The Frozen Throne: New Heroes & Units

~ Written on 1 March 2003




New Heroes





There will be one new hero and about 2 units each for each race. In addition, there are 5 neutral heroes added to the game and can be recruited, most probably from the mercenary camps. Another new addition is a new building to each race which would provide race specific and common items for the heroes. Not all the details have been released yet but here they are:


Human Alliance:

New Hero: Blood Mage

Many of the stoic high elves, reeling from the loss of their ancient homeland, Quel'Thalas, have given in to their hatred and despair and embraced the dark side of their magical natures. Calling themselves 'blood elves' - these cold hearted refugees seek to expand their remaining magical powers at any cost - even if it means courting the infernal powers of the Burning Legion! Though still loyal to the Alliance, the blood elves' passions will lead them not only to the highest pinnacles of power, but to the darkest depths of madness.



Flame strike: An effect spell that damages everything, dealing fire damage to units around the impact zone. Unlike Archmage's blizzard, falme strike isn't interruptible

Banish: Turns a unit ethereal for a short duration. Ethereal creatures cannot attack, but they can cast spells, and can only be harmed by Magic attacks and spells.Can be used to eliminate a powerful unit for a while or saving your own units who are hurt.
Mana Shield
: Creates a shield of pure mana that absorbs physical damage and negative spells.

Mark of Chaos: Sacrifices a target non-mechanical unit to create a Phoenix with 1250 hit points that deals 61-75 damage. The Phoenix burns with such intensity that it damages itself over time. Has the Phoenix Fire ability, whcih deals 20 damage to nearby enemy air units, and Spell Immunity. The Phonenix lasts forever until it either burns out or dies, Lasts about 4 minutes.


New Unit: Spell Breaker

The cunning blood elf spell breakers have mastered the arts of spellcraft to such a degree that they have become immune to the effect of even the most powerful magics. Coupled with their fierce combat skills, their spell immunity makes them implacable foes when facing magic-welding enemies. However, the spell breakers' most astonishing ability is to actually steal their enemies' beneficial enchantments and grant them to their own comrades. This uncanny ability has turned the tide of more than one battle in the blood elves' favour.



They are a good defense against magic spells and abilities. While the Spell Breaker is only about as powerful as a footman, their spells make them invaluable. Being immune to any magic, nothing can be cast on it, including area effect damage spells like blizzard. This also includes any friendly buffs. Their second ability, Spell Theft, can be set to auto-cast and will remove helpful buffs on enemy units and transfer them to your own troops!



New Unit: Dragon Hawk

Orignally featured in the Undead Campaign (Chapter 4 - Key of the Three Moons), Dragon Hawks can now be built in multiplayer, in addition, they feature a new ability. They're quick and agile, while their Cloud ability allows them to disable enemy towers and and units from attacking. Both the Spell Breaker and Dragon Hawk will be built from the Arcane Sanctum. They are supposed to have a second ability that has yet to be finalised.


Other Additions:

Steam tanks are now given powerful dwarven rockets that allow to attack enemy airborne units and turns them into ranged siege weapons!




On to Page 2: The Night Elves


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