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*Name: Karli Osborn
*Birth Date: August 19, 1984
*Height: 5'6
*Eyes: Blue
*Hair: Brown
*Marital Status: Married to Paul Pienette on August 12, 2008

*Major in College was: Music/Business
*Favorite Book: The Book of Mormon
*Favorite Movie: The Wizard of Oz
*Favorite Musician/Band: Norah Jones
*Favorite Athlete: Debbie Black
*Favorite Animal: My dog Buckweet
*My favorite things about Nashville: the access to the music industry
*If I could have lunch with any person, I would choose: Joan of Arc
*In three words, I am: Goofy, Talkative, Musician
*The word next to my picture in the dictionary: Lefty
*My hero: My Daddy-daddy (grandpa) because his whole life has been dedicated to his family.  He was wounded in action in WWII.
*If I could appear on a TV show: Even Stevens
*My most prized possession: My family
Most of this info. from Lipscomb
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