SonicQuest mini-series cover #1 SonicQuest - The Death Egg Saga
Book One
Corner Box:  No. 1 Dec. $1.50  (no picture)
Cover:  Tails flies and holds on to Sonic's hand

Mike Gallagher - Writer
Manny Galan - Penciler
Jay Oliveras - Inker
Jeff Powell - Letterer
Kyle Hunter - Colorist
J. Freddy Gabrie - Editor
Victor Gorelick - Mng. Editor
Richard Goldwater - Editor-in-Chief

Robotnik had sent King Acorn to the Zone of Silence, and eventually Sonic, Sally, and Geoffrey St. John were able to rescue him.

Geoffrey St. John sneaks around Knothole at dawn, thinking that he has not been spotted.

Part 1
Sonic stops Geoffrey, who says he was asked to come to the authorized area.  Sally stops the two from fighting and explains to Sonic that she asked Geoffrey to come.  They walk into the hut and Geoffrey sees King Acorn turning into crystal.  Sally says that a lot has been going on, including the roboticization of Sonic, Sonic's court-martial, an earthquake that damaged Robotropolis, and finally, the rescue of Sally's father (covering Sonic the Hedgehog issues #36, 37, 38, 39, 40, and 41).  Dr. Quack was able to stabilize King Acorn, but the king is still delusional, and his skin is turning to crystal.  Sally explains that she should not announce that King Acorn returned due to his condition and suggests Geoffrey must guard the king.  Geoffrey agrees and takes his post at the door.

Rotor believes that the air is the cause of the problem since King Acorn must have adapted to the zone.  Tails points out that King Acorn appears to be turning into a Chaos Emerald, usually seen in zones with magic rings.  Sonic disappears and quickly reappears with his billionth ring.  He holds it up to King Acorn, who starts to talk to Sally.  The effects quickly wear off and King Acorn collapses onto the bed.  Rotor thinks that rings are the key, so they must grab unused rings to save the king.  Bunnie thinks that looking through zones to find rings will take a long time, so Sally points out that there are locations that rings can be found outside of zones.  One location is a grotto on Robotropolis' border (where Sonic and Knuckles fought in the Super Sonic vs. Hyper Knuckles special).  Another is the Lake of Rings, discovered by Sonic when he lost his speed (in issue #38), located in the Great Forest.  Sally orders Bunnie and Antoine to investigate the Lake of Rings and Sonic and Tails to investigate the grotto.  Rotor and Sally will stay to look after the king.

Part 2
Robotnik orders Snively to take over the reconstruction of Robotropolis.  He then ascends (up to the Death Egg) to be there when things become active.  Snively takes advantage of the situation by ordering the swatbots to become his servants.  Meanwhile, Sonic and Tails run toward the grotto.  Sonic explains that the battle between Super Sonic and Hyper Knuckles transformed the area.  In addition, the bombings destroyed the camera monitoring the area.  Sonic soon finds the grotto sealed beneath a steel dome. To find out what happened, Sonic leaves to find Carl Condor, a freedom fighter that lives in the area.  Tails stays behind to watch the dome.  The dome soon opens and Tails dives for cover.  A tube appears from the clouds and begins to suck the magic rings from the grotto.  Tails runs to tell Sonic the news, but he is also sucked into the tube.

Part 3
Sonic searches the cliffs for Carl Condor.  To his surprise, there is a solar eclipse.  Sonic realizes that Rotor would have told him if there was going to be an eclipse.  He looks closer at the eclipse and realizes that the object passing in front of the sun is oval.  Something else flies by, which circles around to face Sonic.  Carl Condor has been roboticized, and he is heading for Sonic.  Sonic cannot see too well due to looking at the sun, so Carl Condor easily captures Sonic as the object passing by the sun watches.

Robotnik congratulates his swatbot for draining the grotto of its magic rings, which are needed to begin "Operation Operational."  However, he realizes that the swatbot also sucked in debris that will weigh down the vessel and take time to remove.  Robotnik pounds the swatbot on the head and throws it into the garbage chute.  Robotnik returns to his seat, saying that soon every creature on Mobius will be roboticized with his ultimate weapon of destruction.

Fan Art - 1 page

Robotnik's ultimate weapon is revealed to be the Death Egg.
(To be continued in Book Two)

Letter-Quest highlight:
 ~ Be sure to expect the unexpected while reading SonicQuest

The "Find Your Name in Print Page" - 1 page

(Summary by Silver Starr)

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