So, curiousity finally got the better of you and you decided to find out about us. Can't say we blame you. We are pretty fabulous. Well, you're at the right place though, yes siree, no beating off... or around the bush, here it is, all the info you could ever hope for, at the click of a mouse!

Alright, well, tiny info about us. Aussies. Post angst teen years although we loved them. Girls. Friends since year Four when we found each other ... both hiding from the same annoying kid in our class.
First porno ever seen was watched at Inca's house when we were 12 and 11 respectivly.
Both like Queer as Folk, although why dont they just stop trying to have the pretence of
storylines and just speak nonsense and then have Brian and Justin fuck every now and then.
Both went to the same high school, Inca matriculated in her second year, and told N-Dawg by
turning up on her bus in her school uniform one day.
Both hate Britney Fucking Spears. Hell spawn that she is.
N-Dawg sometimes envies asian girls who look more asian than her... dont ask.
Inca both joined university, and left after six weeks, on a whim.
We dont celebrate Halloween but we suspect that is more of a cultural thing than a lack of inspiration
for costumes.
We both like combination fried dumplings at Yum Cha.
N-Dawg hates Angel's long hair in flashbacks while Inca fantasises about it.
For more, look at us individually.

Our illustrious Inca is ready to share her thoughts, so
pull up a chair, pick up your pens and get ready to take notes.

How, and why is it?

Heartthob - episode guide

Three Rules to Write By

A Brief Dissertation of Slash


Shut up, and sit down, N-Dawg takes the stand. Her views on
BTVS characters and Angel episodes are found here...

Why old Buffy kicks arse and new Buffy sucks arse

Why I HATE some of the characters

Five By Five - episode guide

Valentine review

Disappointed in Willow - a new rant

Orpheus - episode guide


Pics of us

Us On Each Other

Well, not really on each other, but talking about each other, doesnt make sense, won't make you smarter and will waste about 6.35 minutes of your time, if you have cable and a bunny in your backyard.
Just to make it really difficult, Inca has switched the colours around
for the next part, so:

Inca On N-Dawg

N-Dawg On Inca

Reasons we believe Spike and Angel are
doing the hibbity-dibbity

Please read...

Info about Angel
Pics of Us
Alright to hear Inca's words of wisdom... about, uh, herself. Click on her.
To hear N-Dawg chat about her favourite subject, kidding! Click on that pretty face!
What's that? You want more? Well click below
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