
This is a really good episode. It�s the first episode of the 3rd series. Fred is in it, which makes it not so good, and while watching it for the first time, I was still hoping she�d go away, but sigh she didn�t.
Anyway, Angel�s off in some other land, Tibet I think, to be with some monks�

Ness: what? The love of his life died so he went to Tibet?

Yes! That�s just what happened

Ness: Why? Why did he go to Tibet?

I don�t know! Ask him.

Ness: Oi! Angel why�d ya go to Tibet? To be with monks?

Angel: I don�t know, I think I was drunk.

Ness: Drunk! How many times can you use booze as an excuse? You fucked Buffy�oh I was drunk.  You also fucked Darla�I was definitely drunk. You brought Fred back from Pylia�I think I was drunk�

Angel: Well, I WAS that time! What can I do�tell her to piss off?

That might work. ANYWAY! As I was saying, Angel kicked some monk�s butts�

Ness: Cool! Turning on religion rocks!

No! They were evil demon monks!

Ness: didn�t he notice that when he first arrived? I mean why didn�t he smell it?

I don�t know, I don�t think it�s important, so he comes back to L.A. and everyone was glad to see him.

Ness: I bet Spike was.

He wasn�t there. I think he was fucking Buffy at that time.

Spike: I was doing what now?

SHUT UP! It doesn�t matter what you were doing, this was an ANGEL episode!

Spike: So? Not my problem! Talk about a Spike episode. It would be better.

Get your own show and I will.
So Angel comes back and he was strangely distant. Which is understandable because Buffy just died I guess.
And this unimportant stuff happens�

Angel: Oh Thanks.

Well it didn�t really matter to me, and then they all go fighting

Ness: Whose they? I haven�t seem this episode.

Spike: Neither did I, I was asleep.

Um�Gunn, Wesley, and Angel I think. �Angel was there at any rate. And he killed this lady vamp

Spike: Lady Vamp?

And it turned out it was a friend from his past.

Ness: he didn�t have friends.

It was an acquaitance from his past who was in love with another acquaitance from his past. Elizabeth and James.
So Angel has a flashback, and James and Elizabeth are there and so are Angelus and Darla.

Ness: How could he have a flash back if he wasn�t there?

Im just saying! And James and Elizabeth are really in love and James steals a locket for her�

Angel: Ugly thing that was

AND Angelus ends up giving Elizabeth, James and Darla to Holtz.

Ness: What? Holtz? When did he appear?

Angel: Holtz appeared and captured James and I and Darla and Elizabeth got away. I didn�t want to be hurt so I told Holtz where to find them�

Much to James� distress. So when James finds out that Elizabeth is dead, he goes to a special demon doctor and gets his heart taken out. So he�s immortal.

Ness: Why doesn�t Angel just do that?

Because it only lasts 24 hours�

Angel: 6 hours

6 hours and then they die. So, he threw him in the sun and he didn�t die.

Ness: Who Angel?

James. But I don�t really get that because Angel threw him in the sun and he didn�t burn.

Angel: He was immortal.

Yeah, but sunlight doesn�t have anything to do with your heart.

Angel: Hey�Yeah!

Anyway, he was completely immortal for some reason, so Angel ran away�


Angel: IMMORTAL!!! Couldn�t kill him!

Spike: so you ran away, how brave of you.

Ness: shut up, I want to hear the story!

So they run into the sewer, and Cordelia loses her coat.

Ness: What? Cordelia?

Angel: That you class as important?

Stop dwelling, and Cordelia was there. They run to the subway tunnel and get on the tube�

Angel: You�re really summarising this Inca.

James follows and Angel fights him, and Angel steals this guys crutches�


No it was cool, he says to Cordelia �catch him� and she says, �catch who?� and Angel steals the guys crutches�


Anyway James dies

Ness: I thought he was immortal.

The time ran out I guess, and he starts dying and as he dies he says �you think�.you� hold on I cant remember.

Ness: What???

Yeah I remember, he says, �you think you won - just because you�re still alive? I lived � you just existed.�
�He was a bit of a cock rag.

Ness: well he sounds it.

And then some other things happen, but it�s not really important.

Angel: Again, with the not important.

Angel talks to Cordy, it kinda builds up their love story abit

Spike: What now?

Just a story Spike, calm. And the responders find out Darla�s pregnant�


Angel: I'm sorry! I was drunk!
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