shinta's tour

Travel Agency ● Tour Operator

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About Us

Introducing to prospects and plans for the future.

shinta's tour back in 1998, decided to add outbound companies to the long established inbound and transportation business portfolio, turning it to be the most integrated travel and leisure group without losing focus in learning by doing to master the core competence and later on develop to reach the required economic of scale. Born in the circumstances of expeditious growth in the group, shinta's tour grows and becomes the national market leader during its first decade of operation. It turns into an award-winning travel and leisure management company through innovation and wide expansion. Adikarya Wisata 2010, Four IMAC award during 2008-2011, two Indonesia Tourism Award, four MURI Records and hundreds more from government, tourism boards, independent institutions and industries prove that shinta's tourhas become a strong player in the industry

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