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*Name: Kristyn Robyn Osborn
*Nickname: Krix, Krixie
*Birthday: August 24, 1970
*Height: 5' 8 1/2"
*Eyes: Green
*Hair: Blonde
*Marital Status: Single

*Pets: Midi, a Morkie - which is a blend of a Yorkie & a Maltese
*Influences: Beatles, The Judds, Sheryl Crow, Emmylou Harris
*Writing Influences: Mike Reid, Sting, and Stephen Sondheim
*Kristyn's Songs: BMI, ASCAP
*Favorite Color: shades of purple
*Hobbies: reading, writing, hiking, computer art, driving with no destination, and eating Kelsi's cooking
*Pet peeve: Obnoxious early morning street noise when I am trying to sleep...and "mean people"

*Strangest gift you ever received?: I'm not sure WHAT it is, but I call it "Big Blue."
*Most unusual job you ever had?: Clothing manufacturer inspector
*Dream duet partner: Michael McDonald or Sheryl Crow
*Dream Vacation: Tuscany/Florence Italy. I have been planning this one for years, now I just have to find the right person to take with me!
*First star you had a childhood crush on?: Harrison Ford in "Star Wars," I was only 7.
*Childhood career goals: "I found a paper I did in 2nd grade that said when I grew up I wanted to be a writer, and here I am, in a backwards kind of way, doing just that."

*What people would be surprised to know about you: I have a horrible fear of flying and I have to take anxiety medicine to get on a plane
*Writing credits: wrote/co-wrote every song on THE WHOLE SHeBANG, Knock on the Sky and Sweet Right Here (the track "I Dare You" from the album was also recorded by LeAnn Rimes for her This Woman CD). Co-wrote 11 of the 12 tracks from Fortuneteller's Melody.
*Future plans: Learn to enjoy the chaos we've created!
*Thoughts on you fans: We have the BEST fans around...Rock on Daisy Patch!
*What would you do if you hadn't pursued a career in music?: I would be a journalist
*Favorite candy: Sugarbabies!!!  Or Crunchie Bars from Canada
*Favorite cartoon: Classic "Tom & Jerry," also the "Wonder Twins," remember that? The simpler the characters, the better... Aaaah, those were the days!

*Do you have a lucky charm?:
I keep a folded up two dollar bill in my purse, one that my dad gave me - I guess it is to remind me of how odd I am . . . or how broke I am, because I usually don't see it at the bottom of my purse until it is empty!!
*Secret Indulgence: Long, late-night bubble baths
*Biggest Indulgence: I LOVE to get spa pedicures, and I do it quite regularly...red toenail polish is my "standard"
*Favorite guilty pleasure?: A hot fudge - peanut butter - banana malt or Gable House baked cheesecake smothered in fresh raspberry sauce
*Favorite Late Night Snack: I have a little obsession with sugar-free Kroger popsicles, I can get through an entire box in a couple of sittings.
If you could meet anyone, dead or alive, and ask them a question who would it be and what would you ask them?: Marilyn Monroe: Who was your "fav," Jack or Robert? Did either one have anything to do with your death?!

*What do you while traveling on the bus?: Record liners, SLEEP, get motion sickness and throw-up
*Where do you go when you want to get away?: Since I live in a relatively "confined" space, the only real escape is the car - and I get great song ideas from driving around aimlessly.
*Compulsive habit: Biting the nail polish off my nails and I always have to be fidgeting with something in my hands
*Phobia: Squishing bugs, not because I don't want to kill the little beasts, I just hate the "crunchy" feeling and sound...flying
*What do you do on days off (when you have them)?: N/A

Five things I can't live without
1. My family, including Weetie the Super Yorkie.
2. My cell phone. The ''other appendage.''
3. Sugar-free Popsicles.
4. My electric heating pad. Usually used as I am consuming a box of sugar-free Popsicles.
5. My books. Especially my collection of antique poetry books.

Five deserted-island discs

1. Blue, Joni Mitchell. I didn't discover this record until a friend introduced me to it about four years ago. The moment I heard it, I wondered how I had gone my entire life without experiencing Joni Mitchell. This record contains one of my favorite songs ever written, A Case of You.
2. Fat City, Shawn Colvin. I am a fan of her voice, more importantly, of her writing. The first time I heard this CD, I played Monopoly over and over and over. Painfully soothing.
3. The Essential Steve Earle, Steve Earle. I love the imperfection of his voice and the simplicity of the production. I think this is my favorite get-in-the-car-drive-with-no-destination CD at the moment. Guitar Town reminds me to have a good day.
4. Pet Sounds, The Beach Boys. This was the first Beach Boys record that convinced me that my parents had good taste in music after all.
5. The Angel in the House, Jonatha Brooke/The Story. Stunning. This is, for me, a record I always go back to for inspiration. The writing is very cerebral, the melodies are haunting, and they use very unconventional harmony parts, which I am a sucker for.

The three sexiest people alive
Heck! I don't know. Joe Millionaire, Average Joe, Joe Boxer . . . in no particular order. Oh, yeah, and Ray.
"And Kristyn's the control freak! That's her C. But she does get things done and she makes smart decisions for us. And, of course, her incredible songwriting is a great addition to our career."
Kristyn's dog, Midi *click to enlarge*
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