sally mini-series #3 cover
Princess Sally #3
Corner Box:  No. 3 Jun. $1.50  Sonic says it's #3 of a 3 issue mini-series
Cover:  A Sally wearing a blue vest and boots fights with a Sally wearing a purple vest and boots.  Geoffrey St. John and Robotnik watch in the background.

"Deadliest of the Species"
Script:  Mike Kanterovich & Ken Penders
Pencils:  Art Mawhinney
Inks:  Rich Koslowski
Letters:  Mindy Eisman
Colors:  Barry Grossman
Editor:  Scott Fulop
Managing Editor:  Victor Gorelick
Editor-in-Chief:  Richard Goldwater

(Recap from Sally's journal)  The last energy substation has been destroyed, but both Penelope and Arlo have disappeared without a trace.  Regardless, Sally, Dylan, and Hamlin prepare to attack Robotropolis.  In the meantime, Geoffrey St. John has disappeared.


Hamlin and Dylan use guns to fire paint at swatbots while Sally uses her slingshot.  Dylan says that they shouldn't have tried to attack without Geoffrey.  Hamlin complains about Geoffrey, but Sally reminds Hamlin about Geoffrey saving his life (see Princess Sally Mini-Series #1).  Suddenly a swatbot shoots the bridge.  A section of the bridge collapses, and Hamlin begins to fall.  Sally grabs Hamlin's arm and pulls him up.  After looking at Nicole, Sally says that their objective is behind a door.  The three burst through the door and find Robotnik and Geoffrey.

Hamlin is furious and calls Geoffrey a traitor.  Hamlin attacks Geoffrey but is stopped by Sally who aims her slingshot at Hamlin.  Sally says that she is on the same side as Geoffrey.  Hamlin is confused, so Robotnik explains that the Sally they see is actually a robo duplicate of Sally.  Robotnik also says that there was never any weakness in his defense system.  The purpose of the substations was to test Robotnik’s auto-automaton.  Since the Sally duplicate is successful, Robotnik had already begun building look-alikes for other freedom fighters.  In order to take care of the real Sally, Robotnik activates the roboticizer.

As the roboticizer begins to function, the roboticization unit explodes.  Sally says that it couldn't have happened unless the subject was a robot.  Robotnik is shocked to learn that Sally is not the robot.  Sally explains that they all knew about Robotnik's plan and readies her slingshot.  Although Robotnik doesn't know how his plan was foiled, he tells Sally that he has a back-up plan.  Stealth 'Bots appear and grab Sally and Hamlin.  Geoffrey presses a button on a remote and the Rebel Underground, Arlo, and Penelope appear.

Sally kicks Robotnik as Geoffrey meets up with Lt. Smiley and Commander Fleming.  Dylan is confused, but Sally says she'll explain everything later.  Robotnik activates the self-destruct sequence and disappears through a tube.  Sally has everyone run to an air car.  They all escape as the building explodes.

After everyone lands, Hamlin asks Sally to explain everything.  Sally says that she is also confused, but makes sure to award Hamlin, Arlo, Penelope, and Dylan with medals.  The four are now official freedom fighters.

Later that night, Sally begins to explain what happened around the camp fire.  Robotnik had made a deal with Geoffrey to exchange Sally with the duplicate.  However, Geoffrey remained loyal to his country and gained Sally's trust.  He informed Sally of Robotnik's plan, and they decided to activate the robot early.  While the robot acted as the leader, Geoffrey was able to learn of Robotnik's plan.  In case anything went wrong, the Rebel Underground would be there to help.  Arlo explains that it was the Rebel Underground that helped Arlo and got him to safety.  By this time Geoffrey knew what was going on so he switched the robot for the real Sally in front of a camera.  Dylan remarks that the robot was almost exactly like Sally except for the fact that the robot always referred to Geoffrey by his name and wore a purple vest.  The real Sally always called Geoffrey "Mr. St. John" and wore a blue vest.  Sally explains that without Geoffrey's help Robotnik's plan would have succeeded.  This means Robotnik believes that they saw through his plan.

The next morning, Sally asks Geoffrey to come back to Knothole.  Geoffrey declines and says he is needed with the Rebel Underground.  Sally asks if she will ever see him again and he says perhaps.  Geoffrey gives Sally a kiss and says she can call him "Geoffrey."

As Sally walks off into the sunset, she reflects on the results of the mission and how her heart now has a spot for Geoffrey.

Sally-Grams highlight:
 ~ If you're thinking about being Sally's boyfriend, you'll have to deal with jealousy from both a hedgehog and a skunk

(Summary by Silver Starr)

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