sally mini-series #1 cover
Princess Sally #1
Corner Box:  No. 1 April $1.50  Sonic says it's #1 of a 3 issue mini-series
Cover:  Sally stands in the center and images of Geoffrey St. John and Robotnik are in the background

"Deadliest of the Species"
Script:  Mike Kanterovich & Ken Penders
Pencils:  Art Mawhinney
Inks:  Rich Koslowski
Letters:  Bill Yoshida
Colors:  Barry Grossman
Editor:  Scott Fulop
Managing Editor:  Victor Gorelick
Editor-in-Chief:  Richard Goldwater
Special thanks to Jennifer Hunn, Cynthia Wilkes & Bob Harris of Sega

(Recap from Sally's journal)  When Sally was trying to infiltrate a energy substation, she ran into Geoffrey St. John (see Sonic the Hedgehog #20).  Geoffrey said that he is a leader of the Rebel Underground and used to be part of the secret service of Sally's father.

Part 1

Sally and Geoffrey hold off some swatbots until Geoffrey runs out of bolts for his weapon.  Sally saves them both by throwing a grenade.  With the swatbots destroyed, Sally and Geoffrey run to meet the rest of Sally's unit.

Hamlin, Arlo, Penelope, and Dylan sit around a campfire and wonder how Sally is doing on her mission.  Suddenly there is a noise, and Geoffrey attacks Hamlin.  Sally tells Geoffrey that Hamlin is on their side.  Geoffrey tries to apologize, but Hamlin is furious.  Sally introduces Geoffrey to the group and says that he will help with the mission.  She also explains that Hamlin, Arlo, Penelope, and Dylan are the "next generation of freedom fighters."  After the introductions, Sally tells everyone to go to bed.

The next morning, Sally explains Rotor's theory; if certain energy substations are destroyed, the defense system of Robotropolis will collapse.  The other freedom fighters have been split into teams, so Sally's team must take down three stations.  Today's mission is to destroy the second station.  Hamlin is still upset and asks why Geoffrey is helping with the mission.  Sally defends Geoffrey by saying that they need his skills.  Geoffrey is pleased and everyone heads north.

Once the group arrives the edge of the Great Forest, they find the station.  Suddenly they are attacked, so Sally runs ahead and throws a grenade in the slot where the weapons were fired.  Sally then breaks the code on the access panel.  The door slides open and everyone walks inside.  As Sally installs a virus into the security system, a sound grows louder.  Soon two large orb-bots appear and begin firing at everyone.

(Sally Art - 1 page)

Sally has used all of her grenades, so she opens the back panel of a terminal and pulls out a wire.  She then swings the wire at the legs of one orb-bot and ties the other end to a hook attached to wall.  The orb-bot trips and falls to the ground, heading straight for Hamlin.  Geoffrey swings by and grabs Hamlin in the nick of time.  There is not much time to escape the station before it explodes, so everyone runs outside as the orb-bot follows close behind them.  They lead the orb-bot to a cliff and then run in opposite directions.  The orb-bot falls over the ledge.  As the smoke settles, Hamlin still does not trust Geoffrey.  Hamlin and Geoffrey get ready to fight, but Sally breaks it up.  Sally says that if Hamlin can't trust Geoffrey, then he shouldn't trust her as well.

Later that night, Geoffrey sneaks out of his tent, passing Sally's tent along the way.  He goes through a secret portal and follows the path until he comes across a chamber.  Geoffrey looks inside the chamber and sees Sally sleeping.

Sally-Grams highlight:
 ~ When you write about how you liked this issue, include your age, hobbies and interests

(Summary by Silver Starr)

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