sally mini-series cover #2
Princess Sally #2
Corner Box:  No. 2 May $1.50  Sonic says it's #2 of a 3 issue mini-series
Cover:  Sally flies by on a hang-glider as a robot tries to capture the new freedom fighters and Geoffrey St. John.

"Deadliest of the Species"
Script:  Mike Kanterovich & Ken Penders
Pencils:  Art Mawhinney
Inks:  Rich Koslowski
Letters:  Mindy Eisman
Colors:  Barry Grossman
Editor:  Scott Fulop
Managing Editor:  Victor Gorelick
Editor-in-Chief:  Richard Goldwater

(Recap from Sally's journal)  Things have gotten interesting since Sally first ran into Geoffrey St. John.  All of Sally's trainee freedom fighters (Arlo, Penelope, Dylan, and Hamlin) do not trust Geoffrey--especially Hamlin.  However, they were able to successfully destroy an energy substation.  Geoffrey has been courageous, but nobody knows if he is planning anything.

Part 2

Geoffrey and Hamlin do some combat training as Penelope, Arlo, and Dylan watch with concern.  As soon as Geoffrey knocks Hamlin backwards, Sally kicks Geoffrey in the stomach.  Sally says that they all fight against Robotnik and not each other.  Geoffrey promptly apologizes.

Sally reveals the final substation, which is inside an atoll (the editor defines "atoll" as a "ringlike island that encloses a lagoon").  Sally says she knows just the way to get to the substation.  After climbing the cliffs that overlook the atoll, Sally reveals Rotor's new creation:  hang-gliders.  Everyone assembles their hang-gliders and then head for the atoll.

As they approach the forest, a canon fires.  Arlo is hit and crashes to the ground.  Sally orders everyone to land and abandon the hang-gliders.  Once they are hidden they begin to look for Arlo.  Arlo is still alive, but his leg is broken.  Penelope suggests that she stay with Arlo, and the rest of the team leaves.

Soon the substation is in sight.  A swatbot appears, but someone knocks it over.  Once inside the substation, Sally instructs everyone to attach explosives to the control panels.  Suddenly Sally is grabbed by a tentacle.  An octo-pod holds Sally in the air, so Geoffrey instructs Hamlin and Dylan to distract the robot.  While octo-pod grabs Hamlin and Dylan, Geoffrey attaches an explosive to to the bottom of octo-pod and says they need to leave.  Sally sprays a can of spray paint in octo-pod's eye.  The robot lets go of everyone, and they escape the substation just as it explodes.  Sally says they should head back to Arlo and Penelope.  When they arrive, both Arlo and Penelope are missing.  There is no sign of a struggle, so Sally says they might be back at the camp.  They leave by using the hang-gliders.  When they arrive at camp, Arlo and Penelope are nowhere to be found.

The next morning before dawn, Geoffrey picks up Sally and disappears into a secret portal.  He places Sally in a chamber that is next to another Sally in a second chamber.  Geoffrey contacts a contacts a figure and says that he has made the exchange.  The figure says that Geoffrey should deliver the item as soon as possible.  After the transmission ends, the second chamber opens and Sally asks for a report.  Geoffrey says that everything is going according to the plan.

When morning arrives, Hamlin takes down two swatbots.  Sally explains to Dylan and Hamlin that there should be no defense in this area.  Hamlin asks what happened to Geoffrey, and Sally says that he is probably taking care of something.

Geoffrey enters a door carrying the chamber with Sally inside.  Robotnik laughs and says now that he has Sally the rebellion will finally be destroyed.

Sally-Grams highlights:
 ~ Sally could marry Sonic some day
 ~ Sally will meet Knuckles in a future 48-page special
 ~ Sally's mother may appear in a future issue

(Summary by Silver Starr)

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