sth #34 Sonic the Hedgehog #34
Corner Box:  No. 34 May $1.50  (no picture)
Cover:  Sonic's wrist is held by Uncle Chuck, whose eyes glow red

"To 'Bot or Not to 'Bot!"
Script:  Angelo Decesare
Art:  Brian Thomas
Lettering:  Mindy Eisman
Coloring:  Barry Grossman
Editor:  Scott Fulop
Managing Editor:  Victor Gorelick
Editor-in-Chief:  Richard Goldwater

Part One:
Rotor tries to de-roboticize Uncle Chuck and Muttski, but his attempt failed.  Sonic is upset, so Uncle Chuck tells him that if they keep trying, they will discover a de-roboticization process.  Meanwhile, Robotnik orders Snively to meet him so he can reveal his top-secret project.  When Snively enters the room, he is surprised to find Robotnik surrounded by camouflaged robots.  Robotnik explains that he has declared war on the freedom fighters and created the ultimate combat robot named Combot.  Tomorrow Robotnik will attack the Great Forest so that the freedom fighters will be destroyed by the surprise attack.  Robotnik orders Snively not to say anything about it.  Snively swears that he will be as silent as the gargoyles.  Dulcy sits next to one of the gargoyles and flies off to warn the freedom fighters.

Soon Dulcy tries her best to explain what will happen with Robotnik's new plan, which involves something about a lunch and followed by an attack from a numbskull air force.  Sally figures out what Dulcy was trying to say and says they need to destroy the Combots while they are all in the same place.  Uncle Chuck says that he and Muttski are the best ones for the job since they know Robotnik's headquarters.  Sonic refuses to let Uncle Chuck go without him and Sally agrees.  Sonic, Uncle Chuck, and Muttski leave as Uncle Chuck says to be on guard.

Part Two:
Uncle Chuck uses one of Robotnik's security codes and wonders why Robotnik hasn't changed the code since he escaped.  After walking inside a room, Sonic, Uncle Chuck, and Muttski find the Combots.  Sonic runs off as Uncle Chuck warns him to be careful while he holds the explosives.  Robotnik sees Uncle Chuck on a monitor and decides to realign the minds of Uncle Chuck and Muttski.  Uncle Chuck and Muttski are zapped by a strange light.  Sonic runs back and tells Uncle Chuck that the room will explode in a few minutes.  When Uncle Chuck doesn't respond, Sonic takes his hand.  Suddenly Uncle Chuck grabs Sonic's hand and orders him to deactivate the explosives.  Robotnik appears and tells Sonic to follow his uncle's orders if he wants to live.  Robotnik then says that tomorrow Sonic will be the lead in his parade.

The next day, at dawn, Bunnie, Antoine, and Tails report to Sally.  Sally is upset that they are late, and Bunnie explains that there was no explosion or a sign of Sonic, Uncle Chuck and Muttski.  Sally realizes that they must have been captured.  She sees Robotnik and Snively in the distance riding in a tank.  Sonic was shackled to the front of the tank.  Sally realizes that the minds of Uncle Chuck and Muttski were realigned and decides to gather everyone and lead them to the underground shelters, abandoning Knothole.  Soon Sally leads everyone toward the shelters.  Robotnik tells them to stop and explains that Uncle Chuck led him there.  He then declares Sally his next prisoner of war.

Sonic Art - 1 page

Part Three:
Sally says somebody will find a way to defeat Robotnik.  Robotnik explains that it won't happen since his Combots are programmed to find all non-robotic Mobians.  Nothing will stand in the way of the Combots, even if it means destroying the Great Forest.  Robotnik orders the Combots to find the Mobians.  Snively tries to tell Robotnik what's going on.  Robotnik finally realizes that the Combots are moving in the wrong direction and that the robots walk off a cliff (just like in Sonic the Hedgehog #28).  Robotnik is furious and orders that Sonic be roboticized.  Snively says he can't do that, and Robotnik realizes that Sonic is riding in the tank, ready to roboticize Robotnik.  Robotnik tries to plead for his life when Muttski jumps up and attacks Sonic.  Uncle Chuck flies by on a hovercraft, allowing Robotnik to climb inside.  Snively hangs from the hovercraft as Uncle Chuck flies them away.

Sonic says Uncle Chuck's plan worked and complimented Muttski on his great performance.  Antoine is confused, so Rotor explains that he inserted a neuro-overrider (similar to the one he tried to use on Sally in Sonic #29) into the neural-networks of Uncle Chuck and Muttski.  This allowed them both to keep their minds when Robotnik attempted to realign them.  In other words, they were able to pretend they were robots.  Uncle Chuck was able to reprogram the Combots to follow his commands, which is why they fell into the sea.  Sonic was able to free himself because Uncle Chuck had the shackles on loose so Sonic could easily escape.  Sally says she's happy that the plan worked but demands that Sonic tell her about the plan next time.

Later that evening, Uncle Chuck says that since Robotnik thinks that their minds are enslaved, he and Muttski will be perfect spies.  Sonic tells Uncle Chuck that before he leaves he must explain their plan to Antoine one last time.  Antoine sits on a rock and tries to figure out what happened.

"A Sense of History"
Script:  Mike Kanterovich & Ken Penders
Pencils:  Ken Penders
Inks:  Jon D'Agostino

Part One:
Knuckles recalls out loud that Archimedes has been playing mind-games with him (from Knuckles' Chaotix).  Suddenly, he realizes that he is standing near Mount Fate.  Knuckles remembers how his father told him about the creation of the mountain and how life used to be before the Great Betrayal.

A long time ago, the echidnas had the most advanced civilization on Mobius.  The buildings rose high into the sky, although the island did not.  Echidnapolis was surrounded by the Great River of Mobius.  In attempt to reach the stars, two echidnas started to research space.  Then a great great danger was discovered.  Soon an announcement was made at the Hall of Learning that a great white comet would crash onto Echidnapolis.  One echidna proposed a plan, and soon everyone left the island to find Chaos Emeralds.  The emeralds were placed in the caverns below the island.  One of the echidnas explains that if she's right, the island will be lifted up.  The island soon rises into the sky just as the comet hits the river.  Two echidnas celebrate, but one says she can't help but feel that they're leaving home.

Knuckles says that it was a great day in echidna history, but no one knew that their actions would create Mount Fate and their greatest menace.

(To be continued in Sonic the Hedgehog #35.)

Sonic-Grams highlights:
 ~ If enough fans want to see E.V.E. again, then she'll appear again
 ~ A Bunnie solo story will be in Sonic the Hedgehog #37 and a two-part story will be in the future
 ~ Espio will get his own solo story in a future issue
 ~ Espio eats bugs
 ~ The hole in Mecha Sonic's stomach is where a jet rocket fires to make him move faster

(Summary by Silver Starr)

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