When The Night Calls
 by Romyra ([email protected])

A Gundam Wing crossover with Anita Blake Vampire Hunter.

Part nine

Anita was a little apprehensive about meeting Duo's family, after all she wanted to make a good impression and she didn't want anything to interfere with that. Richard had not been pleased when she had said that she was going out and he couldn't follow her and neither had Jean-Claude for that matter. They both were too protective, she was only going to see her brother and even though she didn't tell them that, they had no right to question her whereabouts. So here she was, outside one of the largest mansions she had ever seen and in the most isolated part of the city. To say this was strange would not even come close and she was still apprehensive, not to mention she wasn't sure how she would be received, would they be as wary of her as she was of them?, would they hate her on sight?, or would they be indifferent and simply not care?

Anita really didn't like any of those options.

**Huh….well I'd better get this over with**

**You worry too much Anita, has anyone ever told you that hmmmm….everyone here is as anxious to meet you as you are to meet them, and they are all as apprehensive as you, except maybe Heero other than that……well why don't you come and see?**

** Damnit, I really need to shield my thoughts better and Duo,**


***STOP reading me!!***

The only answer she got was a mental chuckle as she knocked on the door, it was time to face the music.

The door opened to one of the most beautiful faces she had ever seen, Blond and blue-eyed the young man was simply stunning and as Anita made her way into the foyer she was struck by the beauty of all those assembled. **Damn, are Duo's friends all gorgeous?**

***Yup and you better get used to it as we'll all be together for a long time***

Anita couldn't help the silly grin that passed over her lips at that thought.

"Hello Anita, I am Quatre, this is my partner Trowa, this is Wufei and I believe you've met Heero."

" Good night everyone, thank you for having me."

" There's no need to be so formal here Anita, we are all family and as Duo's sister you are very welcome."

" ….And if you're not then we'll all just have to go out and get you rip roaring drunk until you are."

At Duo's frank statement everyone laughed and the ice was broken. As Anita made her way into the dining room her eyes fell on the one called Wufei, there was something very familiar about him and even though she couldn't figure it out now, she would before the night was over. Before she took another step her arm was caught and a soft but strong voice said, "Thank you for making him happy, your acceptance of him is more precious than anything in this world." The speaker was Heero and Anita smiled.

" He is my brother and I find myself falling very quickly in love with him but never forget Heero, you have first place in his heart now and forever. I've only been with him for one day but he is very much in love with you never doubt that."

Heero nodded once to show his thanks before Duo's insistent voice called to them from the dining room.

"Are you guys ever coming to eat, geez… you'd think that we had all the time in the world, well I've got news for you people we don't, and I'm hungry NOW!"

Anita laughed", Heero I think that we'd better get in there before he starts to gnaw on the furniture."

" He wouldn't dare, Quatre would kill him ,that furniture is imported and very dear to him."

At Heero's deadpan statement Anita started to laugh again and they made their way into the dining room to the tune of Duo's protests as to why he shouldn't get the whole chicken.

Dinner was very pleasant and Anita enjoyed herself immensely, it had been a long time since she last had such great company. During dinner Duo had kept them all in stitches with a series of really silly jokes, but when delivered with his incurable good humor they were all laughed at. Anita was completely at ease with all five men and they in turn were very comfortable with her in their presence. They even went as far as to share embraces with their loved ones when they saw that she didn't mind. The only one who had no one to share with was Wufei, although he kept up in remarkably good spirits. This gave Anita a good opportunity to speak to him as she saw him looking out over the garden.

" Hello Wufei.."

" Hello Anita, are you having a good time?"

" Yes, everyone is wonderful and Duo seems so very happy."

" Yes, its because of Heero that he's like that, before they came together they had the worst fights and we always had to pick up the pieces afterwards."

" Duo told me, I am very glad that he had friends like you to keep him safe."

Somehow Wufei wasn't surprised that Duo had confided most of his secrets to Anita, she seemed like a very understanding person and he was grateful to all the Gods above for that.

" Has Duo said anything about us?, the rest of his family I mean."

" Only that you took care of him when Heero had to leave. Can you tell me where he went?"

" I could but I think that you should ask him, if he trusts you he will tell you, but I cannot speak of it without his permission."

