knux mini-series cover #2
Sonic's Friendly Nemesis Knuckles
Corner Box:  No. 2 Aug. $1.50  Sonic says it's #2 of a 3 issue mini-series
Cover:  Knuckles runs while Archimedes breathes fire at a creature

"Rites of Passage!"
Script:  Ken Penders & Mike Kanterovich
Pencils:  Art Mawhinney
Inks:  Harvo
Lettering:  Mindy Eisman
Coloring:  Kyle Hunter
Editor:  Freddy Mendez-Gabrie
Managing Editor:  Victor Gorelick
Editor-in-Chief:  Richard Goldwater

Knuckles once thought his duty as guardian was an honor, but in reality it is an atonement for the ancestor that placed his own desires above the good of the echidnas.  Dimitri survived after the collapse of a tower and now calls himself Enerjak.  Knuckles is not alone in his new quest since Archimedes is with him.  Now the two must learn from the past and apply this to the present if they want to see their future.

Knuckles realizes that Enerjak was serious when he send Archimedes and himself to the Sandopolis Zone.  Knuckles says that they should keep their wits about them and look for food.

Part Two

Something leaps from the ground and knocks Knuckles and Archimedes to the ground.  Knuckles realizes that it is a sandcrawler that tracks prey by searching for body heat.  Archimedes breathes fire to distract the sandcrawler.  The sandcrawler digs in the sand, searching for Archimedes.  Archimedes disappears and the sandcrawler runs into some rocks.

After Knuckles eats, he asks Archimedes what he meant by the fire ants saving echidnas since the origin of the Floating Island.  Archimedes says that it is a good question and then tells Knuckles how the fire ants were there when echidnas discovered the Great White Comet.  The fire ants were there as the echidnas collected Chaos Emeralds and put them in the crystalline caverns located beneath Echidnapolis.  Archimedes explains that the plan to lift the island was inspiring, but it never would have worked if it weren't for help of the fire ants (in Sonic the Hedgehog #34).

Archimedes continues to say that they would help the echidnas again when Edmund and Dimitri planned to return the island to the land.  The rejection of the plan by the Scientific Elite provoked Dimitri into draining power of the emeralds into himself.  Dimitri then created a dark tower, which the fire ants destroyed by eating at the foundation.  They thought that Dimitri would be buried beneath Mount Fate forever.

Since this time, the fire ants have always helped the echidnas even though they may not be seen.  Archimedes says that this is the reason why he tested Knuckles.  He wanted to make sure Knuckles was ready for what lies ahead.  Archimedes notes that Dimitri was the most feared in history.  Knuckles adds that he has had over a thousand years to plot his revenge.  Knuckles says that they must get back to the Grand Conservatory before Enerjak makes his move.

Enerjak flies across the horizon.  He soon lands and says that on the former site of Echidnapolis he will build Nekronopolis.

Knuckles continues to walk across the desert with Archimedes in his hand.  Knuckles craves food and soon puts Archimedes into his mouth.  Suddenly Knuckles' mouth begins to burn.  He spits Archimedes onto the ground.  Archimedes commands Knuckles to never do that again.

As Enerjak builds his city, Knuckles falls forward.  Knuckles looks up and sees the image of his father in the sky.  Knuckles' dad tells Knuckles that he must be brave since his path is long and difficult.  He assures Knuckles that Enerjak can be defeated and says that the key to his situation is in the past.  Knuckles continues to walk and his father says that the next rise holds his salvation.  To his surprise, Knuckles finds an oasis.

Knuckles swims in the water as Archimedes eats hot peppers.  Archimedes eventually says that they must leave and that they were lucky to find the oasis.  As Knuckles scoops some water into a coconut, he says that they were not lucky since somebody wanted them to reach the oasis.  Knuckles turns around and the oasis disappears.  Archimedes thinks that even if the oasis was a mirage, the city in front of them has to be real.

(Knuckles Art - 1 page)

Knuckles punches a robot and continues to walk.  He tells Archimedes that Enerjak recreated Echidnapolis so that it was dark.  Knuckles asks Archimedes where to look for Enerjak, and Archimedes says that he is probably in his citadel.  Knuckles jumps down from a wall and attacks some robots as they walk past.  More robots appear and Archimedes scolds Knuckles for his actions.  Knuckles runs toward the gate and closes it on top of the robots.  Archimedes tells Knuckles to give him warning the next time he does something crazy.

Knuckles feels that something is wrong since they haven't met up with a lot of resistance.  Suddenly a foot trips Knuckles and he is stung on the head.  A loud blast of music surprises Knuckles before a punch sends him backwards.  Knuckles realizes that if he wants to find Enerjak, he must first fight the Chaotix.

To be continued.

Map of Nekronopolis (formally Echidnapolis) - 1 page

Knuckles Sandwich highlights:
 ~ Knuckles' shoes came from his father
 ~ Unlike Sonic, Knuckles does not like chili-dogs

(Summary by Silver Starr)

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