Hi There!
You are visiting the pages of
Shirley Jackson"; DWPM
Go figure......

This page will have some information or stories about cross dressing. If you don't want to hear about it, get out now.
Save yourself.   RUN RUN RUN AWAY!!!   No kidding !
If you are underage or your Mom or Dad would not approve,
hit the back button now. There are no SEX stories on these pages.   NONE!!!!!

Revised Jan 07, 2004,   I have space problems on this page. It is for years Sep1995 to Dec 2002.  You will see a link below to 2003 and beyond.  I don't know how far we will go, but I will try to make it a fun trip. Do spend a little time on these pages, some of the stories are my favorites(BIG RED).
     Shirley says,  It's just for fun darling.
It all started many year ago.  It is the same story as many of you that are on the web or are looking at the WEB girls.
AND THEN, Shirley came out of the Motel in Sacramento the Summer of 1995.  ( It is now 2002 & almost 2003, girl, that was a long time ago)   It is very hard to put her back in the box for very long and  I spend much of my time in Portland Oregon.   I love shopping at Washington Square.   It is fun to watch the lady shoppers look and not ask.   I try very hard to pass and I am getting a little better with more practice, until I talk that is.     That's what it takes, practice and more practice.

The one thing that I want to tell you is, I AM HAVING MORE FUN THAN I HAVE FOR YEARS.( still having fun 2004) Shirley needed to get out of the house.  Do you know what I mean, GIRLS????  I have been to Portland,Denver, Seattle, Sacromento and Reno as a lady.  So if you can get up the strength, GET OUT OF THE HOUSE!!!!  I know it isn't easy, The First Time, But go ahead and try it.   YOU MIGHT JUST HAVE A GOOD TIME..
Here is a picture of me.    This was the Friday night before Halloween at HOBO's in Old Town, Portland.    The outfit is from Newport News.    I know, I have been eaten almost everything for about 12 months and I'm FAT.    OH WELL.    I'm still having fun and that's what's important to me.   Now that it is January I am going on a diet and hope/plan to loose about 20# as soon as I finish these peanut M&Ms.    We will see.   The story for this picture is on page 5.    I did have a good time that night.       Enjoy............Page 2 has some more personal info.    I lose 5# in 2001 so far....  OOOPPPS, they came back!!
See Notes below for the latest.
Look, my toenails are painted.   I love my toes to be painted.   I use a ruby color.   Me, a Ruby.   What BS.....

  Do you like the rain drop earrings??
They come from the Oregon Coast, @ The Raindrop  Factory, Glass Sculptors.   They are in Florance, Oregon, on Bay Street, in Old Town, next to the Pizza place .  Give them a look for cool glass things, when you are on the Oregon Coast.

I told them I would give their name to you.
I like the earings.

  Letter 11. So much fun..
Letter 12. Off to Seattle WOW..
  Letter 13. Oct 2000.  What a Weekend !
     Letter 4. Letter 14.   Christmas Party !
Letter 15.     Reno
Letter 5.
Letter 7.   Page with a story.
Letter 16.   Go See
Letter 8.   I'm trying to catch you up.
Letter 17.   AKA My Lover
  Letter 9. Things I use Page. OCT 10, 2000
Letter 18.   AKA Big Red
Letter 10. These aren't just pages any MORE
Letter 19
Letter 20  Just another night  OUT....
Letter 21 about Nov & Dec 2001, 2 NEW found pictures,  added AUG 25/02
Letter 23. Look, I'm doing another Letter to YOU.  WOOO HOOO.
Letter 22.The Denver Trip, Now with pictures!
Letter 24. June 15,2002
Open, 24 hours of fun
Letter25. Karen in Denver Friday June 14 ,2002
New Oct 31, 02 Picture
Letter 27 is open for viewing at this time. Please enjoy, we did...
Letter 26,  June weekend in Portland
Restaurant Reviews by Brenda & Shirley
Revised Aug 11, 2002 Second review is added.
Letter 28/Pictures
Letter 29  for Aug 9, 10 & 11,  2002
Added MORE Pictures  Very fun night.
This will be Pats Pictures.  She has a few. MORE
        The later years,
2003 and beyond is UP!   There are just a few Letters since it had been a busy couple of years.  (Jan 2004)
Newest ones on top. Older ones at the bottom.
Nov 30, 2002 I was haveing trouble saving pages.  Yahoo says I was at 99.8% of the space whitout buying more area. I have been reducing pages and taking off old pictures today.  I hope this will give me space for page 30.

