The Frozen Throne: New Heroes & Units

~ Written on 1 March 2003




New Heroes





Night Elf Sentinels:

New Hero: Warden

The mysterious wardens serve as the night elves' special police force in Kalimdor. Set apart from the militant Sentinels, wardens are usually employed as jailors, assassins, and bounty hunters. When loosed upon escaped criminals, wardens employ a number of supernatural powers that enable them to recapture their prey and mete out the night elves' justice. Wardens have a line of sight teleport ability called "blink," which they can use to outmaneuver even the quickest of foes.



Blink: Inexpensive yet useful spell allows for nifty combinations of abilities. Blink allows the Warden to teleport a short distance away in an instant. This is great for escaping tricky situations and also for a quick hit and run strike on enemy units and heroes.

Fan of Knives: An array of knives will fly out from the Warden and can deal out plenty of damage. When used with Blink, the damage can be extensive.

Shadow Strike: The Warden hurls a poisoned dagger which deals large initial damage, and then deals damage every 3 seconds for 15 seconds to a target enemy ground units. The poisoned unit has it's attack and movement rate slowed for a short duration.
Spirit of Vengeance: Creates a powerful fighting spirit from the bodies of fallen allies. The strength of the Spirit of Vengeance is proportional to the number of fallen allies nearby. Lasts 180 seconds.


New Unit: Mountain Giant

These monstrous creatures, crafted by the Titans when the world was young, are composed of living stone and stout flora. Benevolent and solitary by nature, the mountain giants have awakened to find that the tranquil world they once helped to shape has become a hectic battlefield of fire and sorrow. Now the mountain giants have pledged their courage and strength to the night elves' cause -- and stand ready to banish the last remnants of the Burning Legion from the world. 



This heavy melee unit is enormous, expensive and mean as hell. These guys are tough and would prevent enemy melee units from sneaking by and attacking your ranged units, of which Night Elves' are notorious for. Their Taunt ability will cause any units around the area to stop what they're doing and attack them instead. Their second ability, Grab Tree, allows the Mountain Giant to pull up a tree and use it as a weapon against buildings. This converts the Mountain Giant into a mobile but slow siege machine. 


New Unit: Faerie Dragon

As a new flying unit for the Night Elves, the Faerie Dragon comes in to stem the tide of enemy magic. Being immune to magic, its first ability, Phase Shift, is an autocast ability which causes the unit to become Ethereal whenever it takes damage. Ethereal creatures cannot attack, but they can cast spells, and can only be harmed by magic attacks and spells. Lasts 2 seconds. The second ability, Mana Flare, deals damage to mana using enemy units.


New additions:
Druids of the Claw and Talon can now cast Roar and Faerie Fire when in their animal forms. In addition, Moon Wells can now store more mana.



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