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*Name: Kassidy Osborn
*Nickname: Kass
*Birth Date: October 30, 1976
*Height: 5' 7"
*Eyes: Blue grey
*Hair: Dark brown
*Marital Status: Married Derek Williamson on May 28, 2009 in San Diego, CA
*Pets?: No, but Kristyn's dog is like a "niece" to me.

*Influences: Beatles, Beach Boys, Bonnie Raitt
*Favorite color: Black/grey
*Favorite cartoon: The Smurfs and Tom and Jerry
*Favorite food: Ice Cream
*Least favorite food: Seafood (the kind where it watches you eat it)
*Favorite drink: Crystal Springs water, on the rocks
*Favorite ride at an amusemment park?: "SPACE MOUNTAIN" at Disneyland

*Hobbies: Horseback riding, skiing, hiking, movies and eating Kelsi's cooking
*What she drives: Maxima
*Pet Peeve: Rude people
*Dream duet partner: Oooh.  TOO MANY...Miss Piggy
*Childhood goals: "I've always been interested in cosmetology. When I was 10 I got a hair-cutting kit for Christmas, and I would bribe all the neighbor kids into letting me cut their hair. Let's just say there were a lot of angry parents."
*What people would be surprised to know about you: That I sleep with my eyes halfway closed
*Future Plans: Hopefully to have success in music, a family, stability, maybe a little college

*Thoughts on your fans: SHeMAZING people!
*Most unusual job you ever had?: Cleaning bathrooms at a clothing factory
*What would you do if you hadn't pursued a career in music?: I'd probably go to cosmetology school
*Favorite Candy: Black licorice, toffee/anything chewy
*Favorite Indulgence: Spa treatments!
*What do you do while traveling on the bus?: SLEEP, read, listen to music, most of the time we all talk
*Where do you go when you want to get away?: I'll take a bath with "CALGONE" ha!

*Compulsive habit: Washing hands constantly
*Phobia: unclean restaurants
*What do you do on days off (when you have them)?: Sleep, clean, hike, get together with my friends, practice guitar
*If you could meet anyone, dead or alive, and ask them a question, who would it be and what would you ask them?: Barbara Walters: How do you make everyone cry?
*Ultimate vacation spot?: Somewhere tropical!
"Kassidy is our comic relief. That's her C. She's lighthearted and you need levity now and then, especially in this business. But Kassidy also carries us with her lead vocal, which is very strong."
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