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Quote of the Moment:
I�d much rather show my brain and my talent and my ability than (show) my body.

I sing, so I gotta get the crap out.

I�m the loud one. � Most of the time, I�m the one who has to be told to shut up and listen.

I think it�s possible to have good standards and to have good morals and to be cool and to be hip.

But to actually be experiencing all these highs and lows, I wouldn�t choose anybody else to experience it with other than my sisters.

I get nervous before I go into a CD store because I know I'm going to be in debt when I come out of there.

We thought, this is weird. When we got on the bus afterward we were saying, 'Kristyn, how does that feel?!'. - on fans singing along 4 days after TWS was released in Detroit.

We talk on the phone every day...I think if we went one day without doing that, we would feel very out of touch with each other.

I'm grateful that I found him. He's come along at the right time in my life. It's a little hard sometimes because we never get to see each other - but we leave a lot of phone messages. - on 'dating' Joe Don

I love to make my mom feel uncomfortable, if at all possible - talking about her mom's 'admiration' for Joe Nichols

I like to do early morning workouts, so I'm more a morning person. But my sisters definitely are not.

My favorite is my Diff'rent Strokes T-shirt. It has Arnold going "What you talkin' 'bout, Willis?" I'm all about comfortable clothing.

That was bad. We're better. Face it. Deal with it. - to Lance on CMT Top 20 beating him in 'put-put'

When you are in love with music, when you're a fan of music, there's no separation. -on the country vs pop debate

It's cool to be an Osborn now!

We often say this album should be sold with a dictionary, because [Kelsi and I] would be like, "What did we just sing?"

Somebody else suggested Salt Lick. SHeDAISY sounded really good next to that.

We had to pull out all those White House napkins. It was embarrassing.

We'll pay you $100...to go away! - to the 2 guys on The Drew Carey Show

My problem is that I eat as I go, so there's really no product most of the time. - on baking

Well, we knew that making 20 bucks bought a lot of candy.

They are bratty, bratty boys...I thought rascal just because they're dirty rascals. - on their labelmates Rascal Flatts

But I don�t see the fear of change because if you can bring more people to this format, what is the harm?
Kassidy Quotes
Kelsi Quotes
She spits a lot. Like hawks spit. -on what gets on her nerves about Kassidy

But we don�t have band members sing backup for us, and we don�t have prerecorded vocals. When you go to a concert you want to hear it true-blue.

It�s very important for us, when we do a live show, to let people hear the songs the way they know them.

We struggled with radio, but our fans got it, and that's what was important to us. -on Knock on the Sky

Harmony is our thing. Having that in-your-face harmony is something audiences have come to expect from us.

The road is where music is written, friends are made and fans are connected with.

We never go through anything alone. If that connection was taken away from me, I don't know what I would do.

It's not the fame, it's not the fortune, it's getting people to hear the music.

Sometimes I'll say, 'How the heck did we get here? Can you believe we're singing with Ray Charles?'

It would have been a mistake. It would have turned people off. We would've been branded the bubblegum girls of country. We weren't ready. - on their 1st unreleased album with RCA

My teacher's name was Miss Newton. She set up 'centers' where you went around learned to do something, and my favorite was cooking. She had a little stove and skillet, and we got to learn to make cheese sandwiches. For a second-grader to learn something hands-on and really do it, was great! - on her favorite teacher

Pretty dang cool - on the fans

If we were in the studio at the same time, we could never get it done. We would've laughed our butts off, and we could've never been serious.

Well there's a lot of pretty girls in country music. But we're very fortunate that we look okay.

Our dad came up with Wide Load, which is not a good name for three women.

We've talked about getting pregnant next fall. We'll be married six years by then. I think we'll feel ready to hear the patter of little feet!

It's not easy for SHeDAISY because we're never wrong! -on "Mine All Mine"

Our fans are great barometers for us, and they know more about us than we know about ourselves.

Anything sweet and fattening is good.

Kristyn is Ursala the Sea Witch.

