knux dark legion cover #2
Knuckles:  The Dark Legion
Corner Box:  No. 2 May $1.50  Sonic holds two Chaos Emeralds
Cover:  Knuckles and the Chaotix are in the background as Steppenwolf kneels by Dimitri

"Sins of the Fathers"
Ken Penders and Kent Taylor - Writers
Manny Galan and Andrew Pepoy - Artists
Karl Bollers - Color Artist
Vickie Williams - Letterer
J. Freddy Gabrie - Editor
Victor Gorelick - Managing Editor
Richard Goldwater - Editor-In-Chief

(Introduction page)
As Guardian of the Floating Island, Knuckles has always tried to be aware of danger coming from Mobius.  Now Knuckles must face a threat from his own species.  Unsure of what to do, Knuckles reviews what he learned from his father.  Knuckles can either side with the echidnas or what his father taught him.

Water is splashed on Knuckles, who wakes up angry.  A hooded figure escorts Knuckles to Kragok's tent.

Book Two

Knuckles walks into the tent, and when Kragok tells Knuckles to sit down, Knuckles asks to have his shackles removed.  Kragok orders his guards to remove the shackles and tells Knuckles that the guards will stop him if he tries to make a move.

In the past, a fire-ant named Christopheles informs his queen that the echidnas' situation is growing worse.  The queen asks what they can do since the echidnas already appointed a safeguard from both technology and themselves.  Christopheles explains that the safeguard is possibly the root of the problem.  The queen suggests that the safeguard have a guide and volunteers Christopheles for the job.  Christopheles disappears and soon reappears by Edmund, who was thinking about going undercover to help the echidnas.  Christopheles explains that Edmund doesn't need a disguise, but he must fight with the truth.  Edmund agrees and then asks why he should listen to the fire-ant.  Christopheles explains Edmund's son has already learned the truth and is in danger.  Before Christopheles can tell Edmund what to do, Edmund runs out of the room and rides on a horse towards his son.

Knuckles leaps across the table and tries to strangle Kragok.  Kragok's guards pin Knuckles to the table as Kragok says he doesn't need his guards to handle Knuckles.  Knuckles taunts Kragok, who knocks Knuckles backwards to the floor with his robotic arm.  As Knuckles tries to stand up, Kragok demands to know the location of the Chaos Chamber.  Knuckles replies "beats me," and Kragok realizes he is lying since all guardians know the location.  Leaving the tent, Kragok tells his guards to do what Knuckles suggested, and they beat up Knuckles.  Knuckles fights the guards and knocks them each unconscious.  Once the last one is unconscious, Knuckles removes a cloak from one of the guards.  The echidna guard appears to have robotic parts attached to him.

Edmund sees two hooded echidnas inspecting over a crash site.  Suddenly one of the echidnas hears a noise and walks toward Edmund.  Edmund pinches the echidna's nose between two fingers and uses his other fingers to cover the echidna’s mouth.  The other echidna comes over to investigate, and Edmund hits the echidna over its head with a board.  Edmund steps over the echidnas as two shadows appear behind him.  A laser gun fires, and Edmund's glasses fall to the ground.

Knuckles Fan Art - 1 page

"I want my Knuckles' comic now!!!" Name Page - 1 page

Two hooded echidnas look over Edmund and leave.  Steppenwolf rushes toward his father and holds the lifeless body.  Steppenwolf says he should be the one lying there.  Christopheles appears and tells Steppenwolf that his father would want him to find the strength to continue.

The Chaotix are sitting with shackles on their arms.  To their surprise, a figure knocks out the two guards and removes the shackles.  Knuckles pushes back his hood and tells the Chaotix that they must leave once they create a diversion.  Charmy points out an abandoned tank nearby.  Meanwhile, Knuckles' father knows Knuckles will need help.  Archimedes appears and says that Knuckles still needs him.  An alarm goes off, and Knuckles' father runs to a different portion of Haven only to find Athair.  Meanwhile, as some hooded echidnas move explosives, a tank charges toward the camp.  Knuckles and the Chaotix run as an explosion appears in the background.  Vector thinks that they should take a break, but Knuckles says they must continue to run.  Back at Haven, Knuckles' father yells at Athair for his past selfishness.  Archimedes pleads with the two echidnas to stop their old argument.  Suddenly, the image of the Ancient Walkers appear behind Athair, and Athair disappears as he says that this is a warning.  Knuckles' father demands that Athair come back and explains what he means.  Archimedes says that even his father had some trouble with Athair.  Knuckles' father picks up Archimedes and tells the fire-ant that his wisdom is needed in Haven, especially if Athair and the Ancient Walkers are concerned for their future.

The mistake made with Edmund was that he did not have any training.  Christopheles helps train Steppenwolf physically and mentally to help him develop morals and ethics.  Eventually Christopheles shows Steppenwolf the Chaos Emerald that preserves the Floating Island.  Christopheles tells Steppenwolf that his energy is also channeled through the Chaos Emerald, and all he must do is believe.  Steppenwolf closes his eyes and soon he begins to float upwards.  Later, Christopheles shows Steppenwolf his new home.  When Steppenwolf cannot see anything, Christopheles tells him to walk forward.  Steppenwolf obeys and soon appears in Haven, his new base of operations.

The Dark Legion searches for Knuckles and the Chaotix as Vector decides to give up running.  Knuckles comes up with an idea and has Mighty remove a tree from the ground to act as a road block.  Kragok orders his troops to fire, and soon, the forest catches on fire.  Espio hears a sound, and soon, a group of animals charges straight for the Chaotix.

To be continued.

Post Cards from the Hedge of the Floating Island highlights:
 ~ Knuckles doesn't have enough time to play video games
 ~ Knuckles likes Tails, but he thinks he's annoying sometimes

(Preview Page) - 1 page
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(Summary by Silver Starr)

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