Yes, excellent, it's now my time to put the fire under Nessa's arse. Oh, that sounds like a good beginning for a story... sorry, I got a bit sidetracked. Now, my comments are in red and hers are in yellow. How nice of us. And again, actions are in white italics. Here we go guys!!!
Ness is still sitting in her seat. The tape recorder is still going, because Inca and Ness are still in English. There is still a test going on around them and their teacher is still displeased.

Inca: Ness, it's great to have you here, thank you for staying.

Ness: No problems... plus the teacher doesn't like it when I leave before I'm meant to...

Inca: So did you do your homework?

Ness: When do I ever do my homework? So... no, I didn't do it.

Inca: And when did you fall in love with slash?

Ness: Probably back in 1975.

Inca: You weren't alive then. I wasn't alive then, and I'm older than you!

Ness: But only coz you were born before me.

Inca: Hence me being older. So what time were you born?

Ness: I think it was around 3am. I like to be difficult. Birth being no exception.

Inca: Have you always been a Spike and Angel fan?

Ness: For as long as I can remember... so since breakfast...

Inca: Do you have any hobbies?

Ness: I like writing about Angel and Spike in bed... well sometimes they don't make it to bed... I like reading, and drama, singing, shopping, watching all sorts of movies, tv shows, I listen to music... I love seeing the "Angel Dance". Snickers.

Inca: Dislikes?

Ness: Oh I hate everything... well basically everything. Let's not delve into that right now...

Inca: Ever been in an elevator? A monorail?

Ness: I've been in both. A few times. Woo me!

Inca: When was the last time you almost had the world sucked into Hell?

Ness: Uh... Inca?

It's English again. Apparently the test that was happening last lesson was important. Counted towards something. Personally, we think they were lying, so we'd stop talking. Anyway, we're in English. Ness is sitting in her chair looking for Inca, and sees her coming in late.

Inca: Sorry I'm late, I was here before, but you weren't here, so I left.

Ness: Yeah I was cut... no, not really.

Inca: So slash, yes... looks through papers... slash. I have some questions to ask you Starts to look through folder. Just, wait...

Ness: You've lost them, haven't you? Mutters under breath. Idiot.

Inca: No, I haven't! I just... adjusts glasses... ah, here they are.

Ness: Alright, ask away!

Inca: Your book "Angel and Spike fucking in various roles" comes out soon. What would you say was the most fun about writing it?

Ness: Well Inca. Sips tea. As you know, it's a collection of short stories -

Inca: Wait, where did you get the tea from? We're in English!

Ness: Never you mind. Tea vanishes with a pop and Inca nods happily. Yes, it's a collection, and I think the most fun was the research I carried out. I went and spoke to Angel and Spike about it, and they let me watch them having sex, and I took some notes. I still have some tapes from it. One night, Angel did the funniest -

Inca: WAIT!!! Stop... this never happened! Ness, stop lying to the good people out there!

Ness: Mutters something incoherant under her breath. Sorry.

Inca: You're in a forest -

Ness: Why?

Inca: You just are! And you come across two paths... one path is beaten and happy and safe looking, and the other is dark and evil looking. Which do you choose?

Ness: Isn't that the poem we did last year?
Inca shrugs. Anywho, I'd take the evil path. I might meet someone interesting...

Inca: Angel and Spike are not down these paths.

Ness: Spoil my fun...

Inca: Have you ever licked, or had your eyeball licked for arousal?

Ness: Didn't we do that last night? I mean, no, I like to think of myself as fairly conservative...

Inca: Ness, Friday nights are "Pants optional" at your house!

Ness: Hey, I said fairly...
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