" Alright, I will speak to him, in fact I need to speak to all of you before this night is over as it will be very soon."

They made their way into the living room where the others had gathered after dinner.

" Hey Anita, for a moment I thought that you and Wufei had gone off together for your own little party."

Duo couldn't help but poke fun at Wufei, after all he really looked quite cute when he turned red and started to get worked up. Tonight Duo was slightly surprised when Wufei only raised one eyebrow and quirked his lips in answer. However there was time to deal with that later he mused, as he turned to face those gathered around him and to inform them of the reason he had invited Anita to dinner.

" Today I met Anita for a chance to talk to her and to tell her of me and of my power. She was stunned but she didn't reject me and we have both grown closer. While we were talking there was a call for her to report to the scene of a crime, I went with her to see if I could help and what I saw shocked me. It was the fourth murder in a series of strange incidents involving young men of Chinese descent. " Wufei sat straight up when he heard this.

"I learned that they were all killed in various ways and each one was I little more disturbing than the last but what really shocked me was the fact that I seemed to remember hearing of this mode of killing. That's why I brought Anita here, one of us knows what I am speaking about and as Anita's brother I wish to do all that I can to help her solve what is going on."

As Duo finished talking, Wufei seemed to reach a decision and he turned to face those assembled.

" I know what Duo is talking about, I was the one who mentioned the details of this type of killing to him, in fact to all of you. It is a ritual, a ritual for calling a mate, but not any mate and not just of any race either. It is the ritual for calling the mate of the last female dragon in existence."

At this Anita sat up", A dragon?, but there are no dragons left in existence, they were all destroyed by those seeking to harness their powers for their own greed and for their fortune."

" That is true, there are no female dragons left in existence which is why this type of ritualistic killing is very strange but there is one male dragon left in existence only he has been in hiding for the last few centuries."

Quatre sat up," Wufei are you sure about this, when you say it there is no going back and I just want to make sure that you know what you are doing."

" I'm sure Quatre and I have to do this, It sickens me that someone could be carrying out this ritual without fully understanding the meaning behind it. Anita this maybe a little bit of a shock for you but there is one last male dragon and I know his whereabouts because you see,.. I am he. I am the last Dragon."

"I am Wufei Chang. The last of the Dragon Clan."

For the second time in as many days, Anita was shocked.

End part 9

Part Ten

" But that's impossible, you feel human, you don't feel as though you have any special powers, you feel just like a normal human being."

" That's the secret, unlike the dragons that were my ancestors, there were a few of us that could assume human guise. We had no desire to take over the humankind but we were curious and as a result we were careless and my people paid for their curiosity. When they were found out they were hunted down and killed, an entire race of beings, destroyed because they could not be understood.

My wife and my first life-mate were of the first ones to be killed. In her fear and distress she lost the child she was carrying and could not assume her dragon form and so she could not get to safety. My life-mate tried to help her but he was outnumbered by those with hate in their heart and blood 
on their minds. I lost her and him as I lost everyone else. I am the last and I am all alone.

When the law was passed to protect mythological creatures from unlawful persecution I was angry, angry that it was too late and angry that I could do nothing to save my people.

When the call came for all creatures to reveal themselves and be accepted I refused and instead I took my human guise and pretended to be mortal. I had no wish to reveal myself and I have done so only once before, the second time is with you."

Exhausted both emotionally and physically, Wufei could only sit down on the seat provided by Quatre who quickly enfolded him in his arms and brushed a soft kiss of understanding across his brow. It had been too much for Wufei and he gratefully turned into the embrace offered to him as he sobbed silently. Anita could only sit in stunned amazement as Heero and Duo made their way over to the chair to offer what comfort that they could.

In a dim part of her memory Anita took stock of the fact that they seemed to give comfort as the Lycanthropes did, through the reassurance of touch and bodily contact. She was horrified by what had just been revealed to her and her heart went out to Wufei, this was the same type of thing that she was fighting against, wrongful persecution of other races. Her fight to protect zombies was only a small part of what the greater fight being fought was about and Anita was enraged at what had happened to the young man before her. She was shaken out of her thoughts by the quiet voice of Trowa.

