sth #28 Sonic the Hedgehog #28
Corner Box:  No. 28 Nov. $1.50  Antoine says to give peace a chance.
Cover:  The freedom fighters lay on the ground, injured by Sonic.  Robotnik tells Sonic to finish them off.

"Saturday Night's Alright for a Fight!"
Script:  Ken Penders
Pencils:  Art Mawhinney
Inks:  Rich Koslowski
Lettering:  Mindy Eisman
Coloring:  Barry Grossman
Editor:  Scott Fulop
Managing Editor:  Victor Gorelick
Editor in Chief:  Richard Goldwater

Part I:
In the last issue (Sonic the Hedgehog #27), Sonic lost his memory and teamed up with Robotnik to overthrow the freedom fighters.

Although she knows something is wrong, Sally welcomes Sonic back.  Sonic starts fighting Rotor then turns to Sally.  Bunnie and Tails run to the war room and find Sonic and Sally fighting.  Bunnie, Tails, and Sally hold Sonic down, but he breaks free and punches all of them.  Sally and Bunnie crash into the equipment in the room, but Tails is able to use his tails to fly to safety.  Sonic jumps up and hits Tails, sending him to the ground.  Sonic has won the battle.

Part II:
Robotnik sees Sonic's victory on a monitor, but he is upset that he cannot determine Sonic's location due to a jammer blocking the signal of the homing device.  All of the sudden, Robotnik loses the signal.

Sonic is left in the dark and is soon surrounded by the shadows of Antoine and the freedom fighters that were trained by Princess Sally.  The freedom fighters start to fight Sonic, but they make so much noise that Sonic can tell where they are.  Defeating the freedom fighters, Sonic thinks that he has won.  Suddenly Dylan attacks Sonic, sending him to the ground.

Part III:
Sonic rests in a hospital bed.  Sally says that she thought Sonic was dead when the secret tunnel to Knothole collapsed and asks him if he remembers anything.  Sonic says that he doesn't remember anything as Rotor locates the bug that Robotnik placed on Sonic.  Upon hearing about the bug, Sonic decides to make up for what he had done and races to the tree stump entrance.  Robotnik sees Sonic on his monitor and Snively reports that Sonic still has the transmitter.  Sonic runs in the tunnels as Robotnik has Snively reprogram the tractors.  The tunnel has been extended so that it ends at a cliff.  On the surface, the tractors continue to follow Sonic and end up falling off of the cliff.  The tractors explode, and Sonic says that Robotnik will believe that he led the tractors down a decoy tunnel.  Sonic decides to apologize for his actions as Robotnik is upset over being outsmarted by Sonic.

Sonic Art - 1 page

"Growing Pains!"
Script:  Mike Gallagher
Pencils:  Dave Manak
Inking:  Harvo

Sonic tries to explain why he beat up Tails, but Tails refuses to listen.  Tired of being treated like a little kid, Tails heads off to his Sea Fox (from Sonic the Hedgehog Triple Trouble special).  Although Sally had told Rotor not to put any oil in the Sea Fox, Tails had previously fixed this problem by cleaning a sea gull that was soaked in oil.  Tails leaves as a hidden camera watches.  Robotnik decides to use a robot duplicate that was left over from his encounter with Sally (from the Princess Sally mini-series).

Tails approaches an island that is not on any chart.  He hears a cry for help and falls in love upon seeing a fox tied to a tree.  Tails quickly unties the ropes and the girl introduces herself as Fiona.  Falling deeper in love, the two kiss and begin to play on the island.  Robotnik, disgusted, decides that it is time to set his trap.  Fiona leads Tails to her den and allows Tails to enter first.  Tails walks into the hole and Robotnik closes the trap door.  Robotnik reveals that Fiona is a robot.  As Tails cries, Fiona explains that she was programmed to steal Tails' heart.  Robotnik welcomes Tails to the world of adults and explains that Tails is in a roboticizer.  For fun, Robotnik commands Fiona to throw the switch to the roboticizer as Tails screams.

(To be continued in the next issue.)

Sonic-Grams highlights:
 ~ Tails' mini-series will feature the return of Octobot and introduce the Forty Fathom and Downunda Freedom Fighters which include Ray, Big Fluke, Walt Wallaby, Duck "Bill" Platypus, Wombat Stu, Barby Koala, and Guru Emu
 ~ Associate Editor Freddy Mendez is leaving to edit other comics
 ~ If you would like to become a freedom fighter, you must first display courage, skill, wisdom, and have heart.  Then you must send Sally a letter describing something outstanding that you've done

(Summary by Silver Starr)

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