice thing going and woe to anyone who messes with his friends. I think the two of you are alike, You both don't take any crap from anyone and you can give as good as you get."

Anita couldn't help but admire to way Duo was about his friends, she had always been a good judge of character and seeing Duo talk about his friends really made her miss her own. Jason was one of those friends, they had both been up to their necks in crap but they were great friends and Jason was someone you could count on, even if he was a flirt.

Anita could tell that Duo loved Heero, any small mention of his name made his eyes light up and brought a tiny blush on his cheeks. He actually blushed everytime she mentioned his name. Love what a wonderful thing.

" Anita….earth to Anita.., hey are you there?, I've been talking to myself for at least five minutes while you were off in lala land. Had a good night last night did you?"

Duo grinned unabashedly, and Anita grinned right back and said", No, but judging from the light in your eyes I can see that you did."

Duo then blushed bright red, while Anita laughed. He looked up at her under long lashes and grinned to himself, Anita was great fun and he wondered if she knew any good people to set Wufei up with. While he had been talking she had been thinking and hadn't shielded her thoughts and he had caught a glimpse of blond hair and laughing blue eyes, just the type of person he was looking for.

" Duo, when did you realize that you had this power?"

" Hmmmm, Oh, well one day I was walking along the road and I came to this park where all of these little children were playing and I joined in. One little girl had this dog, a German Shepherd and she was playing with a frisbee while the dog ran for it every so often, then the girl ran after it and straight into the path of an oncoming truck. The dog rushed over and got the girl out of the way but he wasn't so lucky and he was dragged under and crushed. The little girl's screams tore at my heart and I remember thinking that it wasn't fair and I ran over and held the girl in my arms and focused her love for her dog to bring it back and it worked. I don't know how, but it worked and the dog came back to life and came up to the girl and licked her face and then her mother came up and they left. I was lucky that no one got a good look at what happened, I didn't know how I would explain what I had done and I really wasn't up to the task of running from a mob."

" Wow, that's amazing, I mean you just focused and it worked? There wasn't any ceremony or anything? I mean I need blood to call the dead and to put them back."

" Well the girl was covered in blood from scratches and I guess some of the dog's blood was mixed in there to, so I did use blood to call the dog back. Heero and the guys found me walking aimlessly a couple hours later and by then I was incoherent. I think it was shock and I pretty much blocked out what had happened and forgot about it. But it didn't let me forget and a few times it happened again. That was when Heero and the others came in, a few times people thought I was a witch and tried to lynch me even though there are laws against that. With the guys at my back they soon forgot that idea and then we came here and I felt your presence so I came to you. I guess it was fate."

" It just may that, I'm not one to believe in fate, but recently a lot of things that I thought impossible have occurred and now I have a whole new outlook on things. By the way, how come we are telepathic?"

"I don't really know, I just know that we are and its part of our being perfect compliments to each other, you know death and life. That sort of thing, I guess we can use it to communicate when we are apart.

There was a slight pause in the conversation as they both tried to digest all the things they had both learned. Anita was puzzled, after all if Quatre was the owner of a shipping company then what was he doing with Duo and Heero? Where did Wufei fit into all this and how come they were all 
travelling together?, were they all part of a group?, if so then what other powers did Duo's friends have if any at all? She didn't think that they were dangerous but it never hurt to check and make sure.

Right then there was a loud beep that startled the twins, who jumped and let out identical yelps of shock. Embarrassed, Anita checked her pager.

" Damn, its Dolph. Duo ,I've got to go. I have a murder scene to check out."

" Can I come with you?, maybe I can help."

" I don't think so, you are a civilian and the police are still up in arms over my being allowed to come to their murder scenes."

But one look from those eyes and Anita was lost, after all, wasn't it in her jurisdiction to bring related persons to the scene of the crime?, and she really didn't want Duo out of her sight.<1>

**Damn it I've known him only a couple of hours and already I'm protective, way to go Anita.**

There was a moment of waiting while Duo left a message with the nice waitress for Heero when he came for him and then they were off to see what was up at the murder scene. Duo couldn't help but wonder what would be waiting for them at the scene after all it really was only a few months since he had gotten control over his power and he really didn't need to scare police officers, especially those with guns.

**I hope I know what I'm doing**

End part 7


<1> Related meaning- Anita =Necromancer, Duo= Resurrector. He could be her focus while she felt along the crime scenes.

Side note- I just thought that I would change the normal outlook, I mean in nearly all the fics I've ever read, Duo is Death because his Gundam is Shinigami and he wears black and its because of his past, but this is my universe so I hope you can deal with it.

Part Eight

** Okay, I really didn't need to see this but hey it could be worse I could have worn white. It really makes me look fat **

Duo knew that he was talking to himself but what he was seeing was really terrible. Someone or something had ripped a guy to shreds and the unfortunate guy had the misfortune to look just like Wufei, with a few small differences, other than that the guy looked like Wufei and that was freaking 
him out. It had taken a bit of sweet talking to get him inside the crime scene but once Anita turned on the charm it worked and it seemed to work to well because the police officers were being almost too friendly. He really hoped that they didn't think he was a woman because he just wasn't in the mood to explain anything to anyone.