" Wufei has seen it fit to reveal who and what he really is to you and that means that he has accepted you and as his friends we must do the same. My name is Trowa but for a long time I had no name, I was just another guardian of the mortals in my charge. I am an angel and there is not much to be said about me other than the fact my charge was no other than the young man sitting before you, Quatre R. Winner, who was the latest in a long line of charges that were entrusted to my care and from the moment I saw him I knew my life could never be the same. He was different and I quickly picked up on that and as I watched him from afar I fell in love and wanted no more than to be with him forever.

I decided to fall to earth knowing fully that I would lose my divinity and become mortal but I had to try, and so one night of the full moon I fell. I timed my fall to the place I knew my beloved would be and hoped that he would understand what I had done for him. I crashed down to the garden and frightened him badly, I was covered in blood and I thought that he would run and leave me but he didn't, instead he said he knew that I would come and he would be the one to save me. He took me in his arms and carried me home, I have been with him ever since."

An angel, things were getting doubly interesting and Anita did not know if she could keep up with all the revelations being made but she knew that she would never have another chance and decided to hold her peace and listen for the while. As Trowa spoke Quatre listened and decided to add his small part to the puzzle being unfolded out before them.

"My name is Quatre R.Winner I have no other ties to fame other than the fact that I can heal people through the power of my touch. I can heal those of emotional hurts and those of physical hurts. I keep this power to myself because I can never truly heal those who wish to do harm unto others for their own ends. I knew Trowa would come to me because I felt his presence at the moment of my birth and I knew that one day we would be together. He did not say this, but he was granted special status to remain my guardian when it was seen that we were meant to be together. He has all the powers that he once had and is my protector and I love him with all my heart and soul."

Quatre smiled over to Trowa who watched him with a smile also present on his face, their love could be felt in the air and Anita trembled in reaction to the feelings around her. All eyes then switched to Heero, it was time for his story.

" My name is Heero Yuy and I am also the last of my clan, like Wufei, my race was killed by those who preferred to act rather than to take the time to understand those of different backgrounds. I am a Trueborn, we were the original ancestors of the present day lycanthropes. We were faster, more powerful, we possessed longevity and could harness the power of nature. My race was discovered by those who wanted quick ways to garner power, and the reactions to their controlling nature was not pleasant. There was a bloodbath but our numbers were small and we were quickly destroyed, I alone remained of the Trueborns. There were however children who managed to escape and they mated with those of other clans and became the forefathers of the present day lycanthropes. Of those who had the powers I mentioned I am the last and so effectively the last Trueborn."

" To end our tale I found Wufei and became his friend, we were alike in our situations, we both passed as full blood humans and no-one was the wiser. We have no illusions to rule, we just want to be left in peace. We never became lovers and we spent our lives with each other for the last 4 centuries. Wufei is the elder by 2 centuries. In our wanderings we chanced upon the unique couple of an angel and a mortal, Trowa and Quatre, Wufei and I were quickly accepted and as the time went on he became their lover and I found Duo soon after that. I leave sometimes to pay my respects to those I have lost, that is something that Duo taught me." Heero looked over to Duo who gave him a smile and a wink and continued."We have all lived as one family with Quatre providing us with a home and that is all there is. You know the rest from what Duo has told you and so what do you think?"

" I am honored that you, all of you would share your tales with me. I wish only to be counted among your friends and I am sincerely sorry for all that you have endured at the hands of those who did not understand you."

" You already are Anita, from the moment you accepted Duo you became a member of our family and as such you are entitled to our protection should you ever need it." This soft statement was made by Quatre, who held the now calmed Wufei in his arms. They all nodded once in acceptance of what Quatre said and Duo grinned happily at those around him, his circle was complete and there was nothing that could ever take away what he held in his arms now.

12.30am The Winner Living Room.

***Everyone here is so very strange and exotic, who would ever have thought that in this day there would still be an authentic dragon? Not to mention that the lycanthropes of today are not the first born they believe they are, but a mixture of many other clans? And the most to say the least is the revelation that there is a real live angel here in this very room.*** Anita was in a very mild state of shock and the fact that she didn't drink meant that all her thinking processes were at full capacity and she was lucid, so that everything heard was being processed and stored for future reference. It certainly was turning out to be an interesting night.

