Death of a Hero
Iron Man Issue 230-Death of a Hero

"Death of a Hero". NO! Wait Iron Man is invincible right? Right ??? Well he isn't for long when he goes up against "firepower" I do see how Tony gets his ass kicked by Firepower? Anyway the US government wants Iron Man because they believe he's a murderer but I don't have issues 225-229 , but I think he killed Stingray. So the US Government steals iron mans technology and creates Firepower. But Firepower really, I mean really kicks his ass, after getting his ass kick. Tony heads back to the helicopter were extra blood and materials are, they (James Rhodes) take off the armor and send it out of the helicopter. Brace yourself, this part made me cry�no I'm joking, as I was saying they send the Silver Centurion armor out of the helicopter and Firepower unloads a nuke, BOOM there goes the silver centurion armor.
Then out of no were the armors helmet drops to the ground all jacked up. BUT! Tony comes back with the new and gold armor; it was cool looking until some stupid guy at marvel added big boots. Yeah well Iron Man gets his revenge on Firepower. For more information go to your local comic book store and get issues 230 and 231, hurry soon before I buy all the Iron Man comics!

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