(this is my excited face.... its a little scary. lol)
1. BUTTA!!!! A.K.A DUDLEY!!!!! My baby!! :)
2. ICE CREAM!!!!  I really don't think I could go on without         ice cream.
3. Cowboys!! :) :) :)  There's just something about a man in a          cowboy hat that makes me go mmmmm
4. Ryan the Firefighter from Bachlorette... good choice Trista
5. Finding money!! That always rocks!
6. NYQIL.... is that how you spell it?? I don't know... but when      you need to sleep and you can't its your best friend.
7. French Vanilla Ice Coffed with extra extra cream and extra        extra sugar... and let me add no one can make one as good        as Newport, Maine Dunkin Donuts!!!
8. Naming Objects... ex. Georgie the heater, Bruce the Spruce,      Timmy the soccer ball, and Fluffy the scarf!!
9. Georgie the heater.... I miss you!!! :(  You kept momma so        warm!!
10. Hesser College Indoor Soccer!!!  I suck... but I LOVE                playing.... that's all that counts, right?? lol... most of the              time.
11. Chocolate... my favorite combination of three chocolates is        a chocolate brownie with mint chocolate chip ice cream            on it with hot fudge.... oh my!!
13. Dancing when I'm home alone. lol..... or just dancing in              general!
14. PARTIES!!!!
15. Stuffed Piggies!!!! They are sooooo cute.
16. Meeting new people.... espcecially at parties!!!
17. Watching Dee at the club.... I will never forget that night.
18. KARAOKEE NIGHT!!!!!  I have never had so much fun in       my life doing something that didn't cost my a dime!!                   Where else can you belt out songs with your friends and            dance like there's no tomorrow??? All for free!!!  um.....             NOWHERE!!
19. NAPS!!! Nothing can beat a good afternoon nap! :)
20. Maine: The Way Life Should Be.... and knowing that I'm           leaving it for TEXAS!!!
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