"So, what have we got Dolph?

"Anita, we have a problem, why did you bring that young woman here? I don't have enough problems without you bringing other civilians on my case?

" That isn't a woman, it's a man and he's my brother and I think that he can help me to find out what is going on."

With that little tidbit of information she walked over to Duo who was still looking at the body or rather what was left of it. After all it wasn't everyday she could shock Dolph. The scene was bad, number four so far and still no leads. Each body had been done in different locations and then strategically placed all over the city. The victims were all male and of Chinese descent, they all also had particular characteristics, black eyes and long black hair at least those who still had faces and heads to match. This last one was missing the hair but judging from previous experience Anita could infer that it was black. Her suspicions were proven right when the sound of retching brought her to her senses, the hair had been found. It had been strewn around the body like petals at a wedding and that little fact was very disturbing.

" Duo are you alright? you've been very quiet, not that you talk a lot but so far I've never seen you so still and it troubles me."

" I've just never seen such carnage, I mean this is death at its fullest and whoever did this meant business, but its more than that it seems as though it's a ritual."

" What do you mean ritual? I haven't been able to find a definite pattern anywhere that would suggest something like that."

" I just recall hearing something about this method of killing before, it's a ritual I'm sure of it. How many have there been so far?"

" There have been four murders and they were all of Chinese descent and,"

" And they had black hair and eyes?"

" Yes how did you know that?"

" I think I have the answer that you're looking for but you have to promise me that you won't say anything to the police as yet, please……. promise me."

" Alright, I promise but I really don't like this."

" Okay meet me at this address at 9.30 tonight and I'll try to explain and come alone okay."

" Alright but this had better be good."

With that last cryptic statement Duo hugged Anita and began to make his way home.


In the shadows somewhere, there was a pain-filled scream and another and another until the voice began to get strained and still the screaming went on. There was a chilling laugh and then silence. The sounds of a harsh sobbing could be heard against a background of cold empty laughter.

" I'm almossssssst done Wufei, just one more and the ritual will be complete and then the real fun will begin. Wait for me I'm coming."


At the Winner Residence

" Where have you been?"

" Chill out Heero, I've been with Anita, Geez you'd think I was on a leash or something."

" I'm sorry Duo, it's just that I've had a really weird feeling whole day and then you go off somewhere and don't come home for hours….."

" Shh Heero, it's alright I'm fine, although its nice to know you care."

Heero failed to notice the grin curving Duo's lips and he heard only the words spoken and not the laughter behind it.

" Nice to know I care??, Duo, you ass, I Love You…. of course I care."

At this Duo's grin grew wider and he leaned against his lover, that same small smile gracing his face.

" I know that, I just really like it when you get all hot and bothered when you say those words ," Duo kissed him", with such feeling", Another kiss", and such passion."

This last statement was punctuated with a long smoldering kiss that left Heero breathless.

Quatre chose that moment to walk into the room. For a moment he could only watch in stunned amazement as Duo slowly

French-kissed Heero, a kiss that left no doubt as to what Duo was planning for later.

" Ahem……guys?"

There was no answer and, although he really didn't expect one Quatre tried again.

" Guys??, Heeellloooo Guys??, Umm ….well…. dinner is almost ready and… err…. I just…. wanted to know if you'd be joining us?"

***Dinner……Oh crap!, Anita!***

Duo broke away from the kiss with a force that left Heero gasping", Oh, gomen Heero," he turned to face Quatre", Quatre, I just remembered that I invited Anita to dinner. I have some information that I think you guys should hear about, is it alright?, for her to come to dinner I mean."

" Ye..Yes, its all right, I'll just tell Rashid to set another place on the table and Duo, next time, I suggest that you warn Heero before you invite someone into our home." Quatre then left the room to finalize dinner arrangements.

Duo turned around to find Heero glaring at him", Dinner? You invited her for dinner?"

" Yes I did. Why?, is there a problem?" Duo began to get angry, after all it was his home too and Anita was his sister, Heero would have to deal with that sooner or later and the sooner the better. Heero's shoulders slumped and he lifted his hands in a placating gesture.

" Duo, I'm sorry if you misunderstood me, I just wished you had given me more time to prepare, after all its your sister and I really want to make a good impression."

The effect of an apologizing Heero was ruined by the purely shit-eating grin he was giving Duo.

" Why you no good bastard, you were setting me up weren't you? You knew I would react this way and you wanted to make me angry."

" Well it worked didn't it?" Heero gave a small sigh", I guess I'll have to make it up to you, won't I?" Heero sighed dramatically and pretended to shudder at the thought.

" Oh yes, you'd better, in fact didn't Quatre say that dinner would be….. all…most ready?"

" Yes, but what does that have to do with anything?…….oh."

The grin Duo turned on Heero was answer enough and as Quatre came back into the room to find out when Anita would be arriving and to give another time-check for the meal, he saw Duo leading Heero up the stairs with what could only be described as a expression of animalistic glee.

***Those two never quit… I'd better tell Rashid to make sure dinner is a little late.***

Quatre grinned to himself and went off to make more arrangements.

End part 8

Ooooooh can you feel it? What? you say No?? Well then,… too bad, read it over again. **giggle**

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