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*Name: Kelsi Marie Osborn
*Nickname: Kels
*Birthday: November 21, 1974
*Height: 5' 5 1/2"
*Eyes: Blue
*Hair: Different shades of Red
*Marital Status: Married to Steve Simpson, a public relations and promotions specialist.
They met on a blind date while she was home in Utah for Kristyn's wedding.
*Children: Twin girls - Savannah Marie and Adyson Amilia born 7/12/06

*Strangest gift you ever received?: A book about the art of nose picking.
*Influences: Beach Boys, Beatles, The Judds
*Favorite colors: Black & Dark Green
*Favorite guilty pleasure: Gable House Cheesecake
*Favorite amusement park ride: Pirates of the Caribbean at Disneyland
*Favorite TV show: I am a game show fanatic! "The Price Is Right"
*Favorite movie: There's many, but one of my favorites is "Far and Away."
*Favorite food: Mom's homemade spaghetti and Mexican food
*Least favorite food: Pretty much all seafood, Lima beans and wheat mush...plenty of stories behind that one.

*One thing you cook great?: Gable House Cheesecake, ask anyone...
*Hobbies: cooking, musical theater, movies, dining out and bowling
*What she drives: VW Jetta
*Pet Peeve: Being late and when the lights are left on, and no one is in the room
*Dream duet partner: I can't choose!
*Childhood crushes: Ricky Schroder, Ralph Macchio, Michael J. Fox and Menudo
*Childhood goals: "I wanted to own my own bakery. I have a weakness for anything chocolate. I figured if I had to make and sell pastries every day, I wouldn't be tempted to eat them all the time."

*What people would be surprised to know about you: I have to have ice in my milk.  I have this thing about my feet - they always have to be clean.
*Future Plans: To continue to have a successful career, tour, move in to a house, have a family
*Thoughts on your fans: They have got to be the most passionate, dedicated and supportive people I have ever met!  We feel very fortunate to have the best fans ever. We love 'em!
*What would you do if you hadn't pursued a career in music?: I would probably go in to business and own my own bakery
*Favorite candy: This is a hard one because I like them all!  Swedish Fish and a speciality candy called See Foam (it's hard to find)
*Secret Indulgence: Anything chocolate!

*What do you do while traveling on the bus?: Sleep, watch movies, read, talk, and the most important-EAT!
*Where do you go when you want to get away?: I don't really get to go anywhere, but a vacation, ANYWHERE would be nice!
*Compulsive habit: I bite my nails
*Phobia: I don't like heights, but I can fly in a plane. Those ugly jumping spiders
*What do you do on days off (when you have them)?: Watch "The Price is Right", do laundry, grocery shop, spend time with my hubby, try to keep things organized
*If you could ask one question of any other artist, or media figure, it would be?: Martha Stewart: Do you really make all that stuff on your show yourself?
"Kelsi is the group's consistency - that's her C.  She's the glue. She's nurturing, takes care of everybody and is very domestic."
Adyson (left) & Savannah (right) :: click to enlarge ::
Kelsi & the girls
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