knux mini-series cover #1
Sonic's Friendly Nemesis Knuckles
Corner Box:  No. 1 July $1.50  Sonic says it's #1 of a 3 issue mini-series
Cover:  Knuckles stands behind a Chaos Emerald and the images of Edmund and Dimitri are in the background

"Rites of Passage!"
Script:  Ken Penders & Mike Kanterovich
Pencils:  Art Mawhinney
Inks:  Harvo
Lettering:  Mindy Eisman
Coloring:  Kyle Hunter
Editor:  Freddy Mendez-Gabrie
Managing Editor:  Victor Gorelick
Editor-in-Chief:  Richard Goldwater

The Floating Island has had its share of triumph and tragedy.  The echidnas excelled in science and technology, but this became their downfall.  Under Mount Fate's shadow are the artifacts of this civilization.

Knuckles walks in an underground complex and observes the traps set by the ancient echidna civilization.

Part One

Knuckles sets all of the traps off at once, skillfully dodging each one.  When the chaos subsides, he recalls how he got into this mess:  he didn't think before he leapt.  The Chaotix were kidnapped by Archimedes (in the Knuckles' Chaotix special), which left Knuckles searching for answers.  He found himself at Mount Fate and remembered his father's stories about how the island first rose into the sky (in Sonic the Hedgehog #34).  Generations passed and soon two brothers named Edmund and Dimitri planned to return the Floating Island to the land.  However, Dimitri became arrogant and absorbed the energies of eleven Chaos Emeralds, leaving only one left for the island.  He was soon buried when his tower collapsed (in Sonic the Hedgehog #36).  The echidnas decided to abandon technology and preserved some artifacts of their progress beneath Mount Fate's shadow.

Knuckles has a feeling that the underground city will reveal Archimedes and the Chaotix.  Suddenly a rock rolls toward Knuckles.  He runs and manages to slide through a door.  The rock becomes lodged in the doorway.  Meanwhile, a loud noise comes from the top of Mount Fate.

Knuckles realizes that he is in a hallway filled with doors.  He decides to open one and finds a concussive blaster.  He takes the blaster with him as a mysterious figure arises from Mount Fate.  Knuckles blasts the door at the same time the figure jumps from Mount Fate and begins to fly.

Knuckles hears a voice talking to him that reminds him that he must decide which is more important: his friends or the safety of the Floating Island.  The voice says that if Knuckles fought united with his friends he would not be here now.  As Knuckles continues to walk, the voice says that Knuckles has made adequate process with his strategy to overcome the defenses in the conservatory.  He then tells Knuckles that he was correct in thinking that his answer to his present situation lies in the past.

(Knuckles Art - 1 page)

Knuckles finds the Chaotix, who are busy eating.  A fire ant stands in front of a camera and his image is displayed on a screen.  Meanwhile, a figure flies underground.  Knuckles realizes that the fire ant on the screen is Archimedes.  He says that Archimedes hot-wired his ancestors' robots and used them to kidnap the Chaotix (in the Chaotix special).  Knuckles admits that the only thing he doesn't understand is how Archimedes was able to disappear in the Chaos Chamber (in the Sonic Triple Trouble special) and write his name in granite.  Archimedes disappears and reappears in another spot in the room.  He explains that he disappeared with blue smoke and mirrors.  As Charmy files by, Archimedes breathes fire at Charmy's trail.

Knuckles is mad and thinks that Archimedes is arrogant.  Archimedes explains that the fire ants have saved the echidnas more times than he can count.  Suddenly a voice agrees with Archimedes and adds that he has evolved since the time he was trapped below Mount Fate.  He says that Dimitri is no more and now, as Enerjak, he will be the supreme ruler.  Archimedes tells everyone to stay away, but Knuckles doesn't believe him.  Knuckles says that Dimitri was destroyed and that no one could have survived the collapse of the Dark Tower.  Enerjak says that he is immortal and indestructible.  Knuckles and the Chaotix charge toward Enerjak, but he easily blasts them away.  Suddenly everyone is surrounded by a barrier.  Enerjak says that he could use the Chaotix in the future, but he has no use for Knuckles and Archimedes since their ancestors defeated him.  Knuckles and Archimedes are sent away and they soon find themselves in a desert.

To be continued in Knuckles #2.

Map of the Floating Island - 1 page

Knuckles Sandwich highlights:
 ~ Knuckles does not have a brother and does not speak any other languages
 ~ Knuckles is 15
 ~ Knuckles hopes that they don't make a doll that looks exactly like him
 ~ There are now two emeralds on the island

(Summary by Silver Starr)

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