sth #35 Sonic the Hedgehog #35
Corner Box:  No. 35 June $1.50  (no picture)
Cover:  Sonic holds a ring as the masks of the Ancient Walkers appear in the background

"Ring of Truth!"
Script:  Mike Gallagher
Pencilling:  Dave Manak
Inking:  Rich Koslowski
Lettering:  Mindy Eisman
Coloring:  Barry Grossman
Editor:  Scott Fulop
Managing Editor:  Victor Gorelick
Editor-in-Chief:  Richard Goldwater

Part I:
Robotnik zaps Sonic, making him lose all of the magic rings he gathered.  Sonic watches as the rings are re-absorbed into the zone.  Robotnik charges at Sonic, ready to smash Sonic with his mega-maceball.  Sonic manages to have enough energy to escape and grab some more rings.  He says that he's collected so many rings that he's lost count.  Robotnik says that his computer has tracked every ring that Sonic has collected, making the one he just touched one billion.  Sonic suddenly finds himself on a trans-dimensional ride.

When Sonic hits the ground, he finds a huge ring.  A voice welcomes him, and Sonic recognizes the figure as one of the Ancient Walkers from Tails' report from his adventures in Downunda (from the Tails mini-series).  Sonic says that all he knows is that he came here by the magic ring.  The Ancient Walker says that it is an accomplishment, and Sonic says that it isn't a big deal since all they do is give him a power boost.  The Ancient Walker asks if that is the only thing that rings do.  The ring catches on fire and burns a hole into the ground.  Sonic looks over the ring-shaped hole.  A pillar rises from the ground, taking Sonic into the stratosphere.

Sonic says that he must not have grabbed an ordinary ring.  The Ancient Walker agrees and says that Sonic is the first to reach one billion rings, which is a feat that deserves a reward.  Sonic wants to return to the ground, but the Ancient Walker rewards him with knowledge.  A ring shoots up around the pillar and knocks Sonic off the top of the pillar.  Sonic begins to fall toward the ground.

Part II:
Sonic plummets toward a green sea.  The billionth ring hovers below Sonic and catches him, acting like an inner tube.  Sonic realizes that he's not floating on water, but Chaos Emeralds.  After looking up from the emeralds, Sonic sees another Ancient Walker and demands answers.  The Ancient Walker says that Sonic should find them and slips a emerald ring on Sonic's finger.  Sonic asks if this means that the Chaos Emeralds and magic rings are related to each other.  Sonic continues to ask if the two are equal or if one produces the other.  The Ancient Walker says that Sonic wants to try "The Riddle of the Rings" and tells Sonic a riddle.  Something that is closed opens to let the other come inside.  A single one is broken but will become stronger as the span grows.  Sonic figures out that he's talking about a ring and figures that the other thing must be another ring.  Sonic realizes that the two can link together, creating a chain.  The Ancient Walker summons something and a chain of rings burst from the emerald ocean.  The chain circles around Sonic until it gets close to him.  The weight of the rings drag Sonic down, and he begins to sink.

Part III:
Sonic is below the sea of emeralds and hangs on to a couple of rings.  He says the place reminds him of VertiCal and HorizontAl's dimension.  Sonic notices his billionth ring and jumps onto it.  Sonic lands inside the ring, which starts spinning.  In order to avoid being thrown off, Sonic runs inside the ring.  Soon the ring warps into the symbol for eternity.  Sonic asks what he is supposed to get from this and the third Ancient Walker appears.  The Ancient Walker says that Sonic has done well and he can ask one question.  Sonic asks if it's just one question, and the Ancient Walker responds that the answer to his question is yes.

Sonic is thrown from part of the ring, yelling that it isn't fair.  Then he thinks that "it isn't fair" is the ultimate answer for all questions.  Sonic wonders about the chain and if it is formed when rings leave a zone or if it is where the rings come from.  Sonic also thinks about how the chain of rings spiraled around him like a triple helix, so it could be that his universe is one strand of DNA in a cosmic entity.  Sonic then recalls the sea of emeralds and how there could be a calm in the chaos.  All of the thinking makes Sonic's head hurt.

