Dreams of a Feather Happy little cloud!

dreams v4.0








Realism Art

Well, I dunno how much this stuff counts as "realism". Basically, it's not Neopets. ^.~ Most of this was done fairly recently. All are from the pencil sketch/outline with mouse/color in Adobe PhotoDeluxe camp. The ones made with the mouse on oekaki are in the Oekaki Gallery.

Sorted from oldest to newest, as always.

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random carousel horse
Random inspiration in the middle of the night (actually during the same vacation as the sign xD;). The poem that goes with it is on the full view page. ^.~ I really like this a lot... I worked REALLY hard on the anatomy, using several of my old model horses, an entire page of paper, and about 2 1/2 refill erasers. ^^; I spent a while on the shading, too... on using many different levels, on blending it, and on getting it in the right places. The background turned out differently than I thought it would, but I actually like it this way, too... you'll understand the background (and why the pole doesn't really go through the horse) when you read the poem. ^.~

I was wondering why there's hippocanths (horse/fish), and of course merpeople, and never anything fuzzy with a fish tail. So this was the result... it's kinda a fox, and kinda... not. o.O; Weird idea, I know, but I like the shading I did. The front legs are special. x.X First pic I ever did of an underwater scene, and I like the bubbles. ^.^ So... altogether, I have some mixed feelings about this pic. e.e

Chari's Snow Kitteh
A birthday present for my DA friend Chari. =D At first, I tried to outline it in CorelDraw, but I couldn't get the lines to combine right so I could color it. >.< So this is done completely in PhotoDeluxe again. I spent a longer time on the background than usual, and I like it a lot. ^.^

random creature
Okay, this sorta goes with the merfuzzy above... more of my random fantasy stuff with cats and water. xD And yes, it is supposed to have the head of a big cat... though it turned out almost bear-like. Now, the way I made this pic takes a bit of explaining... it was a shaded pencil sketch that I actually liked the shading on, but I also wanted to color it... so I opted to color on a semi-transparent layer above the pencil shading for a kind of antique feel. I like the way it turned out... and the coloring style is gonna be an option for future pics. ^.^

Concept pic for my new unicorn character, Glynlea. Her name came from misreading a church's sign on a road trip. xD But, I think the name is pretty, and this pic is all right, too... the detail is nice, and palomino unicorns are pretty rare. ^_~ Only thing is, the front leg that's lifted is WAY too long... and ruins the rest of it. x_x

More coming soon!

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