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Kylee groaned and rolled over. Her mind was hazy, thoughts too indistinct. A blast tore into her reverie and a face leapt out. The ground she was on felt strangely warm and there was the slightest movement. Everything came back and she focused on her altering her size. Nothing happened and she knew the strange woman had succeeded. The realization of how vulnerable she was while unconscious was a golem in her mind. Her fingers felt the surface she was perched on and noted its rough texture. She sat up to get a better view and saw the world curve away below her legs and that kept her from daring to look up.

�Enjoying yourself?� the woman�s voice shook around her.

Kylee did the only thing she could; she gave in to her fears. �Please make me big again.�

�I�m not in charge of that decision and I would never ask my Mistress to change her mind. She may squish us both for my insolence.� She glared down at Kylee in anticipation of rubbing the truth in more. �Did you think you were sitting atop the nipple of a woman who�s full-sized? Sorry, I�m still only an inch high. Don�t bother with the math, I�ll tell you right now that it makes you a worthless speck.�

Kylee absorbed it all. The woman�s nipple was almost half her height, so no one would even see Kylee on her body. Any accident that happened to her abductor meant any even worse fate for her. She grasped the fleshy protrusion as a torrential wind swept up and threatened to carry her away. She glanced around enough to see the larger woman steadying herself as well against a slight breeze.

�That was close, wasn�t it?� she laughed at her tiny prisoner. �Since we�ll be together for a long time I should introduce myself. Call me Debbie. Soon I�ll be taking you meet some other people you know.�

�Kylee has not reported in and neither have the others.� His voice carried across the office with a force that shook the nerves of even those most desensitized to his tirades. �We�re going into a full lockdown of these facilities. Everyone break out the infrared gear. Whoever�s left will help in a full search of the premises. If you find tiny people, approach with caution even if you think they�re one of us. This is not a drill, we are officially fucked.� What good was morale at this point? He had already notified the President, there was nothing left to do but hold on to the faintest thread of hope.

�Who are all of you?� Kylee asked in confusion. She had been promised a reunion with other agents. Not a single face was even remotely familiar and she knew every coworker.

�I�m Alicia,� one girl answered. She indicated another woman, �This is Janelle. We were a part of the group of new recruits.�

�Rookies? Rookies were sent out on an emergency?�

�We were training with Mia when she received the call. She brought us with her and told us to stay out of danger. We were taken by surprise and knocked out.�

Kylee knew what that meant, no chips in any of them. �Where�s Mia? I�d like to hear her report.�

Janelle spoke up. �The woman who caught us tied her to an M-80. We were taken away before the blast, but we heard it go off.� Her voice trailed off and Kylee had to ask her to repeat herself. The words came out through a stream of tears. �We could hear a scream right at the moment it went off. We were� we� she let us�made us look back and� we saw.� She couldn�t finish and fell into Alicia�s arms for consolation.

Kylee didn�t have to ask, she had seen it once before without the luxury of missing the actual act and told them that. She also made sure to add that she had been an agent at least two years before that occurred. A rookie is barely used to the shrinking and is shielded from the worst of the horrors that can occur. These two poor girls would probably never end up full agents if they survived. If they did, it would only be after years of intensive counseling.

�First, we need a plan of escape and then a way of getting to a shrink ray so we can be big again.�

�But how?� Alicia pleaded. �Only the biggest one, Jennie, has a gun. I think the others only have the chemical. That gun is way too big for any of us to handle it.�

�Don�t tell me you haven�t taken the upper division survival courses.�

�No, we haven�t,� Janelle said, confirming Kylee�s worst fears.

�Level One Rookies, I�m stuck as a flyspeck with Level One Rookies. Abso-fudgin-lutely perfect. We are boned.�

�Couldn�t you teach us?� Janelle pleaded. She was a little too good at that action.

�Possibly, but it�ll be a bitch without access to the necessary resources. Once we escape we won�t have much time to get ourselves big again. There won�t be the opportunity for second chances or any mistakes.� She glared them both down. �If either one of you screws this up and gets me killed, I am so staying alive long enough to nearly kill you with my bare hands. Then my ghost will finish the job.�

That was all it took. Her troops were ready for her orders. Yes, they would do what she said, when she said it, and make her proud. Forget a fear of God; they would have a fear of Kylee. Now all she needed was a big American flag behind her when she spoke.

Sarah was screaming at the top of her lungs, stripping her vocal cords raw in her efforts. She wasn�t trying to get help; she had simply lost it after a few hours in that pipette. The sounds were merely that, sounds. There was no coherency, even to Sarah. She broke off as her world rumbled. The Great Sky Gods were returning for her! She smiled up and then panicked. The face was familiar, but not her deity. This could only mean punishment. She stayed still, hoping to avoid retribution from the Bad Gods. She got some of her wish; the figure bumped a table and her prison slipped loose. She tumbled free into the boiling liquid below and felt it eat away her skin on contact. Her senses returned to recognize the face as her assistant, Paul. She wanted to scream out and get his attention but held back. There was nothing he could do for her and knowing what he had done, however accidentally, would destroy him. She faced her death with honor.

Jennie cackled over the prone forms of a crowd men and women. They had all gone to high school with her five years before and mocked her for her height of barely less than five feet. The nicknames and taunting had been too much. All the jocks laughing about crushing her during sex and making the squishing fingers gesture, all the people who leaned over too far and addressed her as if she was a foot high, and the mockery of countless gym teachers. Now they would all pay, along with the rest of the world.

�Jennie Jellybean is here, don�t you have any jokes to make?� She slammed a heeled foot into the middle of the crowd and enjoyed watching them scatter. Oh well, a few didn�t get out of the way. She used a tissue to pull her only boyfriend from her heel. �Rick was an ass anyway, always saying he was too big for a doll like me. I�ll tell the rest of you, no matter which size he was at, he was still too puny to satisfy me. Does it really suck to have someone look down at you as nothing more than a worthless speck?�

�Please, Jennie, let me go, I was your best friend,� a voice called out.

�I remember you, Lindsay. You always said how close we were and how much you thought of us as sisters.� She picked the little woman up to her face, dangling her by the back of her cocktail dress. �By the way, on graduation day I learned who had been writing those messages about me on the bathroom walls for the past five years. You can see for yourself that my tits are very real and very firm.�

She released her grip and the minuscule person fell perfectly into the cavern of her cleavage. She tried desperately to cling to a breast as she slid between them, but Jennie�s skin was flawlessly smooth and offered no handholds even to one of her size. She finally reached the end and was wedged between the hot walls of flesh. Lindsay could feel every movement and the thumping of Jennie�s heart echoed around her in unison with the whoosh of her pulse. For an instant, she drank in the splendor of this impossibly huge woman and believed Jennie was the only one who had been changed in size. She felt a homosexual urge creep through her and playfully stroked the perfumed skin. In the back of her mind she could hear her husband cheering her on as she fondled another woman. He was such a pig and she couldn�t care less. Lindsay was in one moment and drank it up, savoring each second for its sheer perfection. Nothing could bring her down from her high, not even the painful squeezing of the breasts closing in upon her. She knew Jennie was pushing her breasts tighter together to crush her and prove their firmness, but it all seemed so� irrelevant. The air disappeared from her lungs and multiple cracks popped from her ribcage. Blood trickled from her mouth and she frowned because the end had to come.

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