Star Wars

The following are short descriptions of the videos and a small gif thumbnail picture(not yet). All of these videos are in .avi format because the .mov format has poor quality and compression *. All these videos are on my server, you can link to them if you want, but you also need to link to my site. E-mail me if you link to my videos.

atwalker.avi The AT-Walkers attacking the rebel base on Hoth. From TESB.
c3po.avi C3P0 says to R2,"Pay attention to what you're doing!"
cantina.avi Figrin D`an and the Modal Nodes playing in the cantina. From ANH, of course. The missing scene from ANH with Biggs and Luke.
chase.avi The Millenium Falcon being chased by a star destroyer and ties.
chewie.avi Chewbaca screaming. From ANH I think.
fight2.avi An x-wing flies past explosions, and two ties shoot down and a y-wing. From ROTJ.
flyby.avi Luke in his x-wing exiting the planet Hoth.
flyby2.avi Luke and Han leaving the planet Tatooine.
hyperspace.avi The Millenium Falcon jumping into hyperspace.
jawas.avi The jawas in Tatooine shoot R2D2 with a stun shot.
pursuit.avi The Millenium Falcon being chased by ties while star destroyers have a near miss.
r2d2.avi R2D2 beeping at Luke at Degobah.
slave1.avi Boba Fett escaping in his Slave1 with carobinate Han Solo.
vader.avi Darth Vader saying to Luke, "It is useless to resist."
yoda.avi Yoda instructing Luke of the force while on his back.
yoda2.avi Yoda's last words before he dies.

*Except for

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