Five By Five

Ok, this was a really kick arse episode. It's in Angel's first season, which was really good, coz Angel was heaps mopey. Not that it's good to see him brood, it's just sexier that way and the little squealing pig isn't there, (Connor) and neither is the walking stick figure with pig tails (Fred).
Anyway, this is the episode which came after the Buffy ones, so duh, it's a crossover one. By the way, the Faith episodes in Season 4 of Buffy were the only thing that spiced it up.
So anyway, again, Faith has just come to LA to kill Angel.

Angel: Oh that was fun, let me tell you that.

Spike: Shut up, you're such a whinger.

Inca: Both of you shut up, or I'll stake you!

Angel and Spike: We'll be good.

Like I was saying... Faith wanted revenge, coz she was insane. But now she's not coz Angel helped by hugging her. Or talking her through it, there is probably a way he did it, but no one really cares and it's not terribly important.

Angel: Yeah it is... it shows that I have moved on and -

Anyway, you first see Faith get off a bus in LA and this guy comes onto her. Wait, scratch that, you see Angel chasing some guy to rescue him for some court case or something. Then you see Faith. She plays all innocent and lost and then WHAM! She gets his keys and he goes to hospital coz he's in pain.

Spike: You're not a very good storyteller.

You're not a very evil vampire.

Spike: Bitch.

And so then we some other stuff happens, I think it's a flashback into Angel's past, but who knows what's going on, coz the writers keep changing it and forgetting and stuff.

Inca: I remember this... I got angry coz Darla was in the flashback, and I wanted to kill something. Or just throw something at her head. Her stupid gratey voice, I hate her so much!

Spike: Join the club.

Yeah Darla sucks arse.

Angel: This is my sire we're talking about here. I can't help but feel a little loyalty.

Oh loyalty this, Soul Boy.

Angel: Did you just flip me off?

Are you blind as well as gay? Yes, I flipped you off!
Anyway, after the flashback that showed Angel with his new soul, it cuts to Faith dancing in a club. She's got some pretty spiffy clothes on too.

Inca: Where did she get the clothes? Coz she was like homeless in Sunnydale.

Maybe she stole them from Slutty. Ah... Buffy.

Inca: I'm gonna ask her. Anyone wanna come to jail with me? I'm just gonna ask Faith where she got her clothes from.

Bring me back some Maccas!
And then she hits a guy, and starts a fight.
Then it cuts to Angel in court, but the sun is coming through the window, and yet Angel is not burning. Anyway, then yeah some crap happens, and Angel wins the case, blah blah, who cares, really?

Angel: I do.

Inca and Spike: We don't.

And then it shows Faith with Lilah. They talk, then they go see Lindsey, who still had two hands at that point, coz Angel hasn't yet had his hissy fit and cut one off. Poor guy, now he can't play guitar in the back of his pink pick up truck.

Spike: Hissy fit... hahahahahaha!

Yeah so Wolfram and Hart want Faith to kill Angel, which is no problem for her.
Then Faith is in Angel's house upstairs... the office part, and she opens the blinds and Angel looks in the room and still doesn't burn.

Angel: Do you want me to burn or something.

Spike: Yes, That might be a right laugh.

Inca: Shut up, god!

Angel: You're missing out heaps Ness.

Shut up, no one cares about that crap. Well anyway, oh yeah, I forgot to mention, Faith shoots a pelt at Angel's back at Wolfram and Hart. And he catches it. Snazzo. Anyway, then Angel tells Cordy and Wes to leave, and they pay Wesley out, which is always fun.
Yeah, so Faith and Angel banter a bit, then Faith shoots him before jumping out the window.
Angel goes to Wolfram and Hart and talks to some lawyer and it's funny. Then he goes into Lindsey's office and snoops, and he walks in and tells him to leave and security will blah blah, who cares?
So then Cordy and Wes to go Cordy's and Faith is there, and she knocks them both out, but takes Wes to torture him.

Inca: YES!!!

Yeah, so Angel comes to Cordy's and wakes her up and they figure out where Faith is.
Angel goes to the apartment and can walk in, despite not being invited and the true owner not being dead yet, but enough about that.
Before he charges in, we see Wes being tortured and it's good.
Then Angel comes and -

Inca: I like when she threatens him with the torch.

Yeah, that's good, and all the blood. Yeah, and then Angel and Faith fight, and jump out the window.

Spike: Why do you always jump out the window, pet?

Angel: I was drunk, I don't know!

ANYWAY! They fight in the alley and it starts raining and Faith soon begs for Angel to kill her, and he hugs her coz she's worn out, and insane.

Inca and Spike: Then why hug her for?

Angel: I was drunk again?

Yeah and the last thing we see is the back of Wesley dropping a knife. Coz he got out of the chair he was in.

Angel: That's not how I remembered it...

I don't recall asking you for your opinion.
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