SonicQuest mini-series cover #2 SonicQuest - The Death Egg Saga
Book Three
Corner Box:  No. 3 Feb. $1.50  (no picture)
Cover:  Sonic and Knuckles stand as the Death Egg floats in the background

"Over Easy"
Mike Gallagher - Writer
Manny Galan - Penciler
Harvo & Jay Oliveras - Inkers
Jeff Powell - Letterer
Karl Bollers & Kyle Hunter - Colorist
J. Freddy Gabrie - Editor
Victor Gorelick - Mng. Editor
Richard Goldwater - Editor-in-Chief

While Sonic and Tails searched for power rings, they ended up discovering Robotnik's newest weapon: the Death Egg.  To fully power the Death Egg, Robotnik is searching for a Chaos Emerald from the Floating Island.  Knuckles and the Chaotix try to save the Floating Island from Robotnik.

King Acorn's skin began to crystallize upon leaving the Zone of Silence, so Sally sent two teams to search for rings to help the king.  Tails ended up on the Death Egg and disguised himself as a swatbot.  Sonic fought Condorbot and made his way inside the Death Egg.  Robotnik attacked the Floating Island in an attempt to steal its Chaos Emeralds.

Part 1
Robotnik focuses on using the Death Egg to force the Floating Island into the sea.  Tails decides to sneak out of the control room and come up with a plan.  Sonic sees a swatbot and attacks it. Tails begs for Sonic to stop, and soon Sonic realizes that there are tails coming from the swatbot. Sonic apologizes to Tails, who says they must stop Robotnik.  Sonic heads back into the control room and launches himself towards Robotnik.  Sonic suddenly hits his head on a Plexiglas wall that Robotnik set up when he heard Sonic attacking.  The two walls trap Sonic and poisonous gas fills the space.  As Robotnik watches Sonic breathe the gas, Tails crashes into one of the Death Egg's eyes.  Tails uses the blasters on the swatbot to destroy the control panels and free Sonic.  The Death Egg thrusts upwards, throwing everyone to the ground.  Robotnik says that Tails destroyed the downward thrusters.  He then activates a gravi-gauntlet, allowing him to escape. 

Meanwhile, on the Floating Island, Knuckles orders the Chaotix to look for damage.  He swears that he'll be ready when Robotnik returns.  Back on the Death Egg, Robotnik's image appears on the wall monitors. He tells Sonic and Tails that he used some design elements from Mecha-Sonic to create Silver Sonic, the "ultimate war weapon."

Part 2
Silver Sonic appears, towering above Sonic.  Sonic tells Tails to go to the control room and find a way to stop the Death Egg.  Silver Sonic attacks Sonic, and Sonic discovers his attacks are useless. Silver Sonic throws Sonic to the floor, creating a hole.  Sonic picks up a sliced cable and electrocutes Silver Sonic.  Robotnik is furious and changes into his battle armor named the Eggs-o-skeleton.  The Eggs-o-skeleton is linked to the Death Egg and makes Robotnik powerful.

Part 3
Robotnik runs to find Sonic, and soon finds Silver Sonic.  Sonic explains that he used Tails' idea and jumped inside of Silver Sonic to control it.  Sonic uses Silver Sonic to fight Robotnik, and Tails eventually calls a time out.  Sonic throws Robotnik out of the Death Egg and turns his attention to Tails.  Tails explains that he had set the Death Egg to explode in twenty minutes, but the fight with Robotnik has damaged too many internal systems.  The Death Egg could explode soon, so both Sonic and Tails must leave.  Sonic refuses to leave and says he wants to finish his battle with Robotnik.  Tails says they will be finished if they don't leave now.  Sonic follows Tails and they soon find a junction box filled with magic rings.  Sonic uses Silver Sonic to pick up some rings and Tails.  He jumps out of the Death Egg and uses Silver Sonic's body to protect Tails while they reentered the atmosphere.  Soon Sonic escapes from the robot, and Tails flies him to safety.  The Death Egg explodes and the sound travels across Mobius.

Sonic's communicator activates, and Sally informs him that the king is in critical condition.  Tails says that they have the rings.  Both Tails and Sonic run back to Knothole as Tails wonders if Bunnie and Antoine were able to collect some rings of their own.  Meanwhile, Robotnik parachutes toward his city, which has been renamed Snivopolis.  Furious, he floats toward his penthouse.  Snively is asleep in Robotnik's chair as Robotnik crashes through the window and lands on the chair.  Robotnik is upset over the addition of houseplants and a picture of Snively's mother.  Snively, who is now mashed into Robotnik's back, wonders if it is worse to face Robotnik now or just stay stuck to his back.

Letter-Quest highlight:
 ~ Sonic Blast will be released at the end of December, which is a comic adaptation of the game

The "Find Your Name in Print Page" - 1 page

Fan Art - 1 page

(Summary by Silver Starr)

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