Things I'm Unimpressed By
(this is my unimpressed face)
1. FISH!!! --- that's right I have a fear of fish and I'm not afraid     to admit it!!
2. People who talk during movies.... annoying!!!
3. Stale cookies... there is NO reason for cookies to be stale..         they should be eaten before the get a chance to go bad!
4. Children... need I say more?
5. Guys that break up with girls via email.. or vice versa.                 That's just no good.
6. People who spit when they talk.. calm down!!! swallow!!!
7. MIMI.. a.k.a. BISRAT.... a.k.a.  Shea's former roomate..            that's right I think she's a *enter any bad word here* and you     can all tell her that too.
8. Parent's who think its "funny" or "cute" when their children       have fits in public places.
9. Children
10. The ending of the movie Planet of the Apes-- come on.. a           little monkey flying a spacecraft??
11. Guys who can't get a clue that you
DON'T like them.
12. Strip clubs that will only hire you if you take the thong                off.... what's up with that?
13. My boobs... ya
14. My hips that seem to get wider everyday even though I               have no intentions of bearing children.
15. The fianacial aid office at Hesser College... I haven't really         figured out what they do yet.
16. People who stomp their foot at you when your taking a              "long" time... is that supposed to make me go faster?
17. People who try to hump you at clubs... did I tell you, you            could touch me.... NO
18. Fishstick sandwiches..... you can only eat so many before           they are disgusting forever.
19. Having a job.... I plan on marrying rich so I never have to          work... or marrying someone who doesn't care if we are              poor. lol
20. WAL MART.... enough said!!
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