Years ago when we talked to Garth Brooks, he asked us what makes us different and ever since he asked that, it�s always stuck in our minds to do things different.

Well, since Kristyn has no meat on her bones, it would have to be Kassidy! - when asked "If you were stranded on a desert island, who would you eat first?" at Fan Club party 2000

She cried before (points to Kassidy), she cried onstage (points to Kristyn), I cried after we walked off. Isn't that pathetic? - on their Grand Ole Opry debut

One of the things that surprises us the most is how passionate some of the fans got so quickly. Within a couple of months we had a bunch of unofficial websites.

At first, everyone wanted us to be the new New Kids on the Block. And that's not us.
Kristyn Quotes
Now I enjoy the business side. I love negotiating and contracts and dealing with lawyers.

We've had people crying in the audience. That's hard to watch because you've got to sing, and you're afraid you're not going to get through it.

Kelsi gets the marriage-advice letters. Kassidy gets the proposals. I feel like an advice columnist. People are analyzing the lyrics.

I'm at the age when you think about having children. Motherhood is important to me. If I had to choose (between music and family), I'd choose motherhood.

I'm a hard person to live with. I'm very intense. I have to feel something. I had a part in (the divorce). . . . I'm like a lump of clay that hasn't been shaped yet.

We think we can open people's minds. There is so much music. I've gotten so many letters about this latest album. And that drives you.

I have to turn it off sometimes 'cause I cry. I can't handle it. - on Darryl Worley's video for "I Miss my Friend"

We were not put together; this isn�t a manipulated sound; this is not a manipulated image; it is who we are

We are really proud of what we have done. I hope people accept the fact that Nashville is going to grow and evolve and we are part of the growth.

On the first album we had a very defined sound, and we all had a very specific idea in our head of how we wanted to be presented musically. What Dan Huff did on the second album was to take what we turned in to a whole new level.

There's nothing more fulfilling for me than being in the studio writing songs.

"I Will" was one that just cranked because I was on a rampage that day. The lyrics just came. I had a little bit of anxiety. I had all these thoughts that I really meant some of the things that I said. It was a bit of a bad day for me. - Kristyn on writing "I Will...But"

I wanted some. I only got a couple hickeys. I was goin' for a little more. - Kristyn when Kelsi is asked about getting hickeys from the sting rays

Some of the best songs we have on this record came about in the last 4 or 5 months, in our delay period, when the album should have been out 6 months ago.

We had so many angry men calling radio stations, I just wanted to say, "Don't flatter yourself!" - on the repsonse to "Get Over Yourself"

We didn't want a bunch of fluff songs. We wanted really substantial, meaningful material.

The great thing is, we have this unconditional love. It's like, 'You can't quit being my sisters!' And I can't quit on them.

Anything that relates to Middle America, to me, is country music.

It comes down to the fans, because they're the ones who bought the record.

We do fight. It's explosive, but then it goes away really quickly.

With the first record, everything was simpler. Life wasn't as complicated.

There's been a core kind of group that has been so...I mean, it doesn't matter what goes on, they are really supportive. That's what blows our minds.

It appears as though I have been deemed a bit bitter and quite the man basher.

You can learn to laugh about it after you sell two million records.

I wanted the chorus to be a big 'shout out' - because that was what I was feeling. I wanted a list of slams. - on writing "Get Over Yourself"

That doesn't look like a flower!

I have to eat potato chips when I sing. It just loosens me up mentally. It makes me feel better. It's a comfort food.

I was at a club recently, and our song (I Will...But) came on and they did the dance. I'm no good at it, but Kelsi has it down. At least one of us can do it!

We were hoping the Daisy Patch would come in and sit on the front row and make us more comfortable! - on CMA Awards 2000 performance

I have a hard time vacationing. Usually after four days, I've got it down and it's time to get back to work.

It's not men-bashing. We're big fans of men.

We spend a lot of time making oursleves overcomplicated and trying to make every song different. We use our voices like instruments.
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