Robotnik reads a magazine and suddenly his alarm goes off.  He realizes that Sonic is reappearing.  Sonic appears, bursting through Robotnik's robo-pod.  Sonic realizes that the ring gave him a protective aura when he returned.  He decides to keep the ring as a souvenir as Robotnik crashes in the background.

The next day Sally tells Sonic that she read his amazing report.  Sonic explains that he's now curious about the origin of the magic rings and Chaos Emeralds (his quest is coming soon).  He then shows Sally the billionth ring that he had mounted.  The plaque below the ring reads "over one billion served."

(Sonic Art - 1 page)

"A Sense of History"
Script & Pencils:  Ken Penders
Inks:  Jon D'Agostino

Part Two:
Knuckles wonders how the Chaotix disappearing and the actions of Archimedes be connected to Mount Fate.  Knuckles continues to remember the stories his father told him about how the echidnas were saved and how arrogance betrayed them and almost destroyed the world.

Many generations passed since the Floating Island first rose into the sky.  During this time the echidnas learned to adapt to their new situation, although some still wished to return to the ground.  Two echidnas, Dimitri and Edmund, make their way to the Zoot-Chute.  They slide down the passage into the Chaos Chamber.  Edmund explains that their great-great-grandmother was the "supreme technologist" and knew that they crystalline walls would allow the Chaos Emeralds to reverse the force of gravity.  Dimitri agrees and says that if they succeed in their current plan, they will be respected more than her.  He observes that the energy output of the Chaos Emeralds remains constant over the years.  The twelve Chaos Emeralds must have unlimited power.  Edmund warns Dimitri not to lose sight of their goal:  to return the Floating Island to the land.  Edmund says that their presentation is today and Dimitri apologizes.

Later, at the Hall of Learning, Edmund explains that a device called the Chaos Syphon will slowly drain the energy of the Chaos Emeralds.  This process will continue until Echidnapolis returns to the land.  Dimitri is proud of his brother and knows that the Elite will approve.  The Chief Magistrate bangs his gavel, announcing that they deny the brothers' petition.  Dimitri protests as Edmund tries to get him to calm down.  Chief Magistrate says that they cannot risk the safety of the echidnas on theories and tampering with nature could be a disaster.

Dimitri storms out of the room, saying that they'll be sorry.  Edmund excuses himself and walks toward the Chaos Syphon.  To his surprise, Edmund discovers that the syphon is missing.  Edmund remembers his brother's words and rushes to the Zoot-Chute.  He finds Dimitri using the Chaos Syphon on the emeralds.  Edmund begs Dimitri to listen to reason, but Dimitri laughs.  He continues to use the Chaos Syphon until there is an explosion.  Chief Magistrate helps Edmund to his feet.  Edmund explains that Dimitri used the syphon above its tolerance level so he had no chance to survive.  Chief Magistrate points out where the Chaos Emeralds used to stand, which are now black shells.  Only one emerald remains.

Edmund asks how only one emerald could hold the entire island, and Dimitri's voice fills the room.  He explains that the emerald has infinite power and now the energy of eleven Chaos Emeralds are inside of him.  Dimitri has the power to destroy worlds or reshape them in his image.  Suddenly the ground moves and a dark tower rises from the ground.  This became known as Mount Fate and signaled the end of the echidna civilization.

(To be continued in Sonic the Hedgehog #36.)

(Preview page - 1 page)
In Sonic #36, the freedom fighters search for King Acorn.  The issue also features another Knuckles solo story, which will lead into his mini-series.

Sonic-Grams highlights:
 ~ Scott Fulop is leaving his position as editor of Sonic the Hedgehog, so Freddy Mendez is back to take Scott's place
 ~ Sonic and Sally married with children in Sonic #22 is just a possible future
 ~ Super Tails may appear in the comic
 ~ Sonic and Knuckles may never stop fighting
 ~ When asked what happened to the Saturday morning cartoon on ABC, Sonic said he was too fast for the time slot (but you can catch it and the other show on USA Network)

(Summary by Silver Starr)

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