There are a lot of reasons as to why Inca and myself believe that Angel and Spike were lovers.
We will continue to add to this list as we think of more...

:: They lived together for what, over 100 years? There would've been some nights when Dru and Darla hooked up, why not Angel and Spike?

:: Vampires are very sexual creatures, Spike and Angel being no exception to this

:: Angel sired Spike. I don't care what "Fool For Love" told us, I know that Angel sired him... so why would he do this unless he was attracted to him?

:: At any given time, Angel could've killed Spike. He's bigger, stronger and smarter... but he chooses, each time, to let him live

:: This relates to the sire issue... Spike is a pain in the arse, everyone knows this... so Angel couldn't have possibly have sired him for his personality. Who wants to spend eternity with an annoying git?

:: Exactly... eternity. Ha! Why would Angel want another person to spend eternity with? He already had two women, Dru *yay* and Darla *bleugh*. They obviously weren't what he needed

:: Spike calls Angel "Peaches" and "Love"

:: They know each others strengths and weaknesses

:: "It's good to have to you watching my back again, kinda like old times" - Angel to Spike

:: "You black clad hunk of a night thang" - Spike mocking Angel

:: Spike chains Angel up... a lot

:: Spike is constantly calling Angel gay... now he'd know, wouldn't he?

:: One word... 'Destiny', you know what I'm talking about, that wasnt double entendre, it was, half entendre

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