" You said that there have been 4 murders, I do know that there are 5 stages to the ritual so one person remains to be killed. It was a very old ritual and whomever is perpetuating these murders certainly must have an idea of the history of the ancient dragons."

" But Wufei why on earth would this person do this now?"

" Duo, this year is a leap year and as a result all the planets are in perfect alignment for the mating ritual and the conceiving of offspring."

" But no-one knows of your existence, as far as anyone is concerned there are no more dragons."

" Obviously someone is hoping that this ritual will bring out one, but Wufei why haven't you been affected?"

" Well Heero I've been living as a human for quite a number of years and maybe that's why it hasn't affected me as yet."

" Wufei, if the final murder is carried out what will happen to you?"

" Quatre I really don't know, I never had to go through this type of ritual before, my mates were chosen by my parents and so I have never had to experience this before. The ritual is used for those who cannot for some reason chose a proper mate, the ritual causes any available male to go on heat and they will therefore be ready for mating. However if the dragon chosen does not want to be mated he will fight the call and it usually leads to a large amount of deaths as the other dragons try to get that particular dragon under control."

" Will this happen to you, do you have any idea if you can be affected after all we have been your mates for a long while now."

" Trowa you and Quatre are mated and although I may make love to you on occasion, I am not mated in the commitment that normal mating entails. Dragons like many creatures mate for life and only through death are we released from that which bonds us. I should have died with my mates but after her death he begged me to live, he didn't want my life to end like theirs' did. Draakel felt that I was meant for something else and for that reason alone I stayed alive."

" Wufei I am glad that you chose life, we are honored that you chose to share yourself with us and we will do everything possible to protect you and keep you from what or whomever is doing this."

" Thank you Quatre I don't know what I would do without friends like you."

During the talk that they had been having, Duo was thinking of a suitable guardian for Wufei, it had to be someone whom they could trust and he had to be able to withstand Wufei's fury. Duo knew of just the person but he couldn't say for sure he had to ask everyone first.

" Guys, I know that Wufei is quite capable of taking care of himself but in case one of us can't be with him at some time can we have someone here to watch him for us?"

" Duo that really isn't necessary I am fine, and noth…"

" We don't know that as yet, you haven't been affected with us present but what if something happens while we are away and you go on a rampage? What then?, I'd really feel better if I knew that you were doubly protected."

At this a peculiar light went off in Duo's eyes, a light that was not missed by Heero, Quatre, Trowa or Anita only Wufei seemed oblivious." I know just the person too, he's someone that Anita trusts with her life, and she doesn't give that trust easily and I'm sure with a little persuasion he can be brought here to take care of things while we go to work."

" Who are you talking about Duo?"

" Why Anita, no-one else than your friend Jason."

" Jason?…Why him?"

" He is one of your best friends isn't he? You would both give your lives to protect the other wouldn't you?"

" Yes….but I don't see…"

" Good then its settled then, Jason is the bodyguard for Wufei while the rest of us are at work."

" But Duo you forget that I have to work also, I can't just stay home and do nothing…."

" That's alright Wufei, as Manager and owner of the company I am putting you on extended leave starting today."

" But Quatre…"

" No buts Wufei you are to stay at home where this Jason person can keep you safe."

Quatre didn't know what Duo was planning, but it seemed as good as any plan to keep Wufei safe. He would do anything for Wufei, he did love him maybe not in the same way as he loved Trowa but Wufei was not someone whom Quatre would leave in the cold. He would use all of the resources he had to keep Wufei safe.

End part 10


**Gasp**,okay, okay I'm really sorry that Wufei had to go through so much hell. I'm going to be a lot more nicer now. I bet you didn't expect that little thing between Trowa and Quatre. If anything Quatre would be the angel but that's a whole different story altogether. I hope you enjoyed this part things are getting hotter from here on in. In case anyone is wondering I did say that only the names and physical descriptions would remain the same but my muse said differently. After all Wufei being the last of the dragon clan is a great plot device and Heero being oh so 'perfect-soldierish ' is perfect for Trueborn defiance. Trowa's intensity is perfect for guardians who are not supposed to get involved with their charges. Quatre's personality is perfect for a healer and well Duo is just Duo.

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