knux dark legion cover #1
Knuckles:  The Dark Legion
Corner Box:  No. 1 Apr. $1.50  Sonic holds one Chaos Emerald
Cover:  Knuckles avoids being shot by a mysterious person

"Army of Darkness"
Ken Penders and Kent Taylor - Writers
Manny Galan and Andrew Pepoy - Artists
Karl Bollers - Color Artist
Vickie Williams - Letterer
J. Freddy Gabrie - Editor
Victor Gorelick - Managing Editor
Richard Goldwater - Editor-In-Chief

(Introduction page)
By studying the past, the young can learn from the old.  In the last mini-series, Knuckles encountered his ancestor Dimitri, who now calls himself Enerjak.  Since this time, Knuckles has tried to learn more so he will be prepared in the future.

An alarm goes off, and an echidna walks into a hidden compound in the Floating Island's Forbidden Zone.  After studying a series of monitors, the echidna realizes that the Dark Legion has appeared.

Book One

The echidna thinks that he must warn Archimedes and his son.  Meanwhile, Knuckles and Archimedes are sitting outdoors.  Suddenly Archimedes has a bad feeling.  He knows that he must tell Knuckles what is wrong without explaining that Knuckles' father has a telepathic link with Archimedes.  Before Archimedes can speak, Knuckles hears a sound.

In the past, two echidnas watch their fathers present their plan to the council.  One echidna boy says that his father told him that the council has to approve the plan.  To the boy's surprise, the plan is rejected, and his father storms out in anger.

Knuckles makes his way toward the sound and peeks through some bushes to see robots on the ground and hooded figures in flying ships.  As Knuckles asks Archimedes if the guys are up to something, a hooded figure tells a drone to investigate a heat-signature.

Later in the past, a dark tower arises from the ground.  The two echidna boys run forward, but only one finds his father, Edmund.  Edmund starts to explain to the other boy, Menniker, that his father is gone, but he cannot finish.  Edmund puts his arms around the two boys and heads for home.

As the drone closes in on Knuckles and Archimedes, Archimedes disappears with Knuckles.  The drone realizes that what he is looking for disappeared, but he can sense that they reappeared.  Knuckles says that the figures are bad news.  Archimedes says it's because of the first impression that they are making.  He then thinks to himself that they did the same thing about 400 years ago.

Edmund appears at the home of Mr. Arrunda and explains that he is here because of a letter Arrunda received.  Arrunda is upset, saying that he shouldn't have to give up his technology.  Marta appears and lets Edmund and his helpers into the home to confiscate the technology.  Arrunda continues to complain as Menniker hands over his technology to his cousin, Steppenwolf.  Menniker says he has no need for the equipment and tells his cousin to return for a visit.  After Steppenwolf leaves, Menniker says he has no need for obsolete technology when he can access state-of-the-art technology.

Knuckles Fan Art - 1 page

"I want my Knuckles' comic now!!!" Name Page - 1 page
This is a list of people that want to see another Knuckles' series.

Drone Fourteen closes in on Knuckles and Archimedes, who disappear again.  After the two reappear, Archimedes appears on the shoulder of the drone.  Knuckles glides and hits the drone, sending it into other drones and hooded figures.  Knuckles runs with Archimedes on his shoulder as a hooded figure with a metal arm tells everyone to follow Knuckles.

In the past, Edmund helps inventory the collected technology as his son appears.  Steppenwolf tells his father that there a rebellion is starting to form.  Edmund explains that the task isn't easy and he already knew people would object.  Steppenwolf points at a hooded figure and says the figure's kind hides in the shadows.  Soon Steppenwolf follows the figure to a gathering.  One of the hooded figures stands on a stage, refusing to be sent back to the Dark Ages.  Steppenwolf holds on to a small tower, which begins to creak.  The figures hear the sound and begin to pursue Steppenwolf.

Knuckles and Archimedes run and soon encounter the Chaotix.  Archimedes explains that they cannot directly attack their enemies.  When Knuckles asks if they must be sneakier than Espio, Espio appears from a tree and is shocked that Knuckles found him.  A sound seems to come closer, so the Chaotix separate and climb into the trees.  Some hooded figures approach in their aircraft and shoot at Vector.  Vector jumps down to the ground, and Mighty swings on a vine to knock the drones down.  Espio turns invisible and attacks an aircraft, sending it into a tree.  Knuckles jumps down from a tree and wraps his legs around the neck of a hooded figure.  After the hooded figure and Knuckles falls to the ground, Knuckles punches the figure.  More enemy forces appear, and Knuckles tells everyone to head north since they are the only ones that know the terrain.

Steppenwolf flies in an aircraft that he found, knowing his father would disagree with his methods.  Suddenly the hooded echidnas appear in aircrafts and begin to chase Steppenwolf.  One figure shoots Steppenwolf's aircraft, which crashes into the ground.  One of the aircraft flies closer to the ground to make sure there are no survivors.

Knuckles and the Chaotix are surrounded, and Vector asks if Knuckles is sure that they are the only ones that know the terrain.  A hooded figure tells the Chaotix to put their hands behind their heads and follow him.  Knuckles says he'd rather be in the desert again (just like he was in the first Knuckles mini-series).  Another hooded figure appears and tells Knuckles that they have something in common.  The hooded echidna with a metal arm says his name is Kragok.  If Knuckles joins him, they can regain their birthright.  However, if Knuckles opposes him, Kragok will be Knuckles' worst nightmare.

To be continued.

Post Cards from the Hedge of the Floating Island highlights:
 ~ All of Knuckles' ancestors have a hereditary mark (like Knuckles' white ring on his body), which has become symbolic for the role as Guardian
 ~ For some details into Knuckles' and Sally's past relationship, see Sonic the Hedgehog #44

(Preview Page) - 1 page
This shows the cover and credits for the next mini-series issue

(Summary by Silver Starr)

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