knux dark legion cover #3
Knuckles:  The Dark Legion
Corner Box:  No. 3 June $1.50  Sonic holds three Chaos Emeralds
Cover:  Knuckles fights Kragok

"Blood Is Thicker"
Ken Penders and Kent Taylor - Writers
Manny Galan and Andrew Pepoy - Artists
Karl Bollers - Color Artist
Vickie Williams - Letterer
J. Freddy Gabrie - Editor
Victor Gorelick - Managing Editor
Richard Goldwater - Editor-In-Chief

(Introduction page)
Knuckles is faced with an enemy with unlimited resources and fighters.  Now Knuckles is ready to fight for his island with the lessons that he has learned.

The panicked animals run towards the Chaotix, so Knuckles has Mighty chop down a tree to make a roadblock.  The animals slow down as the fire catches up to them.

Book Three

Knuckles has Vector remove his headphones and turn the volume on his walkman to the maximum. Vector yells "Sonic Boom" (a reference to Sonic CD) as the music begins to play.  The sonic force from the headphones blows the fire backwards toward the Dark Legion.  The aircraft crash into the trees before they have a chance to change direction.

In the past, the council is concerned over the threat of civil war.  Steppenwolf walks into the room and says they cannot give up.  Council Garek yells at Steppenwolf, saying that Steppenwolf's family is the reason why they are having problems.  Steppenwolf explains that his family is also the reason why everyone is still alive.  Council Garek says that they should give Steppenwolf's head to the Dark Legion and points a gun at Steppenwolf's chest.  Steppenwolf says that if Council Garek's way is the best, then he should go ahead and pull the trigger; Steppenwolf is willing to give his life so that Council Garek and his family may live.  Council Garek realizes what he has done and falls to his knees.  Steppenwolf explains that the problem is that everyone has not been able to deal with the new order and that a bridge must be built between the division of the echidnas in order to survive.  Steppenwolf helps Council Garek to his feet and says that if he does not return there is always another solution.  After Steppenwolf leaves, the High Councilor says that Steppenwolf is the example of why they will overcome their troubles.

After Knuckles helps Vector to his feet, the Chaotix inspect the crashed aircraft.  Everyone except for Charmy puts on the cloaks from the Dark Legion and board the aircraft.  Soon the Chaotix approach a structure, and Knuckles wonders how nobody knew about it.  Archimedes watches Knuckles on a monitor and says that it was built a long time ago.  Knuckles' father says he hoped that Knuckles would not have to deal with the Dark Legion and other things relating to echidna history.  Archimedes explains that Knuckles' father is being too overprotective and the knowledge Knuckles lacks could get him killed.  Knowing that Knuckles is not ready to face his enemy, Knuckles' father tells Archimedes to go to Knuckles.  Meanwhile, the Chaotix have made their way inside the structure.  A voice over a speaker tells everyone to report to the Great Hall.  Knuckles tells everyone to follow the crowd and soon everyone is in the Great Hall.  Kragok tells everyone that now that Edmund's son is defeated, nothing will stop them in getting the Chaos Emerald and restoring their former glory.  A voice protests, and a hooded figure jumps on the stage.  Kragok is furious when he recognizes the figure.

Knuckles Fan Art - 1 page

"I want my Knuckles' comic now!!!" Name Page - 1 page

Steppenwolf approaches the leader of the Dark Legion, who is wearing a mask, and explains that he wants to work out an agreement.  Suddenly one of the member's weapons burns his hands, causing him to drop his weapon.  The leader pulls out a weapon and fires at Steppenwolf, who manages to dodge the blast.  Steppenwolf throws a rock at the leader, knocking the weapon out of his hands.  The leader wants payback and jumps at Steppenwolf.  Steppenwolf punches the leader and then removes the mask.  Once the mask is removed, Steppenwolf realizes that the leader is Menniker.  Menniker says that Steppenwolf's father is responsible for his father's death.  After spending countless nights at his father's gravesite, Menniker saw an emerald light coming from the ground.  Menniker knew his father was sending him a message telling Menniker to continue what he started. Steppenwolf explains that if Menniker continues with his actions, there could be disaster. Steppenwolf raises his hands and sends the Dark Legion into a glowing green light.  As Menniker tries to hold onto the ground, he sees Steppenwolf's power and vows that he will pay.  When Menniker disappears, Christopheles appears and says that what Dimitri began continued through Menniker, but who knows where it will continue.

Knuckles and Kragok look at each other before beginning to fight.  The Chaotix begin to fight the Dark Legion troops as Knuckles' father watches on a monitor.  Knuckles' father uses his link with the Chaos Emerald to stop the Dark Legion's guns from working.  When Archimedes tells Knuckles that they must leave, Knuckles says that Archimedes must lead the Chaotix to safety while he catches Kragok.  As they run, Vector wonders why the power is overloading.  Knuckles' father says that only a guardian can know those secrets.  Meanwhile, Knuckles follows Kragok to a set of tubes.  Knuckles cannot tell which one Kragok disappeared into, so he manages to find his own escape route out of the building.  Soon Knuckles appears above the ground where the Chaotix await.  Knuckles says they were not prepared this time, but next time will be different.

Post Cards from the Hedge of the Floating Island highlights:
 ~ The next issues will have a contest announcement
 ~ Knuckles gets on and off the Floating Island by using his dreadlocks to catch the wind
 ~ Coupons are not good for international readers because of the currency changes, shipping and handling costs, and there is no guarantee that things will arrive in time
 ~ The echidna scientist that discovered the white comet threat is Kayla-la
 ~ Robotnik wants Chaos Emeralds for power since oil is in short supply

(Summary by Silver Starr)

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