The Frozen Throne: New Heroes & Units

~ Written on 1 March 2003




New Heroes





Undead Scourge:

New Hero: Crypt Lord

These ancient, evil behemoths were once the mighty kings of the subterranean spider kingdom of Azjol-Nerub. Though the Nerubians fell before the wrath of the Lich King during the fabled War of the Spider, the insidious Crypt Lords were swayed over to the Lich King's ranks and granted considerable power and the immortality of undeath. Now the giant, thundering beasts serve as the Lich King's mightiest warriors and the guardians of the Scourge's holdings in Northrend.



Impale: As a first strike attack, this relatively inexpensive attack will hurl enemy units into the air for a good amount of damage plus a stunning effect upon landing.
Spiked Carapace: This passive ability will give the Crypt Lord just what it sounds like. The more you upgrade the shield, the more protection it give the hero while increasing the damage melee units take when attacking him.
Carrion Beetles: Works like the Raise Dead ability with a twist. For every dead body the spell is cast on, a scarab will be raised. These don't have a limited life span and will be around until they are killed. However, only 5 can be controlled at anyone time.
Locust Swarm: The final ability of the Crypt Lord brings a plague of locusts down upon enemies in the area. When triggered, a swarm will release itself from the host and attack all enemies in the area with an really creepy buzzing sound. In addition, the locusts will restore hit points to the Crypt Lord upon their return.


New Unit: Obsidian Statue

The Undead actual get both of their new units in one. The Obsidian Statue is a mechanical unit that acts like a mobile Moon Well and can replenish both mana and health to your units. Absorb Mana allows the unit to take all mana from one of your unit and replenish it's own. A second ability, Replenish Mana, is autocast and can replenish the mana of any friendly unit. The last ability, Aura of Blight, provides a healing aura for nearby units.



New Unit: Black Sphynx

The Obsidian Statue can be upgraded to the Undead's second new unit, the Black Sphinx. When this option is chosen, the statue begins to morph into the Sphinx with an actual build time, like structures. Unlike the obsidian statue, the black sphinx is a flying unit, and it has an attack. Its antimagic capability, Devour Magic, dispels in an area and reflects that power as damage back on the casters. A second ability, Orb of Annihilation, adds 12 bonus damage to the Black Sphinx's attack and causes his attacks to do area of effect damage and is an autocast ability.


New additions:

The Undead have the most number of additions. Firstly, Crypt Fields and Carrion Beetles have a Burrow ability which allows to regenerate hit points faster. They cannot attack while underground. Secondly, Necromancers can now summon Skeletal Mages instead of the usual skeletons. Lastly, Meat Wagons gain the ability to regenerate corpses.


On to Page 4: The Orcs and the Neutrals


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