sth #41 Sonic the Hedgehog #41
Corner Box:  No. 41 Dec. $1.50  (no picture)
Cover:  Sonic, Sally, and Geoffrey St. John appear from a portal

"...and one shall save him!"
Ken Penders--Writer
Kyle Hunter--Penciler
Vickie Williams--Letterer
Barry Grossman--Colorist
Justin Freddy Gabrie--Editor
Victor Gorelick--Managing Editor
Richard Goldwater--Editor in Chief

Part I:
Sonic ties his feet to a rope and jumps off a ledge.  He soon crashes into Robotnik's headquarters, taking advantage of the damaged city (from Sonic the Hedgehog #37 and Mecha Madness special) to steal a device.  Robotnik says he doesn't want to roboticize Sonic (but he did in Sonic #39).  Swatbots fire at Sonic, but he quickly runs away.  Sonic soon arrives at Knothole where Geoffrey St. John waits with Sally and Rotor.  Rotor studies the device that Sonic retrieved and realizes that it is the piece needed to make the neutralizer work.  With this, they will be able to rescue King Acorn. 

Sally says she must do this job alone, but both Geoffrey and Sonic disagree. They say that they can do the job by themselves.  The two start to argue, and they soon get into a fist fight.  Sally breaks up the fight and tells Rotor to open the portal.  Rotor gives jet packs to both Sonic and Geoffrey and explains that the packs should be able to help them move through the zone.  However, he says that there are still bugs in the packs, and Sonic wants to know if there is anything that is reliable.  Geoffrey clucks like a chicken as Rotor activates the portal.  Sonic and Geoffrey enter the portal with Sally in between them.

Part II:
King Acorn senses that Sonic the Hedgehog, the only one to escape his wrath, has arrived.  He soon interrupts his thoughts to feed his troops at the request of Toady.  Suddenly Sonic, Sally, and Geoffrey appear, hanging on to a rock.  Sally asks if King Acorn remembers her.  Suddenly the image disappears, and Toady appears instead.  When asked who he was speaking to, King Acorn realizes that he must decide if he should believe what he saw.  Meanwhile, Sally says that something is bothering her.  Nicole says she detects a fluctuation in the magnetic fields.  Sonic, Sally, and Geoffrey spin and soon land on a rock.  Sonic finds the helmet worn by King Acorn when they first found him (from Sonic #36).  Sally begins to assume the worst.  Suddenly Sonic and Sally realize that they are watching the events that happened the last time they were in the zone.  Nicole explains that Robotnik's experiments on the zone affected the zone's energy levels.  Rips were created, so now they are viewing past and future events in the zone.  Sally sees a beggar walking through the zone. The beggar collapses on a rock and some creatures come to rescue them.  The beggar is actually King Acorn, and the creatures bring him to a furnace.

Sonic Art - 1 page

The "Find Your Name in Print Page" - 1 page

Nicole explains that these are events that happened in the past.  They watch as the creatures fit King Acorn with armor and soon a storm begins.  Sonic realizes that the storm isn't an image and that it's happening now.  Soon Sonic lands, separated from both Sally and Geoffrey.  A lance is thrust in Sonic's direction, and a voice says he will soon pass final judgment.

Part III:
King Acorn demands that Sonic submit to him.  Sonic suggests that they flip for it, but before he finishes his sentence, Sonic disappears and reappears on a rock.  Sonic asks how Sally and Geoffrey got there, and Geoffrey explains that Sonic was there the entire time.  Sally explains that the zone is collapsing and there isn't anyway to stop it.  The rock is drawn in towards a cosmic whirlpool as Sally says they'll be lucky to save themselves.  Sonic knows there has to be a way to save everyone and asks if Nicole has a suggestion.  When Sally asks Nicole, she responds by saying they should pray.  Geoffrey says it would be nice if their jet packs worked.  Nicole explains that the packs won't work because they're out of fuel.  The packs can be recharged if they have access to positively charged energy.  Sonic looks below the floating rock and sees King Acorn's minions falling into the whirlpool.

Sally suddenly realizes that the neutralizer can be a source of positive energy.  Sonic says that means they have a choice: either leave the zone or preserve the zone and become trapped.  King Acorn appears, and Sally asks if he remembers her.  Sonic says that the king doesn't remember and they have only one chance if Geoffrey is up to the task.  Geoffrey grabs Sally and uses the neutralizer to power the jet packs.  Sonic apologizes and then punches King Acorn.  He soon lands on the ground, and King Acorn says he will pass final judgment.  King Acorn then demands that Sonic submit to him.  Sonic suggests that they flip for it and runs around King Acorn.  Sonic punches the back of King Acorn's head and rides the king's horse towards Sally and Geoffrey.  Geoffrey activates the neutralizer, and soon they all disappear from the zone.  Sonic tells Rotor to get Doctor Quack as he holds King Acorn.  After laying King Acorn on the ground, Sonic asks if the neutralizer saved the creatures of the zone.  Rotor says it turned out fine, just as it will for everyone someday.

Sonic-Grams highlights:
 ~ The entire SonicQuest mini-series follows the events of #41; #42 doesn't affect the story line, so you can read that before the end of SonicQuest
 ~ Mobie the Cavebear will appear again in Sonic #45
 ~ A glimpse of the history of the freedom fighters will be in #43
 ~ Sonic didn't know Robotnik when he was a kid
 ~ Sonic can't draw a map of where he lives because Robotnik may get a hold of it
 ~ On November 26 at 7:30pm you can watch "X-Tremely Sonic Christmas" on USA
 ~ The image on the side of a mountain on the cover of #31 is Astal, a character on Sega Saturn

(Summary by Silver Starr)

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