Nov 4, 02   Pat sent me some more pictures and they are on her page.   We have been having so much fun that I don't have time to write to you.  Sorry about that......

Sept 22.  I have not forgotten all of you.  I have been VERY busy.  Went to Denver for a long weekend.  Car problems. Money is a little low and I am staying in for a while.  More details when I can get around to it.

August 25. Added pictures to letter 28.  Added 2 pictures on L 21.  Added Letter 29 & working on pictures

July 20, 2002.  Letter 27 and the Restaurant Review now works.  Always have to get the details correct.  
Look at that, July 10th was the last update, WOO HOO every 10 days.  The was a fast one.   Have Fun  SJ

July 10, 2002.  I think Letter 26 is up tonight. If you can't get throught to it from this page go through Letter 25.  It always takes me a little time to remember how to set things up.  I know the pictures load real slow and I am working on that problem.  I have to purchase ( AH OH WOO ) that hurt, a program.  We are going to dinner this weekend.  Brenda wants to get 4 of us together. 4 T girls that want to LOOK and DRESS and, dare I say the word, PASS.  We try our best to fit in. We all look pretty good.  I will get some batteries for the camra. Didn't get any photos at Peacock, and we looked great.  TA TA for now.  SJ

June 22,2002,  I have been in Letters 23,24 & 25 cleaning up.  When I started this web page I had no idea where it would go.  Now Miss N says we should do a book.  I don't know, what do you think???  The Hits counter does not show the real total, above 8000.  That is not like some girls with over 100,000.  I am having fun and if one or two people enjoy my letters that is good. So TA TA for now.  Enjoy and email if you have a chance.    SJ

Letters 24 and 25 are new and may run tonight.  June 19.2002  Pictures are on the pages now.  

June 2002  Well I'm back.  Letter 23 is up and running. 

Feb 24, 2002. The puter died & I didn't have the $ to get it fixed.  Now we are back and I put three pictures on Letter 22.

Jan 18th..  Letter 22 is ready for viewing.  I went to Denver and we had a good time.  Thats like saying," I painted my nails and they came out RUBY color". You just knew it was going to happen that way...I missed the meeting last weekend. (Jan 12th) I did not feel well.  I was running a temperature and coughing.  I don't like to do that at all..  I feel somewhat better this week but the cough is still around.  Please enjoy the letters..

Jan 07, 2002.  The night is young, well that is how the story started anyway...  Nov & Dec were fun months. I got out quite a bit.  I went to Denver for Christmas and Karen and I went shopping and out on the town.  Karen has not been out too much.  So we got her to see how the girls do it...  Letter 21 is about Portland stuff and letter 22 will be about Denver when I get it done, soon.  Karen wants me to finish the letter right NOW....
Pictures TOOOOOOOO....
It is now Sept  27th, 2001 .  I have been very busy with boy and girl stuff.   Bad news, we took a 10% pay cut to try and stay in business.  Talk about hurting a GIRL.  CUT down on buying cloths and shoes.  Winter is coming and I want new boots.  My friend is getting divorced after 22 years.  The car is not running right.  No money.  My friend in CALIF, his wife is complaining big time.  Small problem  to NYC, DC and PEN .  Count our blessings.    I got  trapped in Denver for 4 days.  Was to fly on Wednesday but didn't until Sunday.  Small price to pay for me. 

OK.  So page 20 is up now.  I will try to finish 21 soon and add some more.   See YA ????

July 2, 2001. More news soon..  Boy did that take a long time,
June 30, 2001     Added some pictures for you in letter 19.  Steve, the animal and ME..  WOO HOO   Oh, The mail man delivered my new dress and shoes today.   Woo Hoo New Stuff    June 28,2001   Added letter 19.  A weekend with lots of fun for me and the girls.      
Early June 2001,    Letter 17 With Mr. Bear and letter 18 added.
Revised, May 16, 2001, Letter 15 is up for reading and 16 is too tonight..
Please tell me what you think about Letter 16. The taxi driver should be kinder.
I do answer emails, even if they are from MEN.    My next big trip should be back to RENO.
REVISED, March 26, 2001. I have been very busy as always with girl and boy stuff.    Pages 13 & 14 are trying to catch you up.  I've been out quite a bit in Dec, Jan, Feb and March.   I have spent my all on cloths, Motels and GAS.    I have let everything else go by the wayside.    Who needs a roof over there head when they can be OUT......
All for tonight, I have to go tuck BEAR into bed...... I have a picture of Mr. Bear that is on 17 now....
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